DateTitleChoreoRecordArtist (Pop)RhythmPh.PlusVoteDropNote
?Apples & BananasDot 16697Lawrence WelkTSII
? 65Cry BabyWunningSmash 1852CaravellesTSII
? 65Dancing ShadowsArnfieldWindsor 4682TSIISPJ 12
? 65Fancy PantsMercury 70292David CarrollTSII
? 65Lonesome Two-StepWunningDecca 31514Billy GrammerTSII
? 65Linda Two-StepTSII1967
? 65Green DoorProcterBelco 259TS/JVIIIre-taught RDF 74
? 65C'est Magnifique
? 65Change In Me
? 65Dancing on a Moonbeam
? 65Georgia Blues
? 65Golden Gate WaltzWZ
? 65Hi Lili Hi Lo
? 65I Remember You
? 65Our Love
? 65Tennessee WaltzWZ
? 65Velvet Glove
? 65Whispering1967
? 67Left Footers One-StepJohnsonDecca 29558Grady MartinOSIWJ 90
? 67Stepping EasyEasterdayBelco 216OSIWJ 90
? 67Acapulco GoldMillicanUni 55002Rainy DazeTSII1969
? 67Alabama WaltzGrenn 14074WZII1969
? 67DarlingOldsHi Hat 837WZII1969
? 67EdelweissFreshLloyd Shaw 267WZII1969
? 67I Ain't Got NobodyArnfieldHi Hat 834TSII1969
? 67I Don't WantaHoultonHi Hat 841TSII1969
? 67Merry WidowGrenn 14044WZII1969
? 67Miss Frenchy BrownTetzlaffA&M 870/Grenn 14182Herb AlpertTSIISPJ 12
? 67Baby O MineBlue Star 1558TS1968
? 67Ballin' the JackGrenn 14093TS1969
? 67I Miss My SwissCoral 65508TS1968
? 67Oh BoyBelco 214TS1969
? 67Oh YeahFikeColumbia 43499TS1970-71
? 67Peg LegHi Hat 838TS1969
? 67Silver DollarHi Hat 833TS1969
? 68Bramble BushPetermanHi Hat 846TSIIbefore 73
? 68Mexicali RoseStapletonGrenn 14210WZIISPJ 12
? 68Neapolitan WaltzHardenGrenn 14003WZIIWJ 78re-taught SPJ 75
? 68RosesCoral 62494Happy Times FourTSII1970-71
? 68Siesta in SevillaHefeneiderGrenn 14198TSIISPJ 93re-taught RDF 78
? 68Sleepy Time GalPooleGrenn 14206TSIIWJ 95
? 68Tango MannitaSmithGrenn 14198TGIIISPJ 12
? 69White Silver Sands (Mixer)SmithGrenn 15006OSIbefore 73taught before SJ 70
? 69Desert BluesSmithColumbia 43425TSII1970-71
? 69FrauleinAlfordBlue Star 1645TSII1974taught before SJ 70
? 69Green AlligatorsHickmanHi Hat 855TSIIbefore 73taught before SJ 70
? 69Jessie PolkaMacGregor 5001TSIIbefore 77taught before SJ 70
? 69MarieLeClairSets in Order 3153TSII1970-71
? 69Molly N' MeStapletonHi Hat 854TSII1970-71
? 69Pearly ShellsLattaMCA 60036Burl IvesTSIISPJ 12
? 69San Francisco (Mixer)HolemanGrenn 14243TSII1974taught before SJ 70
? 69San JuanHugginsChallenge 59219TSII1970-71
? 69Southtown U.S.A.Belco 225TSII1970-71
? 69Summer Sounds (Mixer)AlbertsonMacGregor 2051TSIIbefore 73taught before SJ 70
? 69Sweet Georgia BrownBurkhartGrenn 14097TSII1970-71
SJ 69One RoseFreemanBlue Star 1837WZIIbefore 73
? 69Sweet MiseryRCA 47-9091TSII1970-71
? 69Swinging on a StarCarson/MoodyWindsor 4729TSII1970-71taught before SJ 70
? 69Tennessee Wig-WalkDecca 28846Red FoleyTSIIbefore 73taught before SJ 70
? 69The Last WaltzParrot 40019Engelbert H.WZII1970-71
? 69Try to RememberHi Hat 852WZII1970-71
? 69Voodoo RumbaCremiHi Hat 867TSII+1RDF 75taught before SJ 70
? 69Walking in the RainParrishBelco 218TSII1970-71
? 69You're the Cream in My CoffeeSmithGrenn 14123TSIIbefore 73taught before SJ 70
? 69Doodley ChaFosterGrenn 14100CHIII1970-71
? 69That Happy FeelingTennentMCA 60095Bert KaempfertTSIII+2re-taught RDF 71
? 69Three A.M.MossDecca 31778Bert KaempfertFTIIIWJ 78re-taught RDF 75
? 69SombreroWindsor 47341970-71
? 70Be My Love WaltzStapletonGrenn 14139WZII1972-73
? 70Columbus BluesMartinDecca 25649Lenny DeeTSII1974taught before SJ 70
? 70DreamlandStapletonGrenn 14124WZIIbefore 73taught before SJ 70
? 70Hot LipsHighburgerMCA 60073Grady MartinTSIISPJ 12re-taught RDF 71
? 70Lillie's BackBoutillierHi Hat 868TSIIbefore 73taught before SJ 70
? 70Shenandoah WaltzParrishBelco 235WZIIWJ 75taught before SJ 70
? 70Take Me AlongHickmanHi Hat 866TSIIbefore 73taught before SJ 70
? 70AprilSmithHi Hat 872FT/CHIII+11974taught before 1971
SPJ 70Folsom Prison BluesPetermanMCA 1901Lenny DeeCHIIItaught at Chiemsee
? 70Bicycle WaltzParrot 40032Engelbert H.WZbefore 73taught before SJ 70
? 70Somewhere My LoveWZbefore 73taught before SJ 70
? 71Grand Colonel Spin (Mixer)WinterKalox 1112OSIbefore 78singing call record
? 71Cheatin HeartStapletonHi Hat 874TSIIbefore 73taught before RDF 71
? 71It All Depends on YouKimberlingHi Hat 871TSIIbefore 73taught before RDF 71
? 71Kind of a HushSmithHi Hat 886TSII1974
? 71Love WaltzRitcheyBelco 245WZII1972-73
? 71Memphis WaltzCaponGrenn 14133WZIIbefore 73taught before RDF 71
? 71Oh You Beautiful DollLehnertHi Hat 873TSIIbefore 73taught before SJ 70
? 71Peek-a-BooMontijoGrenn 14142TSIIbefore 73taught before RDF 71
? 71Salty Dog RagLawsonDecca 27981Red FoleyTSII1974
? 71Short & SweetToddHi Hat 885TSII1974taught before RDF 72
? 71Sweet Mable MurphyGuestBelco 245TSII1974taught before RDF 72
? 71The Lover's SongClendeninBelco 241TSII1972-73
? 71Walkin' My SugarStotlerGrenn 14104TSIIWJ 75
? 71When I Take My Sugar to TeaDelsonBelco 243TSIIWJ 95
? 71Patty Cake PolkaWindsor 4624TSbefore 78
RDF 71Bossa Nova(Arnfield)Columbia 13-33079Eydie GormeTSIISPJ 12
RDF 71Heart BeatsGilbertGrenn 14135WZII+21974
RDF 71High SocietyHighburgerHi Hat 877TSII1974
RDF 71Just a Little LovingOldsHi Hat 881TSII1972
RDF 71Lazy PolkaJohnsonBelco 241TSII1972
RDF 71Clap HappyToddGrenn 150091972
? 72Flip SideHaysHi Hat 892TSIIRDF 75
? 72You LoveAlbertsonParrot 40015Engelbert H.TSIIRDF 75
FR 72Rangers WaltzJenningsCrescendo 439Mom & DadsWZIIWJ 76
WJ 72Street FairMerolaRanwood 916Magic OrganTSIIWJ 95
? 73Bingo Waltz (Mixer)CastnerRoyal Canadian RC-1RWZIbefore 78
? 73Flip Flop MixerToddGrenn 15016TSbefore 77
RDF 73Candy ManReillyMGM K-14320Sammy Davis jr.TSII+1WJ 75
RDF 73Funny FaceReillyMCA 2728Donna FargoWZII+21974
RDF 73Summer BreezeRichardsGrenn 14003TSIIWJ 75
SJ 73My AbileneJorritsmaHi Hat 911TSIIWJ 75
FR 73Piano BoogiePhillipsMCA 34984Jerry SmithTSII+2WJ 75
FR 73WhistlingDeZordoDecca 34962Guy LombardoTSIIWJ 75
WJ 73AnytimeSmithDecca 25605Grady MartinTSIIRDF 75taught earlier
WJ 73Busy BodyJohnsonMacGregor 5026TSII1974taught earlier
WJ 73Easy LovingBillingtonHi 45-2199Ace CannonTSIIRDF 75taught earlier
WJ 73Eyes of BlueMcLeodGrenn 14152TSIIRDF 75taught earlier
WJ 73Flowers on the WallHighburgerRCA 74-0649Danny DavisTSIIRDF 75taught earlier
WJ 73Love Makes the WorldHolemanBlue Star 1914WZII+1RDF 75taught earlier
WJ 73Slick ChickSasseenHi Hat 904TSII1974taught earlier
WJ 73Sugar CuredHighburgerMega 615-0052Bill Black's ComboTS/5ctIIRDF 75taught earlier
WJ 73That ManParrottHi Hat 891TSII1974taught earlier
WJ 73Thoroly ModernMcGill/MaxwellGrenn 14164TSIIRDF 75taught earlier
WJ 73Walking to Kansas CityMartinDecca 32330Brenda LeeTSII1974taught earlier
WJ 73Waltzin' EasyWiffenHi Hat 893WZII1974taught earlier
WJ 73For Me & YouMichaelsParamount 117Mills Bros.TS/ChaIIIRDF 75taught earlier
WJ 73Moon Over NaplesBrownyardMCA 60095Bert KaempfertTS/FTIIISPJ 12re-taught RDF 82
? 74There Won't Be AnymoreJohn & Jo RossRCA APBO 0195Charlie RichTSIIRDF 75
SPJ 74Please Release MeBondiHi Hat 923TSIIWJ 75
SPJ 74The Good Old DaysBarbeeMercury 73275Statler Bros.TSIIWJ 75
? 74RaindropsDance Along?CHRDF 75
RDF 74StardustProcterTelemark 887TS/FTII+RDF 75
RDF 74SugarTetzlaffHi Hat 920TSIIWJ 75
RDF 74Sweet and SassyDelsonHi Hat 910TSIIWJ 75
SJ 74Birth of the BluesParrottMCA 1901Lenny DeeTSII+1SPJ 82
SJ 74Feelin'BarbeeRCA 47-9689Marilyn MayeWZIIre-taught RDF 96
FR 74St. Louis BluesMuellerGrenn 15016TSIISPJ 12picked up again to cues
FR 74Take One StepLehnertMGM K-14563Eydie GormeTSIIWJ 76new version 12/80
FR 74Walk Right BackMayRCA PB 0096Perry ComoTSIISPJ 12re-taught SPJ 78
WJ 74Moon EyesWinterTNT 117TSIIWJ 95
WJ 74My Wife's HouseKinnaneMCA 40248Jerry WallaceTSIIWJ 76
? 76Dream N' FoxtrotPorterGrenn 14219FTIIIWJ 77
SPJ 75Who's Sorry NowKinnaneGrenn 14203TSIIWJ 76
SPJ 75Happy TrumpeterMcLeodGrenn 14195TS/ChaIIIWJ 77
RDF 75Be My HoneycombEmmett/CourtneyHi Hat 924TSIIWJ 90taught at Chiemsee
RDF 75Pickie, Pickie, PickieSilviusStardust 1001Stan WilliamsTSIIWJ 77taught at Chiemsee
RDF 75Sweet SixteenPottsMCA 40190Lenny DeeTSII+1WJ 78
RDF 75Tips of My FingersPalmquistHi Hat 928WZIISPJ 12taught at Chiemsee
RDF 75Ukelele ManFitchHi Hat 930TSIIWJ 75taught at Chiemsee
RDF 75Spaghetti RagGniewekHi Hat 831TSIIISPJ 12re-taught RDF82,SPJ00
SJ 75Peepin' N A'Hidin' BoogieTridicoGrenn 14215TSIIWJ 77
SJ 75Sweet GeorgiaLehnertHi Hat 935TSIIWJ 77
SJ 75In the Arms of LoveMorrisonMCA 32034Sammy KayeTS/FTIIIWJ 81re-taught RDF 80
FR 75How Many HeartsBarbeeHi Hat 933WZIIWJ 77
FR 75That's My BabyHayHi Hat 933TSIIWJ 76
WJ 75Jingle Bell RockWilderMCA 65028Brenda LeeTSIIseasonal
WJ 75Merry-Go-Round of LoveVoshellRCA PB 10225Hank SnowTSIISJ 83
WJ 75Winter WonderlandHeilMCA 65028Brenda LeeTSIISPJ 12seasonal
WJ 75Roses for ElizabethBlissHi Hat 887TSIIISPJ 12
SPJ 76PatriciaWalkinshaw/GossRCA 447-0446Perez PradoTSIIISPJ 12
RDF 76Just In TimePellTelemark 887TS/FTII+WJ 77Bicentennial Festival
RDF 76Kon-TikiGlazierMayflower 19IslandersTSII+1SPJ 12re-taught SPJ 93
RDF 76Tic TocHarryGrenn 14211TSIIWJ 78
RDF 76Arrivederci RomaWolcottRoper 288TS/FTIIIWJ 77
RDF 76Leaves of AutumnPellMayflower 19IslandersTSIIISPJ 93Bicentennial Festival
SJ 76GozoCourtneyDance-Along 6113TSIIWJ 77
SJ 76Waltz With MeHarryGrenn 14219WZIIdropSPJ 17
SJ 76Bee Bee PolkaReillyABC Goldies 2775Bobby VintonTSIIISPJ 89
SJ 76Lazy QuickstepMossMercury 7130QSIIIWJ 78
FR 76Answer MePalmquistHoctor 676WZIII+1
SPJ 77SnoopyOldsHi Hat 945TSIIWJ 87
SPJ 77C'est Si BonWolcottRoper 278TS/FTIIIWJ 77
RDF 77Apron StringsLatvalaHi Hat 946TSIIRDF 80
RDF 77Four WallsCroft/DeZordoRCA 447-0413Jim ReevesWZIISPJ 12picked up to cues '82
RDF 77Old Fashioned LoveSasseenHi Hat 950TSIISPJ 89
RDF 77Sweetheart TreeWolcottRoper 141WZIIRDF 80
RDF 77MariaWolcottRoper 129RBIIIWJ 95
SJ 77Give Me Five Minutes MoreHelmsGrenn 14231TSIIRDF 80
SJ 77One More TimeHickmanHi Hat 952TSIIRDF 81
SJ 77Too Many RiversEberhartMCA 60088Brenda LeeTSIIWJ 78taught at Chiemsee
SJ 77Tango D'IdeasMeiselHoctor 640TGIIISPJ 12taught at Chiemsee
FR 77Begin the BeguineProcterRCA 447-0052Artie ShawTSIII+1SPJ 12
FR 77A Continental GoodnightMurbachRanwood 915Lawrence WelkTSIIISPJ 12re-taught 5/79
WJ 77My LoveProctorMCA 32809Bert KaempfertTSIIIWJ 99
WJ 77The MillionaireCroft/DeZordoHoctor 1624CHIIIWJ 95
SPJ 78Chicken PolkaParrishBelco 276TSIIWJ 78
SPJ 78Little White MoonWilderMCA 40731Hoyt AxtonTSIISPJ 12
SPJ 78All the TimeKinnaneRCA PB-10899Eddy ArnoldTS/FTIIIWJ 78
SPJ 78Let Your Love FlowParnellMCA 40654Lenny DeeCHIIISJ 86
RDF 78Let's CuddleJohnsonMacGregor 5504TSIIRDF 80
RDF 78Sweet ThangStricklandBelco 273TSIIRDF 80taught at Chiemsee
RDF 78Very SmoothWieseGrenn 14246TSII+1WJ 95taught at Chiemsee
RDF 78Alexander's RagCroft/DeZordoHoctor 1503TSIIIRDF 79
RDF 78April in PortugalDeMaineCapitol 6017Les BaxterTS/TGIIIWJ 78
RDF 78Dream AwhileEllisMercury 30004David CarrollWZIII+2SPJ 12
RDF 78Third Man ThemeReillyMCA 60147Guy LombardoTSIIIWJ 90taught at Chiemsee
SJ 78Jazz Me BluesBiedaHi Hat 955TSIIWJ 80
SJ 78WildflowersFoustStoneway 1110Gene MeyersTSIISPJ 89
SJ 78Wall Street RagCroft/DeZordoHoctor 2744TSIIIRDF 80
FR 78NickelodianLawsonBelco 275TSIISPJ 12
FR 78Sandy's WaltzPorterGrenn 14248WZIIWJ 80
FR 78Them Old SongsCampbellRCA PB 11073Danny DavisTSIIIRDF 81
WJ 78Engine No. 9HelmsBelco 273TSIIWJ 81
WJ 78Rockin' Around the Christmas TreeWaltherMCA 65027Brenda LeeTSIIseasonal
WJ 78Shake Me EasyStickland/ParkerLS-GRT 148Cristy LaneWZIISJ 86used as seasonal
WJ 78Sunrise SunsetWolcottRoper 138WZII+1
SPJ 79Till Somebody Loves YouTracyBelco 278TSIIRDF 80
SPJ 79Broken HeartsDeckerABC Gold 2791Don WilliamsCHIIISJ 86
SPJ 79Samba MananaCohenHoctor 1646SambaIVSPJ 80
RDF 79Baby, You're Lookin' for MeCampbellRCA PB 11278Danny DavisTSIISJ 86taught at Chiemsee
RDF 79I'm So LonesomeDowdyRed Boot 904WZIISPJ 80taught at Chiemsee
RDF 79PrissyLovelaceTNT 115TSIIRDF 81taught at Chiemsee
RDF 79Sugar LipsWilderGrenn 14266TSIISJ 81taught at Chiemsee
RDF 79Sweet SmileInoueA&M 2008CarpentersTSII+2
RDF 79ButterflyProcterSpecial PressTS/FT/5ctIIISPJ 80
RDF 79Hold MeReillyMCA 32094Bert KaempfertTSIIISPJ 93
SJ 79Hustle-A-RoundWardRSO 885Bee GeesTSIIWJ 81
SJ 79Music for Dancers (Music Box Dancer)WiesePolydor 14517Frank MillsTSII
FR 79Bring Me SunshineProcterRCA 447-0891Willie NelsonTSIIWJ 81
FR 79Take It Easy ChaWalkinshaw/GossDance-Along 6108CHIVWJ 99
WJ 79All NightJaebGrenn 14270WZIIpicked up to cues
WJ 79Chili SauceHickmanHi Hat 969TSIIWJ 81
WJ 79Let Your Lovelight ShineCampbellRCA PB 11466Danny DavisTSII+2SPJ 81
WJ 79Shanty TownHeaterTNT 139TSIIWJ 80picked up to cues
WJ 79Your LoveTracyBelco 287TSIIWJ 80picked up to cues
SPJ 80Just a RhumbaArnotMacGregor 5040TSIISPJ 89
SPJ 80Vera's WaltzMilsteadBelco 287WZII+1WJ 80picked up to cues
SPJ 80I Wanta QuickstepPalmquistGrenn 14261QSIII+1
RDF 80Carousel WaltzCaponGrenn 14277WZII+1WJ 80taught at Chiemsee
RDF 80Rhythm Rounds ThemeThornGrenn 14272TSII+1RDF 81taught at Chiemsee
RDF 80Stand By Your WomanWinterChaparral 603TSIISPJ 82taught at Chiemsee
RDF 80The Poet & IBrownPolydor 14517Frank MillsWZII
RDF 80Boogie FeverDeMatteoCapitol 4179SylversTS/JVIIISJ 83taught at Chiemsee
RDF 80DomagePellRoper 140WZIIIWJ 80
RDF 80Theme from "The Bible"McGlynnRoper 140WZIII+1RDF 81
SJ 80Rhumba PeteMetzgerWindsor 4758TSIISPJ 12
SJ 80Sweet CarolineApostalMCA 60032Neil DiamondTSIIpicked up to cues
SJ 80The Party's OverCasperRCA 447-0891Willie NelsonTSII+1
FR 80Morning KissArnotGrenn 14280WZIIRDF 81
FR 80Strawberry ShagHolidayBell 45-424Tony Orlando & DawnTSII+FR 82
WJ 80Good Luck CharmMooreRCA 447-0636Elvis PresleyTSII
WJ 80HallelujahReederCurb 8877Parker & PennyTSII+SJ 83
WJ 80Sail AwayThompsonMCA 12463Oak Ridge BoysTSII+1SJ 81picked up to cues
SPJ 81Catch a Falling StarMcLaughlinRCA PPB-07041Perry ComoTSIISJ 83picked up to cues
SPJ 81Coward of the CountyVölklUA 00682807 (D)Kenny RogersTSII+2SJ 83
SPJ 81Take One Step '80LehnertTNT 158TSIISJ 86picked up to cues
SPJ 81Water Under the BridgeApostalMCA 40349Olivia Newton-JohnTSIIpicked up to cues
SPJ 81Rio de Luna Waltz (Moon River)WieseRCA 447-0598Henry ManciniWZIII+1
RDF 81Bicycle WaltzCarterParrot 59038Engelbert H.WZIIWJ 90
RDF 81Blue Moon ChaProcterChaparral 1001CHIIIFR 82
RDF 81Lisbon AntiquaDeMaineGrenn 14204TS/FTIIIWJ 95re-taught SJ 82, SPJ 87
SJ 81A Little Bitty TearHillMCA 60036Burl IvesTSIISPJ 82picked up to cues
SJ 81Hard TackKernGrenn 14293TSIIWJ 81
SJ 81Round AboutCohenHi Hat 988TSIISPJ 82
SJ 81Sheik of ArabyRobertsHi Hat 978QSIIIRDF 82
FR 81CorredoNewbyRoper 248TSII+1dropSPJ 17taught at Chiemsee
FR 81Could I Have This DanceEddinsCapitol 4920Anne MurrayWZIItaught at Chiemsee
FR 81HeartachesKennyTNT 136TSIISPJ 12picked up to cues
FR 81Southern RainsThompsonElektra 47082Mel TillisTSIISPJ 82
FR 81Texas PolkaHickmanHi Hat 986TSIISJ 83taught at Chiemsee
FR 81Girl That I MarryPortsmithHi Hat 986WZIII+1SPJ 82
WJ 81All I Ever Need is YouPlaisanceUA 1276Kenny RogersTSII+2SJ 83
WJ 81Dance the Two-StepLawsonLiberty 1383Susie AllansonTSIISJ 83
SPJ 82Louisiana Saturday NightTraceyCapitol 4983Mel McDanielTSII
SPJ 82Tammy's WaltzBrissetteRoper 133WZIIISPJ 93
RDF 82There Goes My EverythingPalmquistParrot 59036Engelbert H.WZIISJ 83
RDF 82Moscow NightsBrownErin 803FTIVre-taught SPJ 84
SJ 82Beautiful LadyWilesGrenn 14284WZII+1SJ 83
SJ 82Hernando's HideawayRichardsonHoctor 640TGIIISJ 83
FR 82Devil WomanCremiColumbia 13-33070Marty RobbinsTSIISPJ 12
FR 82Golden MemoriesCampbellColumbia 18-02188Lacy J. DaltonTS/5ct.II
FR 82Save Your Heart for MeStofferRP RCS 1173 (NL)Jimmy LawtonTSII+1RDF 84picked up to cues
FR 82TodayBleamColumbia 13-33081New Christy MinstrelsWZII+1picked up to cues
WJ 82Old ViennaJohnson/AdamsHi Hat 995VWIIWJ 95re-taught WJ 94
WJ 82RosesPackman/DrafzBelco 299TSIISJ 83
SPJ 83Ridin' My Thumb to MexicoCroft/DeZordoGrenn 17010TSIISJ 86
SPJ 83Shadow of Your SmileWolcottRoper 233TSIISJ 86
RDF 83Dance (in the old fashioned way)MerolaCapitol 3768Helen ReddyFT/JVIVSPJ 12re-taught SJ 87
SJ 83A Taste of the WindEddinsVernon's 012Younger Bros.TSIIISPJ 12
SJ 83Un AmorCroft/DeZordoHoctor 1654RBIIISJ 86
FR 83Blue Heaven WhistlerCroft/DeZordoHi Hat 854TSIISPJ 12picked up to cues
FR 83GoodbyeFosterRCA PB 11668Eddy ArnoldTSII+1WJ 87picked up to cues
FR 83Here Comes SummerPellMCA 60027Jerry KellerTSIIpicked up to cues
FR 83Leave Me AloneWilderCapitol 3768Helen ReddyTSIIRDF 84
FR 83Waltzing to SeattleAthertonGrenn 14298WZIIWJ 87picked up to cues
FR 83My BabyKannapelWindsor 4769TS/QSIIIWJ 99
WJ 83Danke SchoenBrownErin 801TSIISJ 86
WJ 83JulieCasperAriola 105366-100DanielTSII+1picked up to cues
WJ 83Piano Roll WaltzGreenGrenn 14297WZIIdropSPJ 17picked up to cues
WJ 83Taking it Easy IIBayer/HartenburgColumbia 18-02188Lacy J. DaltonTSIIWJ 87picked up to cues
WJ 83What Lies Over the HillEasterdayTelemark 5008WZIVSPJ 12
SPJ 84HoustonSmithColumbia 53-04105Gatlin Bros.TSIIpicked up to cues
SPJ 84I Keep Putting Off Getting Over YouVölklMCA 51065Don WilliamsTSIIpicked up to cues
SPJ 84Itsy Bitsy ChaRotherMCA 60027Brian HylandCHIII+1SPJ 12
RDF 84HushCroft/DeZordoA&M 8596CarpentersTSII
RDF 84New York, New YorkCooperMCA 40741Roger WilliamsTSII+1SPJ 12picked up to cues
RDF 84Wish Me A RainbowRumbleRoper 137WZIIWJ 95
RDF 84Spanish Gypsy DanceMurbachTelemark 885PD/TSIVSPJ 12
SJ 84Street TalkEddinsMercury 814 395-7Kathy MatteaTSIISJ 86
SJ 84MistakesEddinsMCA 52097Don WilliamsCHIIISJ 86
SJ 84Moonlight TangoMetzgerHi Hat 966TGIIISJ 86
FR 84Homegrown TomatoesRayeWBS 29595Guy ClarkTS/5 ctIISJ 86
FR 84Let Me Be ThereApostalMCA 60179Olivia Newton-JohnTSIIWJ 87picked up to cues
FR 84Stay YoungSikorskyMCA 52310Don WilliamsTSII+1picked up to cues
FR 84Woke Up in LoveLawsonEpic 34-04247ExileTSIISPJ 89picked up to cues
FR 84FrenesiWolcottRoper JH-413RBIIISJ 86
WJ 84Cha Cha CharlestonBrissetteGrenn 17031CHIIISJ 86
WJ 84Primrose LaneWilderEric 270Jerry WallaceTS/JVIIISPJ 12
SPJ 85SukiyakiBrownCapitol 6152Kyu SakamotoTSII+1
SPJ 85Pop Goes the MoviesRayeTNT 225MecoMixedIV
RDF 85Cheri-BinBartonWindsor 4-512VWIISJ 86
RDF 85The Lonely GoatherdCroft/DeZordoSydney Thompson 614TSIISPJ 93
RDF 85Begin the BeguineWolcottRoper 164TS/FTIII
SJ 85The Last WaltzGallowayDecca 2560Engelbert H.WZII
SJ 85Latin LoveWilderColumbia 38-03805Julio IglesiasTS/SambaIVWJ 95re-taught SJ 88
FR 85Dixie RoadCrapoMCA 52564Lee GreenwoodTSII+1picked up to cues
FR 85Polka MedleyZufeltDance-Along 6112TSII+WJ 90
FR 85Distant DrumsFoxcroftRCA 447-0785Jim ReevesFTIVSPJ 12
WJ 85Baby Come Back to MeTaylorAtlantic 89594Manhattan TransferTSII+2WJ 90
WJ 85Feliz NavidadTraceyChantilly 1001TSII+2seasonal
WJ 85Operator, OperatorEddinsRCA PB 14044Eddy RavenTSIISPJ 89
RDF 86Do Me With LoveHerbstColumbia 18-02644Janie FrickeTSIIWJ 87picked up to cues
SJ 86Moonlight MagicPellWindsor 4-535RBIIISPJ 93
SJ 86Bop With Me BabyGuenthnerEMI America 8289Dan SealsJVIII+2re-taught 12/86
FR 86Blue Side of LonesomeHartzell/McWhorterRCA 447-0785Jim ReevesWZIIWJ 87picked up to cues
FR 86I Don't Know WhyGrossman/HooperColumbia 38-04809Rosanne CashTSIIISPJ 89
FR 86White Sport CoatLefeaversColumbia 13-33013Marty RobbinsFTIV+1
WJ 86Don ValeroNewbySydney Thompson 611TSII+2WJ 95
WJ 86My Little WorldFiyalkoEric 180Anita BryantTSIIWJ 87picked up to cues
SPJ 87Something in My HeartJohnsonEpic 34-04668Ricky SkaggsTSIIWJ 87
SPJ 87Sweeter and SweeterWilhoitMercury 884 317-7Statler Bros.WZIISPJ 89
RDF 87Maple Leaf RagKernWindsor 4766TSII
RDF 87Without RuthCroft/DeZordoColumbia 13-33134Statler Bros.TSIISPJ 93
RDF 87Chain ReactionBradl/JunkCapitol 200925(D)Diana RossJVIVWJ 99
RDF 87Woodchoppers BallLawsonBelco 347QS/JVIV
SJ 87On Top of the WorldPellicciA&M 8556CarpentersTSII
FR 87All My Exes Live in TexasCrapoMCA 53087George StraitTSIIWJ 95picked up to cues
FR 87Moonlight & YouStairwaltGrenn 14293WZIISPJ 93
FR 87Sam's SongKammererMerry-Go-Round 020TSIIWJ 95picked up to cues
FR 87Me and YouTraceyMercury 888 093-7Donna FargoTS/FTIII+1SPJ 12
WJ 87Glory of LoveErvinBelco 362TSII+1WJ 95picked up to cues
WJ 87Lasting LoveFreyWBS 28963Crystal GayleFTIII
WJ 87Put a Light in the WindowEasterdayUnderground 1075Four LadsQS/ChaIIIWJ 95
SPJ 88My SongCollingTNT 216TSIIWJ 88picked up to cues
SPJ 88Please Don't Talk About MeEddinsStep One 361Ray PriceTSII+1WJ 95
SPJ 88Impossible DreamProcterMCA 60007Roger WilliamsTS/RhythmIIIWJ 90
RDF 88One Mint JulepMooreAtlantic 755CloversTSIIWJ 90
RDF 88I Can't Take My Eyes Off of YouKammererPrivate Stock 005CHIVdropSPJ 17
RDF 88Yellow BirdBartonSydney Thompson 611RBV+1SP 04
SJ 88Whoop De Do PolkaWinterChaparral 609TSIIWJ 95
FR 88Fiddlestepper PolkaBrownWagon Wheel 811TSIIpicked up to cues
FR 88Jacalyn's WaltzWilhoitRed Boot 907WZIIdropSPJ 17picked up to cues
FR 88A Beautiful TimeDollar/GilbreathEpic 34-05782Merle HaggardTS/ChaIIIWJ 99
FR 88Hot StuffWilhoitRed Boot 912CHIVdropSPJ 17
WJ 88Just Lovin' YouHooperColumbia 38-07611O'KanesTSII+2
WJ 88Salty Two-StepRayeMCA 60090Red FoleyTSIIpicked up to cues
WJ 88Dixie QuickstepWilderSydney Thompson 616QSIIIWJ 95
SPJ 89Don't Worry Be HappyRayeEMI 50163Bobby McFerrinTSIIIWJ 90
SPJ 89StayMüllerRCA PB 49597Maurice WilliamsCHIVWJ 90
SJ 89King of the RoadMacDougall/CohenMerry-Go-Round 048TSIIpicked up to cues
SJ 89River Two-StepWeberMCA 53381Oak Ridge BoysTSIIpicked up to cues
SJ 89The Way to Your HeartVölkl/MüllerEMI 1192477 (D)Soul SisterTSII
SJ 89You're the Top ChaChildersSpecial PressCHV+2
FR 89Sugar ShackGuenthnerKing 2099Jimmy GilmerTSIISPJ 93
FR 89Rainbow ConnectionsChildersSpecial PressWZIV
WJ 89Axel FMathewsonMCA 52536Harold FaltermeyerCHIII+1
WJ 89Spoil the PartyMolitorisColumbia 38-68599Rosanne CashTS/ChaIIISPJ 12
WJ 89KokomoD'AloisoElektra 69385Beach BoysRBVIreteach SPJ 12
SPJ 90Nobody's AngelCrapoWBS 27811Crystal GayleRBIV+2
SJ 90All Shook UpBeckerRCA 447-0618Elvis PresleyTSII
SJ 90Pretty Blue EyesWilderCollectables 3701Steve LawrenceRBIV+1SPJ 12
SJ 90The Lady is a TrampMooreRoper JH-416QSV+1dropSPJ 17
FR 90Fireman Two-StepEddinsMCA 52586George StraitTSII+1
FR 90ManuelaRumbleRoper 145WZIV+1dropSPJ 17
WJ 90FootstepsWoodwardCollectables 3701Steve LawrenceTSIISPJ 12
WJ 90Calendar GirlRotscheidRCA 447-0575Neil SedakaJVIV+2
WJ 90And I Love You SoChildersRCA GB 10471Perry ComoRBV+2
SPJ 91I'd Just Love to Lay You DownBradlMCA 41174Conway TwittyTSII
SPJ 91Listen to the MusicWeissWBS 0407Doobie Bros.Cha/FTIV+2
RDF 91Tie a Yellow RibbonPellFlashback AFS 9171Tony Orlando & DawnTSIIWJ 95
RDF 91I Love Beach MusicRaybuckRipete EEE 1001EmbersWCSV
RDF 91Rockin' RobinMacuciEric 296Bobby DayJVV
SJ 91MistyProcterBarnaby 614Ray StevensTSIII+1SPJ 93
SJ 91The Missouri BreaksWaldal/BushueCapitol 6261Hagood HardyWZ/TSIV+1SPJ 12
SJ 91Kiss Me Goodbye RumbaLawsonCollectables 3190Petula ClarkRBVI
FR 91Red CarnationsHallmanWagon Wheel 812WZII+1dropSPJ 17
FR 91Breaking Up JiveCroft/DeZordoRCA 447-0701Neil SedakaJVIII+2
WJ 91Wake Up Little SusieLefeaversEric 256Everly Bros.TSII+2WJ 95
WJ 91September FoxtrotSlotsveSpecial Press NC 106-1Dinah WashingtonFTIV+1
SPJ 92Dancin' With the DevilBarnesMCA 52327Stephanie WinslowTSIISPJ 93Experimentals begin
SPJ 92It's In His KissBradlEpic 656-6737 (D)CherCHIV+2
RDF 92Shadows in the MoonlightGloverCapitol 4716Anne MurrayTSIISPJ 93
RDF 92Pretty WomanHalsallCollectables 4603Roy OrbisonJV/FTIVSPJ 93
RDF 92FeverEasterdayCapitol 9042Peggy LeeJVVI
SJ 92Buttons & BowsZumwaltHi Hat EN 023TSIISJ 93
SJ 92It's HeavenCarnevaleGrenn 17150WZIIIWJ 95
FR 92Papa Loves MamboBennettSpecial PressPerry ComoTSII+1re-taught SJ 96 & SJ 08
FR 92Esprite De TangoGrossmanGrenn 14218TGIII+2FR 93
WJ 92Hey Good Lookin'LawsonBelco 381TSII+1SPJ 12
WJ 92Non DimenticarRumbleRoper JH-421RBIII+1
WJ 92Dream TangoRotscheidRoper JH-414TGV+1SPJ 12re-taught WJ 95
SPJ 93I Gotta JiveRobertsonRCA 447-0629Elvis PresleyJVIV
RDF 93Someone Must Feel Like a Fool TonightLukertReprise 18967Kenny RogersWZII+1
RDF 93Bright Side of LifeBradlVirgin 114-740"Monty Python"FTIVSPJ 94
RDF 93Mint JulepRotherAtlantic 755CloversWCSVIWJ 95
SJ 93Fascination WaltzCrapoRoper 133WZIII+2dropSPJ 17
SJ 93Mambo EspressoRotherSpecial PressMBIV+2SJ 94
FR 93Seein' My Father in MeWilhoitRCA 9116-7Paul OverstreetTSII+2
FR 93Hand Over Your HeartSchönig/BohlRCA 62105Lorrie MorganCHIV+1
WJ 93Does Anybody Two-Step AnymoreParrishRound Dance 104TSIIWJ 94
WJ 93Someday SoonCrapoCapitol 44772Suzy BoggussRBIII+2
WJ 93The Mountains of MourneLamberty/SwainREXLWZIV+1
SPJ 94All the FunRotscheidRCA 3709-7Paul OverstreetTSIISPJ 12
SPJ 94Yo MamaJabourColumbia 13-3342Loggins & MessinaJVIV
RDF 94ChattahoocheeBondArista 12560-7Alan JacksonTSII+2SPJ 95re-taught SJ 01
RDF 94My GirlKnightCollectables 450TemptationsCHIII+2
RDF 94Everything's Coming Up RosesRotscheidRoper JH-418QSV+1SPJ 12
SJ 94Pink ShoelacesReidAmerican Pie 9027Dodie StevensTSII
SJ 94Quick & EasyJabourHoctor 693QSIIIWJ 95
SJ 94Orient Express FoxtrotMooreRoper JH-406FTV
FR 94If Your Heart Ain't Busy TonightPritchettLiberty 57768Tanya TuckerTSIIFR 95
FR 94Stranger on the ShoreRotscheidRoper 283FTIV
WJ 94She's Not YouCallenCollectables 4511Elvis PresleyFTIV+1
WJ 94The BardLamberty/MoralesREXLWZV+2
SPJ 95I'll Make Your BedHansonColumbia 38-74954Dolly PartonTSIISPJ 96
SPJ 95Cha ChingJabourCollectables 3179McCoysCHIII+2
RDF 95City BoyPond/McAllisterAtlantic 3877Manhattan TransferTSIISJ 96
RDF 95I Love a Rainy NightPalencharWEA 45111Eddie RabbitTSII
RDF 95Walkin' My Baby Back HomeLamberty/SwainREXLTSIIIWJ 99
RDF 95JeannieLamberty/SwainREXLSambaIV+1WJ 99
RDF 95La Isla BonitaBradlSire 84257MadonnaSambaIV+1SJ 96
SJ 95You Never KnowBaldwinMCA 54889Tracy ByrdTSII+1WJ 99
SJ 95Gypsy FeetKilnerLUV 101Jim ReevesSBIVSPJ 12
SJ 95Down Mexico WaySlaterSpecial PressCHV+2
FR 95Run for the RosesBoydEpic 15-03843Dan FogelbergWZII
FR 95Why Haven't I Heard From YouRayeMCA 54823Reba McEntireJvV
WJ 95Sixteen TonsWalzChinook 1104TSIIWJ 96
WJ 95Mr. SantaRotscheidLiberty 17650Suzy BoggussQSIVWJ 96
SPJ 96Numero CincoRumbleSpecial Press RR9582Herb AlpertTSII
SPJ 96Don't Turn Your BackSlaterSpecial Press 92-0912Shakin' StevensJVIV
RDF 96Blue Jeans ChaOlligesCollectables 6208Mel McDanielCHIV
RDF 96ClavelisMandelRoper 247PasoIVClinic
RDF 96My Love is UnconditionalRobertsonMCA 54478George StraitSTSIV+1SJ 97
RDF 96Rachel's SongStairwaltSpecial Press DMC 001STSIV+1Clinic
SJ 96Dancing at Washington SquareRobertsonEpic 15-2224Village StompersFT/JVIV
SJ 96Foxtrot TonightGossRoper 172FTVdropSPJ 17
FR 96Brand New ManHichmanArista 12540Brooks & DunnTSII+2WJ 97
FR 96Jambo MamboEasterdaySpecial PressPerez PradoMBIV
WJ 96It's Time to Dance in '96TirrellCEM 37031TSII+2SP 04
WJ 96Rhythm of the NightSeurerMotown Y683DeBargeCHIV+1
WJ 96If I Were a Rich ManRumbleSpecial PressCHVIWJ 97
SPJ 97So Good in Love (You Look ….)GlennCollectables 90032George StraitWZII
SPJ 97Macarena ChaAshendenRCA 64415Los Del RioCHIII+1SJ 98
RDF 97Music, Music, MusicWereschukCollectables 4226Teresa BrewerTS/5ctII+2SJ 98
RDF 97Button Up Your Overcoat & QSRotscheidSpecial PressTony CraneQSIV+1
RDF 97When Will IProwFlashback AFS 9124Barry ManilowWZV+2
SJ 97Fever TwoNobleChinook 1105TSII+2
SJ 97La BambaRumbleCollectables 3197Ritchie ValensMBIVSPJ 12
SJ 97Just a TangoChildersSpecial PressTGV
WJ 97Goody GoodyRumbleCollectables 0108Frankie LymonTSII**no FR 97**
WJ 97Bahama MamaRumbleSpecial Press RR696CHIV+2dropSPJ 17
RDF 98AleenaBondArista 13039BR-549TSII
RDF 98Estuvieras TuMooreSpecial PressRBIV+1
RDF 98With YouRobertsonSpecial PressBLIV+2SJ 99Clinic
RDF 98More and More Every DayLawsonCollectables 6255Al MartinoFTV+2**no SPJ 98**
SJ 98Texas Stars WaltzChicoAtlantic 7-87052Tracy LawrenceWZIIWJ 99
SJ 98Return to SenderRotscheidRCA GS 447-0638Elvis PresleyJVIV
SJ 98Beautiful MariaLambertyREXLRBVSJ 99
FR 98A Lover's QuestionHurstAtlantic OS 13032Clyde McPhatterTSII+1
FR 98Berkeley Square FoxtrotSlomcenskiSpecial PressFTIV
SPJ 99Love IsGottaSpecial Press RG 622Nat King ColeTSII
SPJ 99Chaka ChakaPhillipsSpecial PressRosanna RocciCHIV+2**no WJ 98**
RDF 99Java Two-StepBondCollectables 4586Al HirtTSII+2SPJ 12
RDF 99Doolittle ChaGossSpecial Press BG 102CHIV+1
RDF 99Little PapillonSchmidtSTAR 129WZIV+2Clinic
RDF 99The Foxtrot WaySchmidtSTAR 129FTV
SJ 99Tequila IIDunnCollectables 3154ChampsTSII
SJ 99Boot Scootin BoogieKoozerArista 12440Brooks & DunnJVIII+1
SJ 99Deep LoveSchmidtSTAR 102RBV+2
FR 99Dream On Texas LadiesVan AttaAtlantic 7-87288John M. MontgomeryWZII+2
FR 99Wrap Your Troubles in DreamsRotscheidSTAR 107Ross MitchellCHIV+1
WJ 99Paper Moon IIRumbleSpecial Press RR 199TSIICONV 01
WJ 99Christmas BrideRotscheidSTAR 107WZIV
WJ 99Begin to Color MeReadSpecial PressAndy WilliamsWZVICONV 01
RDF 00Bye Bye BabyPaullRoper 307TSII+2CONV 01**SPJ were re-teaches
RDF 00Man, I Feel Like a JiveRotscheidMercury 172-123Shania TwainJVIV+2
RDF 00I'm in a Dancing MoodPreskittSTAR 111QSV+1
RDF 00Salsa CafeShibataSpecial Press KNS 9907SalsaVCONV 01unphased Clinic
SJ 00You Light Up My LifeRathbunCurb 7-730127Debby BooneWZII+1SJ01
SJ 00Sway 4 MeRumbleSpecial Press RR798CHIV+2
SJ 00Reet PetiteSchmidtSTAR 117Skylab OrchestraJVV
FR 00Bad Bad Leroy BrownJunk21 Records 7-94973Jim CroceTSII+2CONV 02
FR 00All I Ask of YouMcGeeSTAR 118RBIII+2CONV 02**no WJ 00**
RDF 01Hava NagilaCibulaSpecial Press OBC 001TSIISPJ 12only 2 Jamborees/yr.
RDF 01American BoogieParkerSTAR 106JV/TSIII
RDF 01Liebestraum No. 3ShibataSpecial Press KNS 498WZV+1SPJ 12
SJ 01ChattahoocheeBondArista 12560-7Alan JacksonTSII+2SP 03
SJ 01BamboozleTeagueSpecial Press CDN 004MBIV+1
SJ 01In the MoodGossRoper 167LindyVISP 03unphased **FR 01 cancelled**
RDF 02Polka DotsSasseenWindsor 4752TSI+2SP 03
RDF 02The Marvelous ToyMolitorisStardust URC 1274Chad Mitchell TrioTSII+2SP 03
RDF 02ColoursReadSpecial PressRBIV+2
RDF 02Misbehavin'BartonWarner Brothers 7-21959Hank WilliamsWCSIV+2SP 03
RDF 02Sex BombRotscheidSTAR 154Tom JonesCHIV+1
RDF 02Runaround SueRumbleSTAR 138Ross MitchellJVVI
FR 02PatchesCibulaSP OBC-005 / Collectables 4247Dicky LeeWZIIFRU 03
FR 02Stuck on YouRumbleCollectables DPE1-1009Elvis PresleyJVIV
FR 02All That JazzSechristSTAR 133Ross MitchellFTV
SPJ 03Oh OhSeurerCollectables 0245Jimmie RogersTSII
SPJ 03I Heard It Through The GrapevineSchönigSTAR 163The SoultansJVIV+2
RDF 03Dream BabyWynnCollectables 4602Roy OrbisonTSII1SPJ 12
RDF 03He's My WeaknessBaldwinMercury 422-862-260Ronna ReevesTSII+1SPJ 12
RDF 03Ginny Come BoleroGalbraithAmerican Pie 9026BLIII+1clinic
RDF 03Don't Let Me Touch You BoleroOdumColumbia 13-33370Marty RobbinsBLIV+1clinic
RDF 03Serenade 4ULambertySTAR 172 /
CD "Songs From a Secret Garden"
Secret GardenWZIV+2
RDF 03Sugar, SugarWorlockEric 4015, Collectables 3180The ArchiesCHIV+2
RDF 03Choo Choo Ch'BoogieGossSTAR 126Tony CraneJVVISPJ 12
FR 03Should I Do ItReadCollectables 4787The Pointer SistersJVIV+2
FR 03Love Changes EverythingPierceShow CD 038 (produced by
Jay records - Showtime)
Andrew Lloyd WebberBLV
SPJ 04Spinning Wheel WaltzJuhalaSTAR 167Phil CoulterWZII+1
SPJ 04Ev'rybody Wants To Be A CatPilachowskiSTAR199Ross MitchellJV/TSIV
SPJ 04Bring It All BackFisherSTAR 202Ross MitchellSBV+2SPJ 12
RDF 04On A StarSeurerSTAR 113Tony CraneCHIII+1
RDF 04Am I Blue 4 YouLambertyRound Midnight CD /
For Sentimental Reasons CD
Linda RonstadtFTIV+2SPJ 12
RDF 04LetkissECTA cuersCasa Musica CD Afro Cubano, track 18DarlingMBIV+1SP 05
RDF 04Whisper (As I Lay Me Down)LambertySP-338Sophie B. HawkinsSBVSPJ 12
FR 04England SwingsChicoCollectable 4344Roger MillerTSIIFR 05
FR 04Fine Brown FrameHurdCD - At Last, Blue Note Records, ASIN B000005HF5 / Legendary Lou Rawls, Blue Note Records, ASIN B000002V0ELou RawlsJVIV+2
FR 04No Matter WhatFisherSTAR 202Ross MitchellRBV+2
SPJ 05Little Black BookMouserCollectable 13-33051Jimmy DeanTSII+1SP 06
SPJ 05Dance With MeMüller / HesslerCD Casa musica Z 2004 "Dance House - Latin Music3" OR Worldwide Music WR2CD5028 "The Ultimate Latin Album3"Debelah MorganCHIV+2
SPJ 05Jack Is BackWorlockCD Case Musica CM_CD 023, track 17The ClanMBV+2SPJ 12
RDF 05Ob La DiRumbledifferent Beatle's CDsThe BeatlesCHIII
RDF 05In The NavySilvaCollectables 4338 or Casablanca NB 973The Village PeopleCHIV+2SPJ 12
RDF 05River LullabyLillifieldCD Casa Musica, Ballroom Magic, track 2Casa MusicaWZIV
RDF 05Better Listen To Me KnowSchmidtCD Casa Musica, Latin Music 3, track 14Casa MusicaJVV+1SPJ 12
FR 05The Night I Called 2-stepSchneiderCD, In Pieces, track 2Garth BrooksTSIIFRU 06
FR 05Crazy Little Thing Called LoveLillifieldCD, Crazy Little Thing Called LoveMichael BubleJVIV+2SPJ 12
FR 05The Earth SongSuesCD, Marcus Döring Presents Tanzorchestra Klaus Halllen, Dancefloor Stars volume 2, CD PM 99 11 03, track 1 (fade out at end)Klaus HallenWZV
SPJ 06Yakkity SaxScottSTAR 151Ted TaylorTSII+1SPJ 12
SPJ 06When You Say Nothing At AllMüllerDance & Listen DLD 1090 "CFD - Latin Blast", track 8RBIV+2
SPJ 06Look At Me I'm Sandra DeeGossSTAR 513VWVSPJ 12
RDF 06Carolina MoonRumbleSP 176Maureen GcGovernWZIII+2
RDF 06Coco JamboCibulaWB-17331Mr. PresidentsalsaIVSP 07
RDF 06Go on by QuickstepHurdCD The Magic of Alma CoganAlma CoganQSIVSP 07clinic
RDF 06This Is LoveGrahmSTAR 132CHIV+2
RDF 06Five Guys named MoeGossSTAR 513CDQSVISPJ 12
FR 06Do The MamboParkerSTAR 205MBIV+1
FR 06Beale Street BluesLillifieldCD: Ballroom Magic Premium Standard,
Track 14
Casa MusicaJVV+1
SPJ 07Woke Up in LoveLawsonCBS 084537ExileTSII+1SJ 08
SPJ 07CarniválRumbleCD: Romances, track 14 "Mañana De Carnaval"Luis MiguelRBIV+1
SPJ 07SpringRotscheidCD: Prandi Sound, International Dance
Ballroom Slow Waltz, track 1 (or) CD
Rimini Open Ballroom, track 1 (Sprint)
RDF 07The Rhinestone CowboyJabourCollectable 6041AGlenn CampbellTSII+1SJ 08
RDF 07Turn your Radio onBaldwinSTAR 179TSII+1
RDF 07The Tide is HighMüller/HaasCD Virgin Records 72435467326 “Atomic Kitten - The Tide Is High (Get The Feeling)”Atomic KittenDFIVSJ 08clinic
RDF 07Molly Maguire's WaltzLambertyCD: Step by Step Ballroom track 3Casa MusicaWZIV+2
RDF 07Night FeverSchmidtCD: Greatest Hits - The Record, 2001 CD2, track 3Bee GeesDFVSPJ 12
RDF 07Technicolor DreamsPrüfer/MagnierCD: Polydor 549 625-2 "This is where I came in"Bee GeesFTV
FR 07Wonderful CopenhagenCunninghamSTAR 223WZII+1
FR 07El RelojTrankle/GilderCD: Romances, Luis MiguelLuis MiguelBLIV+1
FR 07JurameWorlockCD: The Ultimate Latin Album 3GiselleRBV+2
SPJ08Bee Bop 'n BoogiePierceCD- Ross Mitchell Rainbow Collection DLD 1004Ross MitchellJVIII+2+1
RDF 08Valentine BoleroDonougheValentine, RCA 64963-7BLIII+1
RDF 08This is the lifeRumbleThe Best of Slowfox Music, Casa Musica CM-CD 304, Track #1Matt MonroeFTIV+2
RDF 08Quand tu chantesSchmidtGold Latin - Ross Mitchell, DLD 1055Ross MitchellSBIV+1+1
RDF 08Head over heelsRotscheidCDF 6, DLD 1062, Ross Mitchell Dance & Listen, track 7 "Head over Heels"Ross MitchellTGV+1
FRU 08ThingsSchmidtBallroom CD by Dancelife – Moondance, Track 9: “Things”TSII+2+1
FRU 08Senorita TangoRumbleMiss Moorhead’s Tango, CD: “Ballroom Fascination” Casaphon #CP 5008Hollywood Movie StringsTGIV
FRU 08BreathlessMooreParandi Sound Rimini Open Vol 5., Balls of Fire, Ballroom CD-202, Track 17FTVI
SPJ09Where You Gonna Sleep TonightPaulThis Is The LifeAmy MacDonaldTSII+2SPJ 10
SPJ09Safronia BRumbleJump, Jive n’ Swing, Wanna Dance Records WDR72001JVVI
SPJ09Top Hat and TailsSzaboSpecial Pressing --- flip of “Rainbow Connection“QSIV
RDF09Big Girl - You Are BeautifulGrobLife in a Cartoon MotionMikaTSII+1+1
RDF09Eskimo TangoMolitorisCD: "The best Of Alma Cogan" song "Never Tango with an Eskimo"Alma CoganTGIII+2
RDF09Remain Silent BoleroCasper/BeckCD: "You have the Right to Remain Silent" Curb D2-77799 track 4Perfect StrangerBLIV+2
RDF 09Lost in the darknessSchmidtCD "Ballroom Passion" CasaphonWZIV+1clinic
CON 09HavannaMooreDanceVision CD-217, Latin DancesSport ClassicChaIII
CON 09Cool YuleGossAlbum "Cool Yule", track 2Bette MidlerJVVFRU 10
CON 09You love meWorlock"When you tell me that you love me" CD "Love & Life"Diana RossBLV+2FRU 10
FRU 09Me and GodAdcockCD "Your man" MCA NashvilleJosh TurnerTSII+2SPJ 12
FRU 09I'm into something goodGotta"I'm into something good", CD Herman's Hermits RetrospectiveHerman's HermitsJVIV+1
FRU 09Can't fight the moonlightde Jong/SchönigTheme from "Coyote ugly"LeAnn RimesChaV+1SPJ 12
SPJ 10Lollipop '09Krackau"Lollipop" by Mika, CD "Life in a cartoon motion"MIkaTSII+2SPJ 11
SPJ 10Slow Boat to ChinaKolshorn"All to myself" STAR 134FTIV+1
SPJ 10FragilidadSüßCD, Buena Vista Social Club -Rhythms del Mundo “Fragilidad” by StiStingMBVSPJ 11
RDF 10Gentle QuickstepMartinSpecial pressing, flip of "with you"QS/TSIII+1
RDF 10Bonnie PortmoreLambertyCD Dancehouse "Standard Music"WZIV+2
RDF 10I've got the world on a stringEasterdayCD "Call me irresponsible"Michael BubleJVV
RDF 10Miss you in my armsHilpert/PohlCD "My innermost", track 11Joana ZimmerRBIV+1+0+1
RDF 10It's the Muppet ShowGrieserThe Muppet Show, The Roadrunner Theme

Download Casa Musica
Dancelife MusicQSIVFRU 11clinic
FRU 10Back to SorrentoKurczewski"Come back to Sorrento", CD "The Best of the Dansen
Years, Vol.2"
Ross MitchellWZII
FRU 10The Green CockatooGloodt"The green cockatoo", CD "All time greatest moments"MontovaniMBIV+2FRU 11
FRU 10Beat of your HeartPreskittCD "Hayley Westenra: Pure, track 5 (edited)Heyley WestenraSTSV+1
SPJ 11Bad dog, no biscuitSperanzoGIANT 7-17958-ADaron NorwoodTSSPJ 12
SPJ 11Smoke gets in your eyesBlackfordCD "Best of the Platters", track 2The PlattersSTSIV+2
SPJ 11CaminitoWorlockCD "Spain Volume 2 More Top Tangos" track 10Stanley BlackTGV+2SPJ 12
RDF 11Dance TonightRoundalab Choreo SessionCD "Memories almost full" or downloadPaul McCartneyTSII+2
RDF 11Dance in PortugalHurdBaxter's Best, Track #8, "April in Portugal" by Les BaxterLes BaxterRB/AT/CHIV+2FRUP 12
RDF 11MercyZimmermannCD "Rockferry", Track 7 by DuffyDuffyCH_IV+2
RDF 11Almost like being in lovePreskittCD Frank Sinatra Romance: Songs from the heart or the Capitol YearsFrank SinatraQSIV+2
RDF 11My aphrodisiac is youDavid“My Aphrodisiac is you”, Artist “Katie Melua”, CD “Call off the search”Katie MeluaWCSV+1FRUP 12clinic
FRU 11Mi VidaRead"Mi Vida" Pimpinela, Casa Musica The Best Vol. 25, Vivo Latino Track 15RBIV+2
FRU 11Rama Lama Ding DongWorlock"Rama Lama Ding Dong" by Rocky Sharpe & The Replays - CD Looking for an EchoRocky Sharpe & The ReplaysJVV
SPJ 12In Love againPhilson“I Just Fall in Love Again” by Anne Murray, CD (e.g. The Best .. So Far, Capitol 31158)Anne MurraySTSIV1
SPJ 12Love ain't here anymoreChaddLove Ain't Here Anymore by Take That, STAR 153ATake ThatWZII+2
RDF 12Owner of my heartGrotheCD -Sasha Greatest HitsSashaRBIII+1
RDF 12UstedHilpert/PohlCD RomanceLuis MiguelBLIVFRUP 13clinic
RDF 12Gabrielas SangHilpert/PohlCD - Wie im Himmel (Soundtrack) Track 2Helen SjoeholmBLV+0+1FRUP 13clinic
RDF 12Diosa MarinaSchmidtDancehouse- Ballroom Nights, CD 1, Track 11Casa MusicaTGV+1FRUP 13
RDF 12MoreRumbleCD - Best of Ballroom Music, Vol. 4Casa MusicaFTIV+2
RDF 12Once upon a DreamSchmidtCD - Ross Mitchell, Standard Gold, DLD 1054Ross MitchellVWunphasedFRUP 13
FRU 12FeathersRenauldCD- Beautiful Hollywood, Track 1, Theme from Forest GumpSTSIV+1
FRU 12Full Speed aheadSperanzoCd - Crooners by Helmut LottiHelmut LottiTSII+2
FRU 12SnowItoCd - Dance with me, Vol.10, Track 3Paola FabrisWZV
SPJ 13Queen of HeartsBurdickCD - Juice Newtons`s Greatest Hits (and more) Capital 4997Juice NewtonTSII+1
SPJ 13Why don`t we just danceTownsend-ManningDownload from I-TunesJosh TurnerJVII+2
SPJ 13Last Night ChaWorlockChris Anderson & DJ Robbi, CK Dance Party Video Collection & Co.Chris AndersonCHV+1
FRU13Red Red RobinRotscheidTSIIFRU 14
FRU13Only You (Solo Tu)RotscheidRBIII
FRU13Forrest GumpMooreWZVkeep
RDF13A Place in the ChoirWoodruffTSIIkeep
RDF13You needed meWorlockSTSV+2keep
RDF13Wire to WireSchidlerFTIVkeep
RDF13Do The Cha Cha SwingHilpert/PohlSSWIV1keep
RDF13Boom Boom Goes My HeartFT/JVIV+2keep
SPJ14Gambling ManJunkTSIIkeep
SPJ14Lilly mamboHilpert/PohlMBIVkeep
SPJ14Big SpenderVogtFTVIkeep
RDF14You raise me upSchmidtSTSIV+2keepclinic
RDF14Ubundant JoySchmidtSTSIII+2keepclinic
RDF14It takes twoGossSTSIV+2SPJ 15
RDF14My Baby just cares for meRotscheidtJVIII+2keep
RDF14Once you had goldRotscheidtWZIV+2keep
RDF14Sentimental JourneyRotscheidtFT/JVV+1SPJ 15
FRU14Contigo BoleroLankuttisBolIII+2
FRU14At Your ServiceNelsonQSV
FRU14Knee DeepDeForeTSIII+2
SPJ15A spoonful of sugarQSIII+
SPJ15I`llbe faithfull to youNobleSTSIV+2
SPJ15Lovers WaltzWhymanWZIII+2
RDF15El Pato LocoTGIIIkeep
RDF15El Sombre VerdePDIV+2keep
RDF15Pinball WizardPDIV+2keep
RDF15Here Comes the ToreadorPDV+2keep
RDF15Rotterdam or anywhereFT/JVVkeep
RDF15Zou Bisou BisouRBIIIRDF 16
SPJ16Streets of LaredoWZII+1+1Keep
SPJ16Come and Dance with me chaChaIVKeep
RDF16The Marvelous ToyTSII2
RDF16Simple ManVölklWCSIV1clinic
RDF16Just the way you areVölklWCSVclinic
RDF16Glory of LoveWCSV
RDF16Cuando me chaChaV+2+2
RDF16Cheek to CheekFXIV1
RDF16Calm after the stormVölklRBIII
SPJ17Everybody wants to go to heavenRaydownloadKenny ChesneyTSII+2
SPJ17Billy a QuickBrewerBilly-A-Dick from For the BoysBallroom Orchestra & SingersQSIII+1
SPJ17Blue DancePeltondownload casa-musica.deJumptown DaddiesJVV+1+1
RDF17Qickstep in 1:36ChildersReturn of Blackman download casa-musicaPrandi Sound Swings OrchestraQSIII
RDF17Tango for AlmaTruus de JongI can´tell a waltz fron a tangoAlma CoganTGIII
RDF17Uptown FunkGibsondownloadMark Ronson feat. Bruno MarsChaV
RDF17Candy ChaLankuttisDownload from I-TunesRobbie WilliamsChaIII
RDF17Sei kon meHilpert/PohldownloadPaul Potts & Healey WestenraSTSIV
RDF17Ghost RiderBrowGhost Riders in the SkyKlaus HallenPDV
RDF17Mas AllaSchmidtPrandi Sound Latin Dream, Track 4 or Download Casa MusicaRBIV+2+1clinic
SPJ18Forever we´ll be in loveOrenWZII+2
SPJ18Tango FantasyNelsonTGIV+2
SPJ18Take my breath awayWilabyRBV
RDF1842nd streetLambertyCasa Musica downloadHelen JenkinsQSIV
RDF18HomeGossCD It's TimeMichael BubleSTSV
RDF18Superman IVByrdLove Theme from SupermanGaby GoldbergRBIV+2
RDF18Thanks for the MemoryHiltonCD: The Great American Song Book, Vol IV; Track 13Rod StewartFTIII2
RDF18Takes 2 to TangoHilpert/PohlCD: Dance Project Latin and BallroomAlec MedinaTGV0+1clinic
RDF18MorenitoHoffmanCD album Caminos Del AmorSparxMBIVclinic
RDF18Ojos QueridosHilpert/PohlCD: The best of Ballroom Music Vol. 28Muchachos Del TangoTGV2+1RDF19ciinic
FRU18All I want is youTownsend-ManningSwing Cats itunesSSWIV+1+1
FRU18I wonderCavnessTanz Orchester Klaus Hallen, CD or itunesWZII2
FRU18Kiss on my listPreskittHall & Oates, The very best of CDChaV
SPJ19Homeward BoundHoffmanCD: Album V, Take me home, download I TunesTol & TolTSIII
SPJ19Rockin' good wayJunkCD: The Collection, download I TunesShakin' Stevens & Bonnie TylerJVIII+1+1
SPJ19The Last Blues SongScherrerCD: I am WomanHelen ReddyFTV
RDF19Boogie BumperSchmidtCD, Standard Music 3,Dance House, Track 15Red Hot Boogie BumpersQSIV+1+1
RDF19Gabriellas SangHilpert/PohlCD: Wie im Himmel (Soundtrack) Track 2Helen SjoeholmBLV+0+1
RDF19Is it rightVölklCD Gallery, Bravo Hits 85ElizaFTIV
RDF19Me & My sisterRead"The Shores of Swilly" , Ballroom Emotions , Track 4WZIV2
RDF19My heart will go onRydersCD: My Essential Love Collection” Track 10Celine DionBLIII2
RDF19Startrekkin'LankuttisIlia`s Theme from Star Trek, Hollywood Movie Strings, Casa MusicaWZIV
RDF19Take on meVölklCD Feel Who I Am or Bravo Hits 71Graziella SchazadFTIV2
RDF19Theme from InuyashiHiltonAlbum: Premium Standard – Ballroom Symphony, Track 5AidanaWZV
RDF19Un Tango del CuoreSchmidtCD, Prandi Sound – Daydreaming Vol 10, Track 8TGIII2
RDF19West Coast SwiningNelsonCD: ACOUSTICNESSRobin GreensteinWCSIV+1
CON191+1=2RobinsonDownload I TunesLou BegaMBIII1
CON19A night like thisGroteDownload I TunesCaro EmeraldChaIII
CON19A wink and a smileGloodtCD Sleepless in Seattle, Original Motion Picture Soundtrack, Epic #EK 53764Harry Connick jr.FTIII2
CON19BlessedVölklCD Album: Take My Breath Away, Track 6Ballroom Orchestra & SingersRBIII
CON19Can you feel the love tonightSeurerSTAR178BRBIII1
CON19Can't wait until tonightGeiger / JarmuthDownload I TunesMax MutzkeRBIII+0+1
CON19Combo ChaClarkSTAR 127ChaIII2
CON19Cubana TangoMeyerThe Ultimate Tango CollectionTony Evans & His OrchestraTGIII2
CON19Dancing in the fogCibulaSpecial Pressing for educational use only, Flip Senor MeteoWZIII2
CON19Feed the birdsSandersSTAR 234WZIII2
CON19Hide nor hairVogtRoss Mitchell DLD-1084 ’30 Top Jives / STAR 509Ross MitchellJVIII2
CON19Last night ChaSperanzo/SlaterLast Night” Single CD Trk #1Chris AndersonChaIII1
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CON19Somebody that I used to knowBurgerDownload I TunesGotyeTSII1
CON19Thank you BabyRossCD: 2005 CAP-Sounds, CD Title “Signature” Track 6Vio FriedmannSSIII
CON19The big oneKoozerDownload I TunesGeorge StraitJVIII
CON19The wind beneath my wingsSchmidtCD: Gold Latin Track 24Ross MitchellRBIII2
CON19TimberBurgerDownload I TunesKe$ha, PitbullChaIII2
CON19Tonight I celebrate my loveByrdCD: Love's Greatest HitsPeabo Bryson and Roberta FlackSTSIII2
CON19UstedLangerCD: Romance Track 6Luis MiguelBLIII
CON19Welcome to NYPreskittCD: Album 1989Taylor SwiftCha/RBIII1+1
CON19Whistle while you workMüller / HaasCD: Dancehouse CD-Z 1103 "Dancehouse - Dance Charts Step 3"Breanna KingQSIII1
CON19Why did it have to be meCallenCD Album “Arrival”ABBAJVIII