Future Conventions

The ECTA Convention will be conducted every year at the fourth weekend in June (former date of the  EAASDC/ECTA Summer Jamboree).

Alternative dates should be the last weekend in September or the second weekend in October.

YearECTA ConventionDate GMM1st alternative Date2nd alternative Date
2025October, 2. - 4.October, 5.not necessary (date fixed)not necessary (date fixed)
2026June, 25. - 27.June, 28.September, 24. - 27.October, 8. - 11.
2027June, 24. - 26. June, 27.September, 23. - 26.October, 7. - 10.

To all speakers: Upload material

By scanning or clicking the QR-code on the left you get to an upload website where you can can provide us with your presentation (if possible as pdf-file) and/or other material which you want to share with our members. Please use meaningful filenames and inform us via this mailadress about your upload.

Download material of former conventions, please choose the year below!

Opens a new tab with the (German) page containing all downloads for the appropiate convention

The short URL of the present article is: https://ecta.de/0oo0