Here we create a collection of Contra Dance cuesheets.

NameFormationAuthorMusikFigur 1Figur 2Figur 3ECTA PräsentationBesonderesLink
"clap and Bump" see clap and bump Bcwclap hands2010 StJNclap and bump
"Face Original Direction" see Face ..Mesgloss2002 FRUFace Original Direction
(The) Snowball5 cpls PMartin Hodgesgloss2006 FRU
2 by 1 Dosi Contra see Two by OneIDPhilippe Callens2 by 11997 SpJ
24th June see Twenty-fourthIDSteve Schnurocean wavebox circulate2004 FRU24th of June
4 Into 3 wil goTt 312Al Greencchey for 4Sp J 2015CT_4 into 3 will go
A Change to ShadrackIDTony Parkesocean waveboys trade1991 SJA Change to Shadrack.pdf
A Myrtle FriendBcwPhilippe Callens1/2 hey2008 CTCCT_A Myrtle Friend
A Nice CombinationIDGene Hubertgloss4 down2005 CTCA Nice Combination
A Piece of CakeIDCarol Kopphey left sh60CT_A Piece of Cake
A Round DozenTrio SqR. CoxallformatiomCDC 2015CT_A Round Dozen
A Sunday MorningIDLou Hyllfigure 82000 FRUA Sunday Morning
A Trip to Bavaria4 cpl propJ.MacGregor-Brownset60CT_A Trip to Bavaria
A Trip to MacclesfieldTriplet 312ccbox the gnatA Trip to Macclesfield
A Trip to UxbridgeTriplet 312Colin Hume1/2 fig 82005 FRUA Trip to Uxbridge
“Peel the Banana”Triplet 231unknown to mecc60CT_Peel the Banana
Aaron's ReelID Dbl. PLeif Hettlandheycrosstrail2 down2009 50AnnAaron’s Reel
Academy DanceBcwInga Mortongloss2008 SpJAcademy Dance
Accretion ReelMixChris Pagegypsyscatter promCTC 2014CT_Accretion Reel
Across and AlongIDHans Krackaugloss2006 SpJAcross And Along
After-Eight ContraID / sic CunknownFigure 8CDC 2015CT_After Eight Contra
Ain’t She SweetC LoDAin’t she sweetgloss2005 CTCAin’t She Sweet Mixer
Alabama Girl6 cpls Pgloss2006 SJAlabama Girl
Aland Island ContraIDDon Armstronggloss1992 W JAland Island Contra
Alden Biezen QuadrilleSqPhilippe CallensJoys of Quebecmen progress2005 SpJAlden Biezen Quadrille
All American Figure 8IDRoger Whynotfig. 8mirror dosado4 d2000 FRUAll American Figure of Eight
All Eight ChainSqTrad.12FRU
All the Way to GalwayIDRichard Castnerreel with Scottish flavorgloss2 down2005 FRUAll the Way to Galway
Alligator ReelIDHans KrackauBird In The Bushhey2011 CTCAlligator Reel
Al's Safeway ProduceIDRobert Cromartieglossout of duple2010 SpJAl's Safeway Produce
Al's Berlin Triplettriplet 231Al Greenhey for 3CTC BerlinCT_Als Berlin Trip
Amiable SettlementIDTony SaletanTrip To The Cottageocean wave, hey; sing fi2011 CTCAmicable Settlement
Anchors AweighTriplet 231Jean ButlerJigsdip and divesashay2005 CTCAnchors Aweigh
Angenette’s FancyPTTrad.Rickett's and Ramblesgloss2005 CTCAngenette´s Fancy
Angus CampbellIDDon Armstrongmoderate reel or hornpipemen chain2000 FRUAngus Campbell
Ann and John's DelightBcwTom HindsCold Frosty Morngloss2010 SpJAnn and John's Delight
Anne's a Bride TonightIDDillon BustinGalope De La Malbaiearch02. AprSpJCT_Annes a Bride Tonight
Anne's AdviceIDHeiner Fischlelively reelsgloss1991 SJAnne’s Advice
Anne's VisitPDPhilippe CallensMarch of St. Timothygloss2004 CTCAnne’s Visit
Anni's MixerC CoHSenioren Tanz32bar reelgloss2004 CTCAnni‘s Mixer
Another Flirty AttemptIDMarian Hepburnhey for 4gypsyCTC BerlinCT_Another Flirty Attempt
Any Jig will doBcwMike Richardsonocean wave3/4 hey2011 CTCAny Jig Will Do
Appalachian Big Circle DanceSqTrad2003 FRU
April HornpipeI TripleRalph Pagegloss2008 CTCApril Hornpipe
Arches AgainID Dbl. PEric Webbarch2011 CTCArches Again
Arkansas LadyIDDon ArmstrongArkansas Traveler LS CD-10032 by1, ½ 8, men chain2005 FRUArkansas Lady
Around the CornerSqPhilippe Callensgloss2005 SpJAround the Corner
Ashokan HelloIDTony Parkesarchbox the gnatSp J 2015CT_Ashokan Hello
Asilomar ContraIDheel toe; Wheel ChainCTC BerlinCT_Asilomar Contra
Aston PolkaIDJohn FindlayAlannigen’s Polkaheel toeFRU2014CT_Aston Polka
Athens Hill JigIDAndy Toepfergloss2011 CTCAthen's Hill Jig
AttachmentIDAl OlsenNeil Vincent's Welcome To Earthocean wave2011 CTCAttachment
Auld Lang SyneIDBob HowellCTC 2014
Autumn Morning WalkIDHans KrackauFlutterwheelCT_Autumn Morning Walk
Aw ShucksIDCarol KoppCombination Rag LS 344sashayclap hands 4 do1992 SJAw Shucks
Awesome Double ProgressionID Dbl. PDonna McAlistergloss2009 SpJAwesome Double Progression
B&BIDRobert CromartieThe Tar Road To Sligogloss2010 SpJB & B
Baby RoseIDDavid Kaynorgloss2010 CTCBaby Rose
Bag Lady of Falls ChurchIDBob HowellCCCTC BerlinCT_Bag Lady Of Falls Church
Baker's Wife (the)PDStew ShackletteMs Hay’s Delight LS E 30set2008 SpJBaker’s Wife
Balance and Star thruIDgloss2010 FRUBalance and Star thru
Balance the RingIDAl GreenBasket of Yarngloss4 down2004 FRUBalance the Ring
Balance to my LouBccwBecky Hillpetronella turns2010 FRUBalance To My Lou
Balancing BillyID Dbl. PDon Armstrongfigure 8 dip & dive2000 FRUBalancing Billy
Balle BecketB ccw Dbl PPeter Toxvard2006 SpJ
Balto-More ContraIDMargot GunzenhauserKen Loch Jig60CT_Balto-More Contra
Bardowick JoySic CoHHans Krackaugloss2010 StJNBardowick Joy
Barnacle BillSqmen chain2003 FRU
Batja BreakdownB cwTom HindsNew Brunswickocean wave2008 SpJBatja Breakdown
Battle of the BandsIDBetsy GottaEli Greene’s CalkwalkowCTC 2014CT_Battle of the Bands
Baywater BreakdownIDColin HumeRoad to Bostonglossout of duplediago2010 SpJBaywater Breakdown
Be My ValentineIDKatja HunnBehind the Haystackocean wave hey2011 CTCBe My Valentine
Beautiful FrillsSicReelshey2005 CTCBeautiful Frills
Becket in a MinuteBcwBecky Hillocean wave Rory O More2007 CTCBecket in a Minute
Becket in RochesterBccwC. David-BlackmanNew Brunswickout of duple12FRUCT_Becket in Rochester
Becket ReelBcwHerbie Gaudreaugloss2001 SJBecket Reel
Beechen’s Grove New HallSqCharles BoltonDon Tremaine’s Reelhey for 4 gimmick set2005 CTCBeechen Grove’s New Hall
Beginner’s LuckIDC.David-BlackmanSpJCT_Beginners Luck
Belstead HouseIDColin Humegloss2003 FRU
Benificial TripletTriplet 312Al Olsendiagonal, box the gnat2000 S JBeneficial Triplet
Ben's Spin Off #2IDGene Hubertgloss2010 CTCBen's Spinoff No2
Ben's Spin Off #3Gene Hubert60CT_Bens Spin Off 3
Betty Mac's ReelIDTony ParkesShelburne Reelocean wave2004 SpJBetty Mac’s Reel
Bicentennial ReelIDTed SannellaThe Rush And The Pepper02. AprSpJCT_Bicentennial Reel
BiedermannIDHeiner FischleSpJCT_Biedermann
Big Circle ContraSic face PRoger Whynotgloss2007 CTCRoger’s CircleBig Circle Contra
Big Circle ContraDick Legerflutter, swp 1/4CTCCT_Big Circle Contra
Big CorralBcwflutterwheel hey2004 CTCBig Corral
Big JohnIDJohn Cookgloss4 down2006 SpJBig John
Big LakeIDDon ArmstrongCaledonia Ladyhey2009 CTCBig Lake
Bingo Waltz MixerC CoHBill Castnerown tunerollaway60CT_Bingo Waltz
Birdie in the CageSqTrad2003 FRUBIRDIE IN THE CAGE
Bluemont SpecialIDT. HindsheyCDC 2015CT_Bluemont Special
Bob and Laura’s 35thC LoDMouth of the TobiqueRory O'MoregypsyCTC BerlinCT_Bob and Lauras 35
Boston Tea Party5-6 cpls PEFDSS2004 CTCBoston Tea Party
Box the BugsIDAl Green1/2 heybox the gnat;CTC BerlinCT_Box the Bugs
Box the HeyIDAl Greenbox the gnat1/2 hey2011 CTCBox The Hey
Boxwood BillyIDDon ArmstrongDeshutes, or Lose It Medleymen chain2010 SpJBoxwood Billy
BradleyBcwTod Hodophhey2011 CTCBradley
Breathless ContraTriplet 231Steve Schnurccdiagonal hey of 42008 CTCBreathless Contra
Bride and GroomBccwBecky HilldiagonalFRU2014CT_Bride and Groom
Brief Encounter5 cpls PMay Hendydiagonal, gypsyFRUCT_Brief Encounter
British SorrowPTrTradgloss2009 50AnnOttawa SpecialBritish Sorrow
Broken SixpenceIDDon Armstrongglossteach2001 StJSBroken Sixpence
Brown Bag ContraB ccwDonna Calhounglosssingle file2010 CTCBrown Bag Contra
Bubbles MixerC CoHTony Parkesgloss2006 CTCBubbles Mixer
Bucksaw ReelBcwHerbie Gaudreaugloss2010 FRUBucksaw Reel
Bumps-a-DaisySqTrad2010 SpJ
Butter BecketBcwGene Huberthey2009 CTCButter
C C ContraTriplet 231gates cc2004 CTCCC Contra
Cabot School MixerC CoHTed Sannellagloss2006 CTCCabot School Mixer
California TrailIDCary Ravitzgloss2007 CTCCalifornia Trail
California Twirl ContraIDAl Greengloss2011 CTCCalifornia Twirl Contra
Callison Hall JigID Dbl. PDon Armstrongheel toe1992 SJCallison Hall Jig
Calvin CrestIDDon Armstrongpousette hey2004 CTCCalvin Crest Contra
Cape Breton SquareSqle Galant Domino 5gloss2007 SpJCape Breton Square
Cape Cod ReelIDHerbie Gaudreaugloss4 down2004 FRUCape Cod Reel
Caribbean ContraID Dbl. PDon Armstrongreel or Hornpipeglosssingle file2006 CTCCaribbean Contra
Carlisle Double StarIDWalter Lenkocean wave4 down2000 CTCCarlisle Double Star
Carols Kiel TempestTempestC. David-BlackmanI’ll Buy Boots for Maggiegloss2001 SJCarol’s Kiel Tempest
Carol's NeckIDRoger Whynotgloss4 down2009 50AnnCarol’s Neck
Casting SixpenceIDDon ArmstrongBroken SixpenceSp J 2015CT_Casting Sixpence
CDS ReelIDTed SannellaMason's Aprongimmick: big circle2010 CTCCDS Reel
Cecily CircleSicKen KernenSt Anne’s ReelFRU2014CT_Cecily Circle
Centrifugal HeyIDGene Hubert /Ted S.ocean wavehey2005 CTCCentrifugal Hey
Chain GangB ccwJeremy Korrgloss2010 FRUChain Gang
Chain ReactionBcwCal Campbellgloss1997 SpJChain Reaction
Chain the HeyIDBecky Hill1/2 hey2004 FRUChain the Hey
Chain Those Ladies thru the StarSqTrad2009 CTC
Cheat and SwingSqSpJCT_Cheat and Swing
Chevy ChaseI Trunknownglossary2FRUCT_Chevy Chase
Chicago CoOp ContraIDM.Cannell, B. Gottaocean wavehey2009 CTCChicago CoOp Contra
Child's PlayIDDavid Kaynorglossout of duple2011 CTCChild's Play
Chili Pepper #1IDSteve Schnur2009 50AnnChilli Pepper #1
Chiropracter RagIDJames Hudson1/2 heyCTC BerlinCT_Chiropracter Rag
Chorus JigPDTradTrad Music: Chorus Jigcc2005 CTCChorus Jig
Christchurch BellsPDPlayfordclap hands2004 CTCChristchurch Bells
Christmas Course QuadrilleSqPhilippe Callensgloss2005 SpJChristmas Course Quadrille
Christmas HornpipePTrTrad2 by 11992 SJChristmas Hornpipe
Christmas StarsSqHeiner FischlePiano in A12FRUCT_Christmas Stars
Chuck the BudgieIDRick MohrowSpJCT_Chuck the Budgie
Circassian Circle Fröhlichen KreisC CoHTradglossclap hands2007 CTCCircassian Circle
Circle ¾ and Pass ThruSqTed SannellaFRU2014CT_Circle 34 and Pass Thru Quadrille
Circle ¾ and Pass ThruSqHeiner FischleFRU2014CT_Circle 34 and Pass Thru Quadrille2
Circle ContraSicJerry Heltgloss1999 FRUCircle Contra
Circle to a LineIDC. David-Blackmanflutterwheel4 up2005 StJ SCircle to a Line
Circle to a Line ContraIDHeiner FischleSp J 2015C ? LineCT_Circle to a Line Contra
Circles and StarsIDHans Krackaugloss2006 SpJCircles and Stars
Clopton Bridge4 cpls PJohn Chapmangloss, sashay2002 FRUClopton Bridge
Close FriendsIDSimone VerheyenJudy's Reelocean wavehey2005 FRUClose Friends
Clover Mixer2 cplsunknownFrenchies Reel Woodchopper’s Reel Kitchen#1gimmick2004 SpJClover Mixer
Clover CircleSicPhlippe Callensgloss2002 FRUClover Circle
Cobo ContraIDLannie Mc QuadeLloyd Shaw LS 347 Spider bit the Babyglosssingle file1999 FRUCobo Contra
Cockolds all in a Row (1651)2 CplsSp J 2015swapCT_Cockolds all in a Row
Colorado Candlelight ContraIDC. David-Blackmanhands across2010 StJSColorado Candlelight Contra
Colorado Mountain SkyBcwAillene Elliotlasso2001 SJColorado Mountain Sky
Coming 'round the MountainSq12FRUCT_Coming round the Mountain
Constant ContraID Dbl. PMitch Pringlegloss hands across2009 CTCConstant Contra
Contra Friday NightIDunknownocean wave2009 SpJContra Friday Night
Contraband HeyIDAl Olsonhey12FRUCT_Contraband Hey
ContracordionIDScott Higgshanded hey for 32007 CTCContracordion
ContraptionIDKieth WoodSp J 2016CT_Contraption
Cookies and CreamcwCary RavitzglossCookies and Cream
Copecrest Weathervane see KelsoID Dbl. PGlen Nickersonweather vane2002 CTC
Cornish Six3 cplsEng. Tradhey for 62004 CTCCornish Six
Cotton Eyed Joe MixerC M RLoDunknownown tunetwo step step kick60CT_Cotton Eyed Joe Mixer
Cottontail Rag/Hot Tub Rag5 peoplePeacock Rag / DSM102gimmick2009 SpJCottontail Rag
Country Bumpkin4 cpls Parch, sashay, grand chain2006 FRUCountry Bumpkin
Crooked StovepipeSqTradFRUCT_Crooked Stovepipe
Cultural Capital QuadrilleSqPhilippe Callensgimmick: arches2010 FRUCultural Capital Quadrille
Culver City ContraIDJames HutsonglossaryFRUCT_Culver City Contra
Cumberland Square 8SqTradTrad. Music: orig. tune, twice for the heads, twice for the sidesbasket, sashay2006 CTCCumberland Square eight
Dancing RaindropsIDGene Hubertocean wave1992 W JDancing Raindrops
Dancing thru Logis Lane4 cpls PUlla Sternfigure 8FRUCT_Dancing thru Logis Lane
Dashing White SergeantTrio SicScot. Tradhey for 32004 CTCDashing White Sergeant
December Impromptu6 cplsheel toesashay2000 StJNDecember Impromptu
Denmark in JulyIDDon Armstrongflowing hornpipe or reelmen chain1999 FRUDenmark in July
Devil's DreamIDTrad.sameCDC 2016CT_Devils Dream
Diamond QuadrilleSqTradgloss2005 StJ S
Die Dame um die DameSqTrad.St Anne’s Reel12 FrauCT_Die Dame um die Dame und der Herr geht um den Herrn
Dip and DiveSqTrad2009 50Ann
Dip and Dive Contra5 cpls Punknown5x80 beatssashay, dip and dive2006 FRUDip and Dive Contra
Divided StarIDDon Armstrongglossary2FRUCT_Divided Star
Dixie TwirlIDBetsy Gottagypsygim: dixie twirl4 d2007 SpJDixie Twirl
Do You Fancy Portland?MesInga Mortongloss2000 CTCDo you Fancy Portland
Docey Out Where She Came InSqTrad2004 SpJ
Don Bosco HornpipeIDHeiner Fischlemad robin, hey2010 CTCDon Bosco Hornpipe
Don's Dawn DanceIDDon Theykengloss4 down1992 W JDon´s Dawn Dance
Don't be scared of your ShadowIDBob IsaacsowRory O’MoreCDC 2016CT_Dont be Scared of Your Shadow
Don't Forget Us ContraB ccwWalt Colegimmick:dixie styleSpJCT_Dont Forget Us Contra
Double Hey ContraTr 312unknownhey for 3gatesSpJCT_Double Hey Contra
Double WheelIDHeiner FischleflutterwheelStJCT_Double Wheel
Doubting ThomasB ccwHeiner Fischlegimmick:dopaso2010 SpJDoubting Thomas
Down Hill Race5 cplsInga MortonPortland Selection 13GimmikWeaveDown Hill Race
Down YounderSqDown Yonder2005 CTCDoubting Thomas
Driffield DrifterIDAl Greengloss4 down2010 CTCDriffield Drifter
Dud's ReelIDDudley Briggsgloss2010 FRUDud's Reel
Duke of Kent's WaltzPDTradwaltz2002 CTCsee THE Duke
Dutch SkipperPDTrad 1760Knole ParkSpJCT_Dutch Skipper
Early Bird SpecialIDTom Calwellgloss: 4 down2009 CTCEarly Bird Special
EasynellaIDHeiner FischlePetronellapetronella turns2 down2002 CTCEasynella
Eifel ContraIDC. David-Blackmanhey1997 SpJEifel Contra
Eight Count SpecialIDHerbie Gaudreaugloss2005 CTCEight Count Special
Eighty-eight LevelIDHeiner Fischlemad robin out of duple2006 CTCEighty-eight
Elegance and SimplicityPTrTradgloss2008 CTCElegance and Simplicity
Enid's DelightIDPhlippe Callensglosssingle file2002 FRUEnid's Delight
Etna StarMesFred BrenigNE Reels or hornpipesgloss2010 CTCEtna Star
Every Second CountsIDgypsyout of duple2009 CTCEvery Second Counts
Excel-a-brationBcwPhilippe Callensgloss2005 SpJSigns of WisdomExcel-a-bration II
Fairport HarborBcwPaul Ballietgloss gypsy2009 CTCFairport Harbour
Falling in Love AgainBcwKen Bonnergloss2007 CTCFalling in Love Again
Fast LivingMesDavid KirchnerheyCTCCT_Fast Living
Festival ContraID Dbl. PPhilippe Callensarch4SpJFestival Contra
FiddleheadsPTrTed Sannellapetronella turns4 down2009 50AnnFiddleheads
Fiddles on FireIDJohn Meachansingle fileflutterwheel2004 FRUFiddles on Fire
Figure Eight No. 1PDunknownfig. 8SpJCT_Figure Eight No 1
Figure Six MixerC CoHM.Gunzenhausergloss2007 CTCFigure Six Mixer
First BloomMesAl Olsengloss2010 FRUFirst Bloom
First HeyIDPaul BallietheyCTCCT_First Hey
First Night QuadrilleSqBob DalsemerFRU2014CT_First Night Quadrille
First ShadowBcwAl Greengloss2011 CTCFirst Shadow
Fisher's HornpipePTrTradgloss2008 CTCFisher’s Hornpipe
Fisher's JigBcwTom Hindshey2011 FRUFisher’s Jig
Five Penny Bit5 cpls Sqhey for 32011 FRUFive Penny Bit
Five Plus5 cplsHeiner Fischlegloss2004 CTCFive Plus
Flirtation ReelIDTony Parkesheygypsy4 down2008 CTCFlirtation Reel
Flowers of EdinburghIDTradfigure 82009 CTCFlowers of Edinburgh
Fluid DriveSqTed Sannella2004 CTC
Flying Scotsman HornpipePDDon Armstrongweather vane2011 CTCFlying Scotsmen Hornpipe
FN ContraIDHeiner Fischlegloss2008 FRUF N Contra
Foggy Sunday AfternoonID DblHans KrackauDance Aroundhey l shSPJ/STJ2014CT_Foggy Sunday Afternoon
Foothills FancyMesBob Osgoodhey2009 St JFoothills Fancy Mescolanza
For EileenIDErran Seamanpetronella turns2008 CTCFor Eileen
For ViersenIDC. David-Blackmangloss4 down2006 SpJFor Viersen
Forest City BicentennialID Dbl. PBob Howellgloss2004 FRUForest City Bicentennial Contra
Forest de BondiIDTradgloss2 down2001 SJForest de Bondi
Forty Mohr YearsBcwSusan Rosenroll men away gypsy4 do2009 CTCForty Mohr Years
Forward 4 and Fall Back 6SqTrad2009 SpJ
Forward 6 and BackSqTrad2004 SpJ
Forward 6 and Fall Back 6SqTrad2006 CTC
Four Around Four4 Cpls PunknownSpotted PonySpJCT_Four Around Four
Four Pence Half Penny farPDPlayfordown tune½ fig. 860CT_Four Pence Half-Penny Farthing
Four Star TripletTt 231Boyd RothenbergerKitty Magee’s Jig60CT_Four Star Triplet
Fourth RoundC MixerAnne Welch2004 CTC
Fröhliche Kreis see Circassian CircleMixtradgloss2005 FRUFröhlicher Kreis
Frederick ContraIDTom Hinds4SpJCT_Frederick Contra
Friday Night FrolicIDTony Parkesgloss2011 CTCFriday Night Frolic
Friday Night SpecialSicSam Flindersdip and dive2007 CTCFriday Night Special
Frieda's CuriosityIDPhilippe Callensflutterwheel2007 CTCFrieda’s Curiosity
General Bradford's ChargeTrio SicMary Jo Bradfordclap hands2010 CTCGeneral Bradford's Charge
Gene's GeniusIDTony Parkesgloss2009 CTCGene's Genius
George's FollyTriplet CircleGeorge Senykgimmick: hey for couples1999 ECTAGeorge’s Folly
Golden AnniveraryIDTed Sannellasashayhey4 down2000 CTCGolden Anniversary
Golden ChainID Dbl. PNick Haweshanded hey2009 50AnnGolden Chain
Golden Gate and Bucket of WormsSqSpJCT_Golden Gate
Gone by the WindmillIDRollo Leppinocean wave weather vane2010 CTCGone by the Windmill
Good FridayIDocean wave Rory O More2011 FRUGood Friday
Good Man of CambridgePD 40barsGary RoodmanRondo Alla Turcagloss2006 CTCGood Man of Cambridge
Good Queen VicIDclap hands, sashay2006 FRUGood Queen Vic
Good Time PolkaC CoHJack Murthaclap hands2011 CTCGood Time Polka
Gracious LadyIDG & O Senykweather vane2 downFRU 2000Gracious Lady
Grand Square ContraIDBob Osgoodgrand squareSPJ/STJ2014CT_Grand Square Contra
Grand Star Circle(Weave)SicDon Armstronggloss2001 SJGrand Star Circle
Granny's PearlsIDLannie McQuaidegloss2011 CTCGranny’s Pearls
Grapevine JigBcwDon Armstrongvine2010 FRUGrapevine Jig
Grapevine TwistSqTradvisiting2007 SpJ
Green Garth4 Cpls ImpMarjorie HendySp J 2015CT_Green Garth
Growian IIIDHeiner Fischleweather vane2 down2004 CTCGrowian II
Gypsy FeverIDJon SouthardgypsySpJCT_Gypsy Fever
Gypsy Hill JigTriplet 231Tradhey grand chain2008 CTCGypsy Hill Jig
Gypsy in the HeyBcwJohn Nance1/2 hey2007 CTCGypsy in the Hey
Gypsy MadnessIDBob Isaacsgimmick: gypsy star2010 FRUGypsy Madness
H 77 peopleHeiner Fischlegloss2006 CTCH 7
Half Figure Eight and Circle HalfPDC. David-Blackman1/2 fig. 82008 SpJHalf Figure Eight and Circle Half
Halsway SicilianSicPat Shaw1/2 pousette2010 SpJHalsway Sicilian
Hannover Triplet # 2Tt 321Heiner Fischleold Comrades60CT_Hannover Triplet 2
Hannover Triplet #11Triplet 231Heiner Fischlemorris hey 1/2 fig 82008 CTCHannover Triplet #11
Hannover Triplet #3Triplet 231Heiner Fischlegimmick / hey for 32008 CTC3rd Hannover Triplet
Hannover Triplet #5Triplet 231Heiner Fischlegloss2004 CTCHannover Triplet #5
Hannover Triplet #6Triplet 231Heiner Fischlegloss2004 CTCHannover Triplet #6
Hannover Triplet #8Triplet 231Heiner Fischlemorris hey2008 CTCHannover Triplet #8
Happy CommunityIDClaudia Chauvinmen chain2007 CTCHappy Community Contra
Harke PlanetBccwCor HogendijkChippendale Chasergrand chain2005 CTCHarke Planet
Harman's ReelSichey2010 CTCHarman’s Reel
He Back Up, She Back UpIDC. David-Blackmanreelswheel aroundSpJHe Backup She Backup
Heart of GlassBcwCary Ravitzheybutterfly whirl2008 CTCHeart of Glass
Heartbeat ContraIDDon FlahertyPetronellagypsyCDC 2016CT_Heartbeat Contra
Heavenly BodiesBcwAl Greenocean wavegim: orbit2009 CTCHeavenly Bodies
Hedge on the CoastIDHans Krackauocean wavehey2 down2006 CTCHedge On The Coast
Heiner's CircleSic f PHeiner Fischlegloss2011 CTCHeiner's Circle
Hello CambridgeBcwAllan BrozekPrince Imperial Galop Both Sides track 11gloss2005 SpJHello Cambridge
Helsinki Exchange3cpl MixerHans Krackaugimmick: pull and swing2008 CTCHelsinki Exchange
Hexitation6 cplsTom Hindsgypsy2004 CTCHexitation
Hey Down the MiddleSqPhilippe Callenshey2003 FRUHey Down the Middle
Hey FeverIDTony ParkesDale’s Hornpipe HiD 10hey2004 FRUHey Fever
Hey Mary QuadrilleSqPaul Moorereel at moderate speedhey for 3, 42009 CTCHey Mary Quadrille
H-FS.99ID 32 beatsHeiner FischleSilver and Gold Two-Stepteach: transition2001 StJSH-FS.99
High BroomsIDRoger Whynotgloss: 2 down2007 CTCHigh Brooms
High Country MixerC CoHDon ArmstrongMarch of St. Timothylasso2000 StJNHigh Country Mixer
Hills of HabershamID WaltzF and M ColletteMerry Widow Waltzwaltz2006 CTCHills of Habersham
Hobo SquareSqTom Hindsmen progress2009 SpJ
Homosassa HornpipeIDDon ArmstrongCape Breton Vol3 #3gloss2005 CTCHomosassa Hornpipe
Honor Among ThievesIDPenn FixReel St Sauveur or Saratoga Hornpipegimmick: fall thru2005 SpJHonor Among Thieves
Hot Time in the Old TownSqTrad2006 SpJ
Huntington ReelID Dbl. PHerbie Gaudreaugloss2009 CTCHuntington Reel
Hurry Hurry HurrySqTrad.2003 FRU
I care not for these LadiesC CoHKitty CreelmanI Care not for These Ladiesgrand chain, set, siding2005 CTCI Care not for These Ladies
I Heard it Through the GrapeID dbl. PrBecky HillowCTC 2014CT_I Heard it Through the Grapevine
I Left my PartnerIDTony Parkesgloss2000 CTCI Left My Partner
I'll Follow You AnywhereBcwgypsysingle file2007 SpJI’ll follow you anywhere
Improper in RochesterIDC. David-BlackmanBooth Shot Lincolnpetronella turns12FRUCT_Improper in Rochester
Indian Princesssc fpColin Humeset, turn singleFRUCT_Indian Princess
Inflation ReelIDTony Parkesgloss4 down2011 FRUInflation Reel
Innocent MaidPTrhey for 32008 CTCInnocent Maid
Inside OutTriplet 231Decko DeckSt. Ann Reelmirror dos, hey for 32008 CTCInside Out
Insomnia ReelIDPaul Moorehey2010 CTCInsomnia Reel
Insurance City PromenadeTriplet 231Jim GregoryDomino 5clps hey2008 CTCInsurance City Promenade
IOCA ReelIDAl Smithgloss2 down2000 CTCIOCA
Iona Cross6 cpls Hexhey2005 CTCIona Cross
Is it ProperID / PD Dbl.PBob Dalsemertag the line 1/2 fig. 84 do2007 SpJIs it Proper
Jack’s Sparrow4 cpl propBob GreenHe’s a Piratehole in the wall change60CT_Jacks Sparrow
January 7th Jig (the)IDDon Armstronghey2007 CTCJanuary
January PetronellaBcwAl Greenpetronella turns out of D2011 CTCJanuary Petronella
Jefferson & LibertyPDTradarch dive2 down4 down2010 CTCJefferson & Liberty
Jefferson RevisitedIDBob Dalsemerarch and dive4 down2006 StJNJefferson Revisited
Jenny Green’s Reel3cpl MSPJ/STJ2014CT_Jenny Greens Reel
Jenny Pluck PearsTriplet CirclePlayfordplayford2004 CTCJenny Pluck Pears
Joys of HannoverIDHeiner Fischlegloss4 down2009 CTCJoys of Hannover
Joys of QuebecPDChip Hendersonthe same (on Kitchen Junket)gloss2 down2010 CTCJoys of Quebec
JubilationIDG Hubert½ hey left shoulderCDC 2015CT_Jubilation
Jubilee TripletTriplet 231Don Armstrongbox gnat2005 FRUJubilee Triplet
Judah's JigIDLe CultivateurflareCTC BerlinCT_Judahs Jig
Judy’s ContraIDLief HetlandFlowers of Edinburgh60CT_Judys Contra
Jump Over the HedgeIDHans KrackauBooth Shot Lincoln / Contratopia Hands Fourhey4 down2011 CTCJump Over The Hedge
Jump Start 32 beatsC CoHCal Campbellclap handsCTC 2014CT_Jump Start
Just as GoodTriplet 231Stew Shacklette2 downgimmick: long 82008 CTCJust as Good
Justa ContraIDBob's Own, Bob McQuillengloss2010 CTCJusta Contra
Kadie’s KontraIDDon Armstronggypsyreverse flutterwheelKadie’s Kontra
Kansas City ReelIDDon ArmstrongKansas City Reelocean wave gypsy2008 CTCKansas City Reel
Katie AndantePTAnne Welch3x64bar reel ie. Prince Williamset2005 CTCKatie Andante
Keep taking the TabletsIDAl GreenCTC BerlinCT_Keep taking the Tablets
Kelso WeathervaneID Dbl. PGlen NickersonJack’s Lifeweather vane2005 CTCKelso Weathervane
Kitchen HornpipeITrRalph Pagegloss2008 CTCKitchen Hornpipe
Kitchen LancersSqTrad2009 50Ann
Kiwi RingC CoHLain Boydown tunefigure 82008 FRUKiwi Ring
Knit One, Pearl TwoBcw Dbl PEdith Goldmangypsy2009 CTCKnit One Pearl Two
Knot in the CircleIDHeiner Fischleflutterwheel1991 SJKnot in the Circle
Konni's Polka Dot5 peopleKonni Wilmshey for 32006 CTCKonni`s Polka Dot
Kopp's on the LooseIDBecky Hillowdiagonal leftCTC 2014CT_Kopps on the Loose
Korinna’s FavoriteIDHans KrackauMapekinghey leftSPJ/STJ2014CT_Korinnas Favorite
La BastringueC CoHTrad CanadaOriginal tunegloss2007 CTCLa Bastringue
La Semilla HornpipeITrDon Armstronggloss2008 CTCLa Semilla Hornpipe
Ladies non-stop Trip on a Winding RoadIDMerle BreedingheyLadies non-stop
Lady around the LadySqTrad.gloss2005 CTC
Lady on DiamondIDHans KrackauBlack Cat Quadrillepetronella turns2011 CTCLady On Diamond
Lady Walpole's ReelIDTradLady Walpole‘s Reel CD: New England Chestnutsgloss4 down2009 SpJLady Walpole‘s Reel
Lage Vuursche MixerCpls LoDPhilippe CallenscastCTCCT_Lage Vuursche Mixer
Larry Edelman in MalleIDocean wave2011 CTCLarry Edelman in Malle
Last Dance (not original title)IDgloss2011 CTCLast Dance
Latch Hook ContraIDDevin Nordberggive and takezig,zagCTCCT_Latch Hook Contra
Laura's Zig ZagB ccwRick Mohrgloss2010 FRULaura‘s Zig Zag
Leed's Airport CoffeeIDAl Greenheygypsy2007 CTCLeeds Airport Coffee
Leed's Airport Coffee #2IDAl Greengypsy men l shmen chainCTC 2014CT_Leeds Airport Coffee No2
Levi Jackson Rag5 cplsPat ShawOwn tune: Levi Jackson Rag5 ladies chain2007 CTCLevi Jackson Rag
Lighted SconceIDGlen MorningstarMarch of St. Timothy LS 338gimmick: 4 down2009 SpJLighted Sconce
Lisa's Sourdough WafflesIDJeanette MillpetronellaCDC 2015CT_Lisas Sourdough Waffles
Lister SpecialID Dbl. PHeiner Fischleteach2001 StJSLister Special
Little Dipper5 peopleStew Shacklettegloss2008 SpJLittle Dipper
Little John Scramble + Scramble tooTriplet 231var. C.David-Blackmangloss2007 FRULittle John Scramble Little John Scramble Too
Little Neck BayIDDan PearlLamplighters Hornpipemirror dos & allem4 down2005 CTCLittle Neck Bay
Lonesome ShepherdITrJack McKaygloss2003 FRULonesome Shepherd
Long ValleyPTDon Armstronggloss2009 50AnnLong Valley
Lost and FoundBcwTom Hindsocean wave2011 CTCLost and Found
Lovely Lane ChainMesBob DalsemerPeacock Raggloss2007 CTCLovely Lane Chain
Lucky SevenC CoHTradgloss2001 StJSLucky Seven
Lucky WaltzPDStew ShackletteYesterday’s WaltzWaltz2001 SJLucky Waltz Contra
Macedonian StompIDChris Kellyocean wave gypsyMacedonian Stomp
MacHinery Reel4 cpls P48bargloss diagonal2001 SJ
Madame You are the OnePTrhey for 32008 CTC
Maine Mixer 32 beatC LoDKim HyllCotton-eyed JoeclapFRU2014CT_Maine Mixer
Malle 10/03IDunknownReel i.e. Tripping Upstairsgloss4 down2010 SpJMalle 1003
Manhatten ChowderIDBeverley Francis1/2 figure 82002 FRU
Manhatten MadnessIDgloss2 down4 downManhatten Madness
Marching thru GeorgiaSqTrad2009 50Ann
Marching to PretoriaC BecketBob Brundageown tunegloss2000 StJNMarching to Pretoria
Mardi Gras ContraIDHeiner FischleSp J 2015CT_Mardi Gras Contra
Marie's FavoriteIDDA Heiner Fischle2 by 1CTCCT_Maries Favorite
Marion's DelightIDCarol KoppSpider Bit the Baby LS 347gypsy2000 CTCMarions Delight
Market Lass (the)PTTradgloss2009 50Ann
Marlboro HeysID 80 beatsHeiner FischleRecommended Music (80 steps)gimmick: hey2005 CTCMarlboro Heys
Marmaduke MixerC CoHAllan Brozekgypsy2006 SpJMarmaduke Mixer
Marriage LinesID WaltzWaltzWaltz2006 CTCMarriage Lines
Marys TanzC CoHLis MadsenWaltzing Matilde Very Best of the Seekersvine2005 CTCMary’s Tanz
Maverick Waltk Circle ContraC BecketEde ButlinLS 3302 Streets of Loredowaltz2010 CTCMaverick Waltz Circle Contra
May Day MixerC CoHTony ParkesKansas City Reel Lloyd Shaw E 52box gnat2000 S JMay Day Mixer
Merrill Hall ReelID Dbl. PBob HowellPolkaheel and toe2006 StJNMerrill Hall Reel
Mescolanza #9 (Eric's)MesEric Webbgloss diagonal2011 CTCMescolanza No 9
Mescolanza OrbitsMesCis HinckleorbitsCTC 2014CT_Mescolanza Orbits
Mexican MixerC LoDBig Somrberoalamo ring60CT_Mexican Mixer
Micah's Triplet # piTriplet 231Micah Smuklerhey for 32008 CTCMicahs Triplet
Middlesex MarchIDTony ParkesMarch of St Timothyglosssingle file2004 FRUMiddlesex March
Midnight in SolonIDJean Siffinhey men leadSPJ/STJ2014CT_Midnight in Solon
Miss Brown's ReelPDTradglossarySpJCT_Miss Browns Reel
Missouri HoedownSqTrad2010 SpJ
Mister Mc Cloud of AschvilleSqTom Hindsdip and dive2008 CTCMister McCloud of Ashville
Modern AlgebraTt 231David WilkensFigure 8Sp J 2015CT_Modern Algebra
Modern TrendIDHans Krackauocean waverev. Flutter2006 SpJModern Trend
Monday‘s DanceIDDon ArmstrongGlise a Sherbrookeheymen chain2005 FRUMondays Dance
More of a Mixerwavy CAl Olsenow alamo ringRory O'MoreCTC 2014
More or LessSqColin Humeteach ladies chain2004 SpJMore or Less
Morning GloryMixAlan DavisMorning Glory (Mike Elsom) Woodlanders #6gloss2006 CTCMorning Glory
Mountain ReelBcwAllyn Riggsgloss2006 CTCMoutain Reel
Nürnberger TrichterID 32 ctHeiner Fischlereels with driveteach: cross over2000 StJNNürnberger Trichter
NameFormationAuthorMusikFigur 1Figur 2Figur 3ECTA PräsentationBesonderesLink
Needham SpecialID Dbl. PHerbie Gaudreaugloss4 down2009 CTCNeedham Special
New FriendshipIDTed Sannellagimmick: fall thru2000 CTCNew Friendship Reel
New New ZealandB ccwG. Nickerson/C.D-Bgloss4 down2011 CTCNew New Zealand Contra
New WorldIDBob DalsemerBoth Sides Tr. 8gloss2004 CTCNew World
New Yankee ReelIDTed Sannella / HFgloss2001 StJSNew Yankee Reel
Newbur(r)y ReelIDTony Parkesgloss4 down2006 CTCNewburry Reel
Nice CombinationIDGene Hubertgloss4 down2004 FRUNice Combination
No Name ReelIDE. GilmoreViValdi’s Reelarch diveCDC 2015CT_No Name Reel
Nomad's LandIDBill Olsonbox cir½ hey2007 CTCNomad’s Land
Northern FriendsSic CManitouarchpoussetteCDC 2016CT_1 Northern Friends
Northern LightsSqFloyd Parkerclap hands2009 SpJ
Ocean View ReelID Dbl. PTony Parkesarch, 4 down2009 CTCOcean View Reel
Ohio ContraIDJerry Helt2 by 11991 SJOhio Contra
Oklahoma Mixer16ctErich Fritzheel toe60CT_Oklahoma Mixer
Oklahoma SwingBcwRon Beesongloss2010 CTCOklahoma Swing
Old Solomon LeviSq2006 CTC
On a Coastliner Bus to Whitby Folk WeekMesAl Greengloss2010 CTCOn a Coastliner Bus to Whitby Folk Week
On to the next QuadrilleSqTradglossaryFRUCT_On to the Next Quadrille
One for TwoPD 40bars2004 CTC
One for You, One for MeIDChristian HeinsameglossCDC 2016CT_One for you One for Me
One Horse ReelIDBob HowellReel; i.e. St. Jean’s Reelgloss2005 SpJOne Horse Reel
ONS ContraIDEd ButenhofOyster Shucker’s Jiggloss2007 CTCONS Contra
Orlando HornpipeIDDon ArmstrongHornpipe or Jig2 by 14 down2007 CTCOrlando Hornpipe
Ottawa Special see also British SorrowITrTradgloss teach triple2008 CTCOttawa Special
Overland SpinnerIDBruce Birdocean wave spin chain2008 CTCOverland Spinner
Oversea SpinnerID Dbl. PHeiner Fischlespin chain thru MS figs1991 SJOversea Spinner
OXO6 cpls PReelgloss2011 CTCOXO Reel
Patty Cake PolkaC M f Wheel toeclap hands60CT_Patty Cake Mixer
Perceptual MotionSqTom HindsarchFRUCT_Perceptual Motion
PetronellaPDTradown tune Petronellapetronella turns2 down2002 FRUPetronella
Petronella IntroBccwBill PopePetronellaCTCCT_Petronella Intro
Petronella PinIDDave Colstockpetronellagive & take2007 CTCPetronella Pin
Petronella SquareSq No PCSusan RosenPetronellaCTCCT_Petronella Square
Philippe's Double Quadrille #1Dbl SqPhilippe Callens48bar musichey2006 FRUPhilippes Double Quadrille
Pia's Grammy never went to HalswaysSicC. David-Blackmangypsy2011 CTCPias Grammy never went to Halways
Pirates of the Carribbean4 cpl propBob Greenhole in the wall change60CT_Pirates of the Caribbean see Jacks Sparrow
Plaited Contra4cpls IDgloss2009 CTCPlaited Contra
PlanetsSqTed SannellaRed Hot Cabbage / Kalox1012gloss2009 SpJPlanets
Pleasant AnticipationIDHans KrackauBabe Of The NightheySpJCT_Pleasant Anticipation
Polka Dot5 peopleColin AndrewsOctober Rosehey for 32010 CTCPolka Dot
Portland FancyMesTrad.sameglossCDC 2016CT_Portland Fancy
Pride of (the) Dingle4 cpls P +1Ken AlexanderThe Flight / F&W Records F72FW3gimmick2009 SpJPride Of (the) Dingle
Proof Reader's TripletTriplet 231Al Olsenhey for 3CTC BerlinCT_Proof Readers Triplet
Push Ol Ma Push Ol PaSqTrad2006 StJN
Queen VictoriaPDTradgloss4 down2009 50AnnQueen Victoria
Queen's FavoriteITr IDTrad.gloss2008 CTCQueens Favorite
Quiet ContraIDEd Gilmoregloss2000 S JQuiet Contra
RachelIDDon Armstronggimmick: dopaso4 down2010 FRURachel
Ragtime Hey5 CouplesChip Hendersondiagonalhey for threeRagtime Hey
Ramblin' RamseyIDMargot Gunzenhausermirror dos, mirroe all,hey2006 CTCMeanderin' MeyerRamblin Ramsey
Reel of 3 for 2 CouplesIDunknownhey60CT_Reel of 3 for 2 Couples
Reijnsburg Joys9 cpls ccwAM & P Toxvaerdgloss2007 FRU
Relative SimplicityIDWendy Greenberggloss2010 SpJRelative Simplicity
Remember MeBccwHans KrackauThe Silver SpireowCTC 2014
Return to BroadwayIDUlla Sternfigure 82 down2011 CTCReturn to Broadway
Revolution ReelIDTom Hindspetronella turns2008 CTCRevolution Reel
Rick's Triplet #1Triplet 231Rick Mohrmirror hey2008 CTCRicks Triplet
Riley's ReelIDDon Armstrong2010 CTCRileys Reel
Rip and SnortSqTradSpJCT_Rip and Snort
Road to BostonIDDick Castnerthe samegloss2 down2006 SpJRoad to Boston
RoadrunnerIDDon Armstronggloss2 down2000 CTCRoadrunner
Roaring MixerC LoDHeiner Fischleclap hands2009 50AnnRoaring Mixer
Rock the Cradle, JoeIDRidge Kennedyocean wavegive & take2004 CTCRock the Cradle
Rod's Double Square #2Dbl. SqRod Linnellgloss diagonal2004 SpJRod
Roger's CircleSic face PRoger WhynotPeacock Raggloss2003 FRURogers Circle
Roger's Circle IISic face PRoger Whynotflutterwheel2001 StJSRogers Circle II
Roll Back MixerCpls LoDHeiner FischleglossaryFRUCT_Roll Back Mixer
Rollaway SquareSq2009 St J
Rory O’MorePDTradocean wavecc2005 CTCRory OMore
RosettentanzSicAnnemarie MalkmusarchSpJCT_Rosettentanz
Rotary PressTriplet 312unknowngloss2006 FRURotary Press
Rotary PressTt321unknowndishrag turn60CT_Rotary Press
Rutgers PromenadeIDArt Steelgloss2 down2004 FRURutgers Promenade
Sackett’s HarbourPTTradGlise à Sherbrookecc2005 CTCSacketts Harbour
Salmon Chanted EveningIDSteve ZakongypsySalmon Chanted Evening
Salute to Bob McQuillenIDTed SannellaMcQuillen's Squeezebox, NECgloss4 down2010 CTCSalute to Bob McQuillen
Sanita Hill CircleSicEd DurlacherglossaryFRUCT_Sanita Hill Circle
Sanita Hill ContraIDEd DurlacherglossaryFRUCT_Sanita Hill Contra
Saratoga WaveIDDon ArmstrongScottish Flavorow12FRUCT_Saratoga Wave
Saturday Night ReelIDHerbie Gaudreaugloss1997 SpJSaturday Night Reel
Scones and TeaSicKen Kernengloss2011 CTCScones and Tea
Scout House ReelIDTed Sannellagloss4 down2009 50AnnScout House Reel
Septemeber ContraIDHeiner Fischlegloss1991 SJSeptember Contra
Shacklette's TripletTriplet 231Stew ShackletteglossShacklettes Triplet
Shadrack's CircleC CoHPhilippe Callensjigs or reels moderateocean wave2007 CTCShadracks Circle
Shadrack's DelightIDTony Parkesocean wave4 down2008 CTCShadracks Delight
Shelter from the BlizzardB ccwSusan Ellbergergloss2 down2006 SpJShelter from the Blizzard
Shephards Crossing5 cpls Sqhey for 32005 CTC
Shorecliff's ReelBcwArt HarveyBouchard’s Hornpipehey12FRUCT_Shorecliffs Reel
Shoreham Star5 cpls C 80btunknown to me Music: 48 measuresgimmick: ladies chain2008 SpJShoreham Star
Sicilian Circle #1SicTom Hindsgimmick2010 FRUSicilian Circle 1
Sicilian Circle MixerSicHilary HerbertdiagonalCTCCT_Sicilian Circle Mixer
Sidmouth SpecialTrio SicVolker KlotzscheVirginny Mixergloss2011 CTCSidmouth Special
Silicon RoseIDPaul Moorefigure 84 down2010 CTCSilicon Rose
Silly ThreesomeTrio LoDK. & S. Clarkmixer gimmick2007 CTCSilly Threesome
SimplicityIDM. Gunzenhauserreelgloss4 down2009 CTCSimplicity
Simplicity ContraIDDon Buzzinghamgloss2010 FRUSimplicity Contra
Simplicity SwingIDBecky Hillgloss2008 CTC
Skinny Dippin'C CoHJim Gregorygloss2010 CTCSkinny Dippin
Slaunch to DonegalB ccwHerbie GaudreauSlaunch to Donegalgloss1997 SpJSlaunch to Donegal
Sleepless at PinewoodsIDBob IssacsglossaryFRUCT_Sleepless at Pinewoods
Small PotatoesIDJim Kitchjigs or reelsgloss2011 CTCSmall Potatoes
Smoke On the WaterSqPoncho Baird2011 CTC
Snakes in the GrassTrio SicL CannellweaveCDC 2015CT_Snakes in the Grass
Soldier’s Joy BecketB cwJerry HickmanshadowSp J 2015CT_Soldiers Joy Becket
Solstice SpecialIDTony ParkesReelgypsy1997 SpJSolstice Special
Some Say Hello,Some Say Good-ByeC CoHUlla Sternfigure 82010 FRUSome Say Hello
Something Elsche6 cplsAegle HoekstraBoth Sides track 11grand slide2004 SpJSomething Elsche
Something OldTriplet 231Stew Shacklettebox the gnat2006 CTCSomething Old
Sorry No NameIDFrenchies Reelgloss4 down2004 StJ NSorry No Name
SouthpawSicDon Armstrongleft…2005 SpJSouthpaw Circle
Spanish Circle WaltzSictradOver the Waves60CT_Spanish Circle Waltz
Spanking JackIDRalph Pageout of duple2 down2010 CTCSpanking Jack
Spinner's DelightC CoHTom Hindsgloss2010 FRUSpinners Delight
Spitfire SwingITrDon ArmstrongTrip to Uxbridgemirror heydip and dive2008 CTCSpitfire Triplet
Split UpIDHans KrackauGrand Chaineout of duple2006 SpJSplit Up
Spring BreakIDNils Fredlandpetronellaricochet heyCTC 2014CT_Spring Break
Spring FeverIDTony Parkesgloss2005 SpJSpring Fever
Spring SpecialIDC. David-BlackmanDomino #8gloss2004 StJ NSpring Special
Spring TrainingIDBetsy GottaAirdance60CT_Spring Training
Square Thru HeySqC. David-Blackmanhey gypsy2011 CTCSquare thru Hey
Squeeze Play ContraPDJerry HeltreelformationSp J 2015CT_Squeeze Play Contra
Squircle4,5,6 cpls Cirgates2004 CTCSquircle
St. Lawrence JigIDRalph Pagejigs or reelsgloss4 down2010 SpJSt Lawrence Jig
Star by the RightSqtrad2009 SpJ
Star Thru PolkaIDPaul MooreHogmanay Jigheel and toe2007 CTCStar thru Polka
Star Thru WaltzSic MixerDick LegerCTCCT_Star Thru Waltz
Star TrekBcwMike RichardsonOldenbough Bonnethey2006 SpJStar Trek
Star TrickIDCary RavitzRoad to Bostonpetronella turns gypsy2007 CTCStar Trick
Star TwiceSqHeiner Fischle2009 50Ann
StarbustIDBetsy Gottalead to a lineSPJ/STJ2014CT_Starbust
Starry-eyedIDKen Bonnerout of duple2 down2009 CTCStarry-eyed
Still No SignIDM.Gunzenhauser1/2 figure 82000 CTCStill No Sign
String of SwingsIDR Mohrhey lshCDC 2015CT_String of Swings
Student’s DelightIDHeiner FischleSnake River ReelSPJ/STJ2014CT_Students Delight
Sugar House ReelIDJim Gregorybox the gnatfig. 82010 CTCSugar House Reel
Summer AzureIDChris Pagebutterfly whirlCTC 2014CT_Summer Azure
Summer Morning WalkIDHeiner FischleSnots and EarsWa& Do; flutter12FRUCT_Summer Morning Walk
Summer SunshineIDPaul Balliettocean wave2007 CTCSummer Sunshine
Sunday SamplerPDDon ArmstrongGypsy Stomp1/2 fig. 8mirror dos2003 FRUSunday Sampler
Surprising ReunionSqunknownEast Tennessee Blues / CANIS 5gloss2009 SpJSurprising Reunion
Sussex CottageTriplet 231hey for 3CTC BerlinCT_Sussex Cottage
Swap EndsMesCal CampbellPuget Soundglossdiagonal2011 CTCSwap Ends
Sweet Georgia Brown ContraID Dbl. PStan Burdickcrosstrail2009 CTCSweet Georgia Brown Contra
Swing Both WaysIDTom Calwell½ heyorbitgive and takeCDC 2016anyone centerCT_Swing Both Ways
Swing On Left5 - 7 clps2006 SpJ
Swiss MissIDDon ArmstrongHull’s Victorysashaymen chainarch2010 FRUSwiss Miss
Symmetrical ForceIDFred FieldLS E-69 Wagnergimmick:carraige mirrorFRU 1999Symmetrical Force
Syracuse SwingBcwAmy Kahngloss4 down2011 CTCSyracuse Swing
T.A.G.4 cpls PRoger WhynotWhynot Music: (4x32bars)venus and mars2006 CTCTAG
T.G.I.F.IDDon Armstrongmen chain2006 CTCTGIF
Tagger's DelightIDBetsy GottaBeaumont Ragtag the line 4 down2000 FRUTaggers Delight
Take a Little PeekSqTrad2006 SpJ
Take TwoIDHans Krackaugimmick: star twirl4 dow2011 CTCTake Two
Taos TrioTrio SicKen Kernenflowing reelgimmick: 3 circle to line2007 CTCTaos Trio
TBT Texas Bar TripleITrRollo Leppincc2008 CTCTBT Texas Bar Triple
Ted's MixerC CoHTed Sannellaocean wave2009 50AnnTeds Mixer
Ted's TempestTempestTed SannellaAngus Campbelgloss2006 SpJTeds Tempest
Ted's Triplet #3Triplet 231Ted Sannelladip and dive2011 FRUTeds Triplet 3
Ten O'Clock MixerC CoHAllan Brozekgloss heel toe2003 FRUTen o clock
Terpsicourante4 cpls IDGary RoodmanCourante CLXXXIII Michael Praetoriusserpentine2006 CTCTerpiscourante
Teuter TripletTriplet 231C. David-Blackmanhey for 3 1/2 figure 82008 CTCTeuter Tripet
Texas Hoedown QuadrilleSqTrad2005 CTC
Texas StarSqTrad2009 SpJ
Thank You for the MusicIDPhilippe Callensgloss2004 CTCThank You for the Music
Thanks, Charlie!IDBecky HillowCTC 2014CT_Thanks Charlie
The American SummerIDPhilippe CallensTour of Puget Soundmirror dos alle hey 2 down2011 CTCThe American Summer
The April FoolIDSteve Schnurfigure 82007 CTCThe April Fool
The Blue-Haired GirlIDChuck Rothpetronella turn, 1/2 hey2006 CTCThe Blue-Haired Girl
The ButterflyIDUnknownown tuneFRU2014CT_The Butterfly
The Caller's WifeID Dbl. PTed Sannellagloss2009 CTCThe Callers Wife
The ChaingangCircle BecketRon Bensongloss1991 SJThe Chaingang
The Dashing White Circlesc Co HunknownglossaryFRUCT_The Dashing White Circle
The Duke of Kent's WaltzPDTradwaltz2004 CTCDuke of Kent
The Easy Waycpls LoDUlla SternglossaryFRUCT_The Easy Way Circle
The Ely WaltzC CoHColin Hume32 bar Waltzespetronella turnbox gnat2008 CTCThe Ely Waltz
The Eyes Have ItBcwBecky Hillmad robin, 1/2 hey2011 CTCThe Eyes Have It
The Feisty ShamrockB ccwGlen Nickersonflutterwheel and revs.2007 CTCThe Feisty Shamrock
The GameSicUlla Sterngloss2010 FRUThe Game
The Gelding of the Devil3cplTrad. Engl.Ring Of Eight Celebratesplayford2011 CTCThe Gelding of the Devil
The Geud Man of BallangighPDPlayfordplayford2004 CTCThe Geud Man of Ballangigh
The Happy WandererIDBob Howellgimmick:weave2002 FRUThe Happy Wanderer
The Lady From the Other StarIDHeiner Fischlegloss1992 W JThe Lady from the other Star
The Last Swim of SummerSicEric Roundsgloss2000 CTCThe Last Swim of Summer
The Leaving of LiverpoolTriplet 231David Carpentergates2002 CTCThe Leaving of Liverpool
The Merry-go-RoundIDHeiner Fischleteach1991 SJThe Merry-go-Round
The MitreIDThe Mitre1/2 figure 8 out of duple2005 CTCThe Mitre
The Monday NightTriplet 231Ulla Sternfigure 82010 FRUThe Monday Night
The New FlowID Dbl. PGene Hubertgloss4 down2009 50AnnThe New Flow
The Non TourIDLarry Jenningsocean wavesingle file2008 CTCThe Non Tour
The Nova ScotianIDMaurice Hennigargimmick: dish rag turn2000 CTCThe Nova Scotian
The Old Road to CaliforniaPDWagnerarch212FRUCT_The Old Road to California
The Party No.2SicUlla Sternfigure 8FRUCT_The Party No 2
The Pawnbroker5 cpls Punknownsashay2006 CTCThe Pawnbroker
The Phil-Harmonic mod.SicShag Graetzgloss2009 CTCThe Phil-Harmonic mod
The Recapitulation mod.IDMargot Gunzenhausergypsy l shCTC 2014
The ReunionBcwGene Huberthey2007 CTCThe Reunion
The Short and the Tall4 cpls PRon Coxallgimmick: star loops2005 FRUShort and Tall
The Snake Oil ReelIDRoger DiggleowCTC 2014CT_The Snake Oil Reel
The Snowball Contra5 Couples ProperMartin Hodges5x 48 barglossThe Snowball Contra
The Snowy DayID Dbl. PTony Parkesglossout of duple2009 CTCThe Snowy Day
The TempestTempestTradglossFRU 1999The Tempest
The TouristIDTed SannellaBeaumont Raggloss2 downFRU 1999The Tourist
The Two Head Gents Cross OverSqTrad.Life on the Ocean Waves12FRUCT_The Two Head Gents Cross Over
The WasherIDHeiner Fischleflutterwheel2010 FRUThe Washer
The Weaver3/4 cpl PUlla Sternmirror figure 8, hey for 3FRUCT_The Weaver
The Weaver Weevil7 peopleCome and See7dancers2005 CTCThe Weaver
The Yorkshire Rose5 cpls CirclePhilippe Callensgates2006 CTCThe Yorkshire Rose
Those Behind YouSicLarry EdelmanDomino 5; Stoney Pointgypsy2009 SpJThose Behind You
Three Broken SixpenceIDJerry HeltScottish Reel (z.B. Dashing White2 by 1gimmick: dish rag2010 CTCThree Broken Sixpence
Thru the White and Drifted SnowID Dbl. PBob Howellheel and toe2006 SpJThru the White and Drifted Snow
Thursday's ChildBcwDon ArmstrongHeather McCarthy Bob’s Double Clogmen chain2010 FRUThursdays Child
TipperarySq2003 FRU
TLC TempestTempCh PageReel De MontrealgypsyCDC 2015CT_TLC Tempest
Tollway Trio MixerTrio SicCarol Koppcc gimmick: cheat & swing2000 CTCTollway Trio Mixer
Tommerup MixerC CoHunknownpousette, ocean wave2006 CTCTommerup Mixerr
Trading Post ContraIDHeiner Fischlegloss1992 W JTrading Post Contra
Train to BostonC Mixerunknownalamo ringCDC 2016CT_Train to Boston
Transatlantic ContraIDHeiner FischleP OW scoot back MS figs1991 SJTransatlantic Contra
TrinityID Dbl. PGene Hubertgloss2001 StJSTrinity
Trinity ReelIDCarlotta Wellingtongloss: 4 down1992 W JTrinity Reel
TrioletTrio SicGerman trad.cc2008 SpJTriolet
Trip to Bavaria4 cpl PJ. MacGregor-BrownScottisch Country Dance2004 CTC
Trip to LambertvilleIDS. Zakon-AndersonSpJCT_Trip to Lambertville
Triple DosadoIDC. David-BlackmanJoy of QuebecOoDCTC BerlinCT_Triple Dosado
Triple TrappistTriplet 312Scott Higgscc2004 CTCTriple Trappist
Triplet for FelixTriplet 231Philippe Callenshey for 32005 FRUTriplet for Felix
Tunnel Contra6 cpls PTradRed Wingsashay2008 StJSTunnel Contra
Turn the right hand LadySqTURN THE RIGHT HAND LADY
Turn the Right Hand LadySqTrad.Beaumont Rag12FRUCT_Birdie in the Cage
Two by One / 2 by 1 Dosi ContraIDPhilippe CallensFair Jenny2 by 14 down2003 FRUTwo by One Dosi Contra
Two for thr ShowIDTed SannellaRickett’s and RamblessashaySp J 2015CT_Two for the Show
Two Little SistersSq2003 FRU
Unruly ReunionIDRobert Cromartieglossary4FRUCT_Unruly Reunion
Up Jumped the DevilIDDon Armstrongsamegloss: 2 down2009 SpJUp Jumped the Devil
Upon a Summer's DayTriplet 231Playfordown tuneplayfordarches2004 CTCUpon a Summers Day
Upstairs DownstairsIDMargot Gunzenhauserout of duple4 down2006 FRUUpstairs Downstairs
Uptown, DowntownSqTrad2004 CTC
Venus and Mars see T.A.G4 cpls PRoger Whynotvenus and mars2001 SJsee T.A.GTAG
Vine AilleneIDAillene ElliotA Lot Less Shovin’ Around RMR 601gimmick:vine1997 SpJVine-Aillene Contra
Virginia Reel5-6 cpls PtradTraditional reel or jig: often danced to Irish Washerwomanreel the setsashay2009 SpJVirginia Reel
Washington Lee SwingID Dbl. PPaul Moorefigure 82003 FRUWashington Lee Swing
Wave to RoryBcwAl Greenow; Rory O More CTC BerlinCT_Wave to Rory
Weave the LineID Dbl. PKathy Andersongloss2009 50AnnWeave the Line
Weaver's Galopede5-6 cpl PJohn ReaysashayCDC 2016thread the needleCT_Weavers Galopede
Wheeelbarrow Reel4 Couples ProperDon ArmstrongWheelbarrowWheeelbarrow Reel
Wheel Chain ContraIDBetsy Gottaowsingle filegim. wheel2008 CTCWheel Chain Contra
Wheels ContraIDBob HowellGrenn 16012CDC 2016wheelsCT_Wheels Contra
When the Works all DoneSqSpJCT_When the Works All Done
Which Side are You On?BcwM.Gunzenhausergloss2000 CTCWhich Side are you On
Whitby WalkaboutC CoHAl Greenpousette2011 CTCWhitby Walkabout
Who is Next? Wer ist DranPTrHeiner FischleCrossing the Cascades2009 SpJWho is Next
Who's on FirstSq2010 SpJ
Whynot's Circle Contra see Roger's CSic face PRoger Whynotgimmick gloss1997 SpJsee Roger’s CircleRogers Circle
Winter Solstice5 cpls SqWendy Crouchmirror hey, hey for 3FRUgrand squareCT_Winter Solstice
Wishy WashyC CoHHans Krackaugypsy2009 CTCWishy-Washy
With Thanks to DeanID Dbl. PSteve Zakonout of duple2000 CTCWith Thanks to the Dean
Wizard's WalkIDRuth UngersamegypsyCDC 2016weave figureCT_Wizards Walk
Yankee ReelPTrTed Sanellagloss2 down2009 50AnnYankee Reel
Yellow Jacket ReelTriplet 231Boyd Rothenbergercc2004 CTCYellow Jacket Reel
Yellow RoseIDDecko Deckhey gimmick:dish rag turn2000FRUYellow Rose
You Tube BecketB cwnot knownBanks of InvernessheyCDC 2015CT_You Tube Becket
YucaipaIDArt SeeleCharlie's Polka Kalox 115weather vane2001 SJYucaipa Contra
Yucca JigIDDon Armstrongglossary2FRUCT_Yucca Jig
Zephyrs and FloraPDtradZephyrs and Flora1/2 figure 82004 CTCZephyrs and Flora
ZNP SwingIDSusan Michaelsgloss2006 CTCZNP Swing
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