Leader meeting Austria
Main goal of the group is the further training of leaders through regular exchange and focusing on specific topics, lectures, including by foreign guest leaders during their Austrian presence or via online contact
We are thinking of quarterly meetings in the Vienna area, but also sometimes somewhere else, especially in Styria, as members of the group are based there. One option is definitely to meet up as part of Austria specials.

Contact: Thomas Blaschke
Mail: Leadertreff-Oesterreich<at>ecta.de
(or use contact form below )
Austria, mainly Vienna area and Styria
Next Meeting
May, 1st, 2025, 14:30,
Online-attendance possible (please contact Thomas if needed)
1090 Vienna, Währinger Straße 59
(WUK - Big Senior-hall )
Topic: The Proposal-decision and its consequences
Guest: ECTA Square-Dance-Coordinator Philipp Aff
Further Meetings
August, 9th and October, 18th 2025
2491 Neufeld an der Leitha/Burgenland
at Caller Inge Hierweck
Time and topics will follow after the May-meeting
Your message to leader meeting Austria
The short URL of the present article is: https://ecta.de/ajuy