Cuer meeting North

  • Usually our regional group meets once a year at the first Saturday in August. At the meeting we decide in which city of our region the next meeting will take place.
  • Participants are Round Dance leaders of Northern Germany (Bremen, Hamburg, Lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein). Also regular participants are some Round Dance leaders from neighboring areas including the Netherlands and Berlin. Guest are also very welcome.
  • The aims of our meetings are:
    • Exchange of experiences and education for cueing and teaching for Round Dance Cuers and their partners in our region. (This includes for example: cueing, dancing, teaching, choreographing, where and how to find music, back office: organizing our material such as cue sheets, computer files etc., equipment, microphone and the like.)
    • Promotion and advancement of regional co-operation and mutual support.
  • In addition to changing topics of current interest we also have regularly recurring topics, such as:  „Changes in the the Roundalab Manual“, „Advertising Round Dance“, „Introduce new dances“. Internal workshops (teaching/learning dances or figures just within our group) are also part of our programs.
  • Working language is German.


Contact: Angela Grote

Mail: CuertreffNord<at>
(or use contact form below)



Bremen, Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein and Lower Saxony

Next meeting

Will be announced soon


Your message to Cuer meeting North

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