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Square Dance
101The Caller Text. The Art and Science of Calling Square Dances with articles for callers written by callers from 37 years of Square Dance Magazine.Compiled by Bob Osgood, organized by Bill Peters. 1985.638 S.enSDPrintOK
102Osgood, Bob: The Caller Teacher Manual. For the Basics ans Mainstream Basics of American Square Dancing by Bob Osgood.Los Angeles, CA : Square Dance Magazine, 1983. 320 S.enSDPrintOK
103King, Jay: The Fundamentals of Hash Calling.Revised by Gene Trimer.157 S.enSDPrintOK
104Beck, Don[ald H.]: Out of sight. A Text on Mental Image Choreography for Square Dance Callers.Stow, Massachusetts : Beck, 1983.214 S.enSD, Mental Image,PrintOO
105Peters, Bill: The Bill Peters Callers Guidebook Series. Book 1B, 1C. The Mighty Module and Sight Calling Made Easy. 3. Aufl. Marlborough, NH : Supreme Audio, 1995. 48 S.enSDPrintOO
106Peters, Bill: The Bill Peters Callers Guidebook Series. Book 1B. Modules Galore. Suppl. to book 1B („The Mighty Module“).3. Aufl. Marlborough, NH : Supreme Audio, 1995. 48 S.enSDPrintO
107Peters, Bill: The Bill Peters Callers Guidebook Series. Book 1A. Presentation Techniques.3. Aufl. Marlborough, NH : Supreme Audio, 1995. 48 S.enSDPrintOO
108Peters, Bill: The Bill Peters Callers Guidebook Series. Book 2. Singing Call Techniques.3. Aufl. Marlborough, NH : Supreme Audio, 1995. 44 S.enSDPrintOO
109Peters, Bill: The Bill Peters Callers Guidebook Series. Book 4. The Art of Programming.4. Aufl. Marlborough, NH : Supreme Audio, 1993. 41 S.enSDPrintOO, K
110Hoadley, H. Orlo: Callers Guidebook to Complete Choreography.Huron, OH : Burdick Enterprises, 1993. 5, 4, 8, 14, 210, 34, 14 S.enSDPrintOO
111Caller / Teacher's Quick Reference Guide.Ed. by Calvin Campbell and Don Amstrong.Fort Collins, CO : ZIA Enterprises, o.J.2 Ex.enSDPrintO (2 Ex.)
112Orlich, Will:Set-Up and Get-Out plus Zeros and Equivalents. A manual for any Square Dance caller wanting to create his own choreography at any level of dance that he might be requested to program - Beginning, intermediate or advanced club level. Sandusky, Ohio : American Squaredance Magazine, o.J. 37 S.enSDPrintOO
113Burleson's Square Dancer's Encyclopedia. Terms, rules, diagrams and Movements of Square Dancing. Salians, CA : Sanborn Enterprises. 1992 - 1995. [bis Nr. 5060]enSDPrintOK , CD-Rom
114Perkins, Bob:Plus Workshop Notebook. A diagram book of Plus, Mainstream, Plus Quarterly selection Square Dance calls for the learning dancer.2. Aufl. Garden Grove, Cl : Perkins, 1983.63, 101-106, 151-156, 201 S.enPlus, SDPrintOK
115Perkins, Bob:Advanced Workshop Notebook. A diagram book.3. Aufl. Garden Grove, Cl : Perkins, 1984.84, 101-106, 151 S.enSD, AdvancedPrintOK
116Trimmer, Gene:Singing Thru Mainstream5. Aufl. Marlborough, NH : Hanhurst, 2000.82 S.enSD, MSPrintOK
117Trimmer, Gene:Singing Thru Plus72 S.enSD, PlusPrintOO, K
118Trimmer, Gene:Singing Thru Advanced One5. Aufl. Marlborough, NH : Hanhurst, 2000.82 S.enSD, AdvancedPrintOO, K
119Burdick, Stan:Easy Sing-Along calls. A collection of modern adaptations of choice western square dance recordings for use in Beginner classes and one-night-stand parties.Huron, OH : American Squaredance Magazine, o.J.30 S.enSD, MSPrintOO
120Burdick, Stan:Progressive Workshop. A collection of modern line dances, traditional contras, progressive circles, tandems and quadrilles for callers.Sandusky, Ohio : American Squaredance Magazine, o.J. o. Pag.enSD, MS, Contra, Line DancePrintOK
121Easy Level. Squares / Mixers / Contras for one-night-stands, classes, fun nights, family dances, camps, new dancer hoedowns. Taken from the Easy Level Pages of American Squaredance Magazine, as compiles by Bob Howell and Cathie an Stan Burdick.Huron, OH : American Squaredance Magazine, o.J.o. Pag.enSD, MS, Contra,MixerPrintOK
122Burdick, Stan:Caller Clinic. Notes.Sandusky, Ohio : Burdick, o.J.o. Pag.enSD, CallerPrintO
122Burdick, Stan:Caller Clinic. Notes.2. erw. Slg. Sandusky, Ohio : Burdick, o.J.o. Pag.enSD, CallerPrintK als O
123Burleson, Bill:The Diagrammed Guide to Better Square Dancing.Minerva, Ohio : Burleson, 1971o. Pag.enSD, MS, PlusPrintO
124Trimmer, Gene:Match a Melody. Singing Call Adaptations Using all Callerlab Mainstream Basics. (Caller Aid Series)Huron, OH : American Squaredance Magazine, 1977.40 S.enSD, MSPrintO
125Jenkins, Mary Flynn:Wheeling and Dealing with nursing home residents. A handbook for Activity Directors and Volunteers interested in bringing happiness to others. (Caller Aid Series)Sandusky, Ohio : American Squaredance Magazine, 1976.16 S.enSD, Rollstuhl, behindertPrintO
126McMenamin, Barbara:Allemande Left with the mentally handicapped. (Caller Aid Series)Sandusky, Ohio : American Squaredance Magazine, 1978.52 S.enSD, BehindertePrintO
127Duming, Emanuel:Accomplishing Better Calling. (Caller Aid Series)2. Aufl. Sandusky, Ohio : American Squaredance Magazine, 1978.30 S.enSD, CallerPrintO
128Fraidenburg, Ed:Modern Module Mode. A Hash System for Square Dance Callers. (Caller Aid Series)Sandusky, Ohio : American Squaredance Magazine, 1976.18 S.enSD, Caller, Hash, ModulePrintOK
129Macke, Andreas:Material for a Caller Class.Berlin : Selbstverlag, 1982.o. Pag.enSD, CallerPrintOK
130Composite Teaching Manual for the American Square Dance. Including : 29 week Basic Program, 12 week Mainstream Program, 20 week Plus Program, 20 week A1 Programm, 20 week A2 Program.Designed by Ted G. Frye; critiqued by Jack A. Lasry.Knoxville, Tenn. : Square Tunes and Pioneer Record Comp. Inc., 1982.109, 48, 22, 44, 38 S.enSD, CallerPrintOO
131Finkenaur, Allen:Singing Call Magic!o.O. : o.J.20 S.enSD, singing callsPrintO, K
132Syllabus The Caller Coach School198224 S.enSD, CallerPrintO
133Brundage, Al u. Earl Johnston:The Pocket Dictionary of Square Dance Calls. Callerlab Basic Program, Callerlab Mainstream Program2. Aufl. Vernon, Conn : Pocket Dictionary, 1985.48 S.enSD, CallerPrintO
134Brundage, Al u. Earl Johnston:The Pocket Dictionary of Square Dance Calls. Callerlab Plus Program, Callerlab Advanced 1, Callerlab Advanced 2.2. Aufl. Vernon, Conn : Pocket Dictionary, 1985.50 S.enSD, CallerPrintO
135Aamot, Dwain „Whitey“:Anyone can Sight Call.Waseca, MN : Selbstverlag, 1980.5 Bl.enSD, Caller, Sight CallingPrintOK
136Macke, Andreas:Übersetzung von Bill Peters: The Mighty Module, Sight Calling Made Easy u. Modules Galore.Peters, BillBerlin : Selbstverlag, 1982.159 S.de, enSD, Caller, Module, Sight callingPrintOK
137Mennes, Rudi:Square Dancing Deutsch.Oberbergen : Selbstverlag, o.J.68 S.deSDPrintO
137Mennes, Rudi:Square Dancing Deutsch.Übach-Palenberg : Selbstverlag, o.J.60 S.deSDPrintO
137Mennes, Rudi:Square Dancing Deutsch.Übach-Palenberg : Selbstverlag, 1988.91 S.deSDPrintO
137aMennes, Rudi:Square Dancing Deutsch.Penzing-Oberbergen : Selbstverlag, 2001.86 S.deSDPrintO
137aMennes, Rudi:Square Dancing Deutsch.Penzing-Oberbergen : Selbstverlag, 2004.86 S.deSDPrintO
137bMennes, Rudi:Square Dancing Deutsch. Plus-Programm.Penzing-Oberbergen : Selbstverlag, 2005.52 S.deSD, PlusPrintO
137cMennes, Rudi:Square Dancing Deutsch. Advanced 1 und 2.Penzing-Oberbergen : Selbstverlag, 1999.71 S.deSD, AdvancedPrintOO
138Gasser, Hans-Gerd:The Caller/Teacher Class Lesson Plan. Basic, Mainstream.Schwäbisch Hall : Selbstverlag, o.J.o. Pag.enSD, CallerPrintO
1431One Night Stand Kiten
144Howard, Carole A.:The Compleat Guide to Survival Social Dance (or) How to Perform the Intricacies of Modern Ballroom Dance Using the „Fabulous Fakes“ Thereby Achieving Fantastic Social Successs as a Final and Amazing Result!!!Minneapolis, Min. : Burgess Publ. Group, 197891 S.enTanzartenPrintOK
148Peters, Bill: The Bill Peters Callers Guidebook Series. Modules Galore. Book 3 The Business Side of Calling.2. Aufl. Marlborough, NH : Supreme Audio, 1993. 62 S.enSD, CallerPrintOO
149Vl?ek, František:Square Dance. U?ebnice s definicemi. 1. dil Basic & Mainstream.Vsetín? : Pergamen, 1997.104 S.csSDPrintO
151Orlich, Will:Choreography Gimmicks. (Caller Aid Series)Sandusky, Ohio : American Squaredance Magazine, o.J. 42 S.enSD, CallerPrintK als OK
152Trimmer, Gene:Specialized Squares and Crowd Pleasers. Hexagon Squares, Tandem Squares, Kaleidoscope Squares, Exploding Squares, Progressive Squares, Siamese Squares and more...Paragould, AR : Selbstverlag, 1987.72 S.enSD, Caller, HexagonPrintK als O
1531De Technic van Square Dancingnl
1541Advanced SD Programmanl
1561Zero Movements & Equivalents
157Fischle, Heiner:Traditional Square Dance. Lehrgangsmanuskript.Hannover : Selbstverlag, 1994.o. Pag.deSD, ContraPrintO (2 Ex.)K
158Barnes, Hal:Asymmetric Mechanics. A Practical Guide to Asymmetric Sight Calling.2. Aufl. Bowie, MD : Selbstverlag, 1994.70 S.enSD, Caller, Sight Calling, asymmetrischPrintOK
159Campbell, Calvin:Dancing for Busy People.Calvin Campbell; Ken Kernen; Bob Howell.Castle Rock, CO : Selbstverlag, 1995.289 S.enSD, CallerPrintOK
160Trimmer, Gene:Square Dance Calling. Fundamentalso.O. : o.J.129 S.enSD, CallerPrintOK
161Curriculum Guidelines for Caller Training.Compiled by Callerlab Caller Training Committee.Pocono Pines, Pen : Callerlab, 1986.90 S.enSD, CallerPrintO (4 Ex.)
enthält: Technical Supplement.Rochester, MN : Callerlab, 1991.172 S.enSD, CallerPrintO, K,
161Curriculum Guidelines for Caller Training. Enthält: Technical Supplement.Compiled by Callerlab Caller Training Committee.o.O. : 2004.229 S.enSD, CallerPrintO
162Davis, Bill:The Sight Callers Textbook.Sunnyvale, CA : Selbstverlag, 1979.122 S.enSD, CallerPrintOK
163Sets in Order Year Book of Square and Round Dancing. Number Three. The calls, breaks and Round Dances compiles from the 1956 issues of Sets in Order.Edt. by Bob Osgood with help by the staff of Sets in OrderLos Angeles, CA : Square Dance Publ., 1959.96 S.enSD, RoundPrintO
164Callerlab Community Dance Programm zus.gst. von Ken Kernen u. d. Callerlab Contra & Traditional Dance Committee ins Dt. übertragen von Heiner Fischle.Hannover : Selbstverlag, 1999.32 S.deCDPPrintManuskript, Ausdruck, Diskette, OK
164Community Dance Program2. Aufl. Rochester, MN : Callerlab, 1995.44 S.enCDPPrintO
165Greene, Hank:Square and Folk Dancing. A Complete Guide for Students, Teachers and Callers.o.O. : Barnes and Noble Books, o.J.316 S.enSD, CallerPrintOK
166Square Dance Figuren 1-69. Dt. Erklärungen und Zeichnungen nach Callerlab von Warinka Schuster.Hamburg : Chatterbox-Vlg. Rolf Schuster, 1979.46 S.deSDPrintO
167Bennis, Warren; Burt Nanus:Führungskräfte. Die vier Schlüsselstrategien erfolgreichen Führens.5. Aufl. Frankfurt : Campus, 1992.229 S.deFührungsstilPrintO
168Kraus, Richard G.:Square Dances of Today and How to Teach and Call Them.Richard G. Kraus; ill. v. Carl Pfeuffer; Mus. Arrang. v. Charles LeonhardNew York : Barnes and Comp., [1950].130 S.enSD, CallerPrintK
169Armstrong, Don:The Lloyd Shaw Foundation recreational dance program.Denver, Col : The Lloyd Shaw Foundation, 1985.88, 37 S.enSD, ContraPrintOK
170The Lloyd Shaw Foundation elementary school dance program. Grades K-6. Containing instructions and music for approximately eighty-five graded dances and singing games.3. verb. Aufl. o.O. : The Lloyd Shaw Foundation, 1986.150 S.enSD, ContraPrintOK
171The Lloyd Shaw Foundation program of Dance for the exceptional. Containing instructions and music for fifty-four dances for the Mentally, Physikally and Sensory Impaired Populations.Assembled and adapted by Carole Howard and Ruth Ann Knappo. O. : The Lloyd Shaw Foundation, 1983.161 S.enSD, Contra, BehindertePrintOK
172Training Manual for recommended Use by Callers and Teachers in conducting Square Dance Classes.Prepared by the Training Committee of the Square Dance Callers Association of Southern California.2. Aufl. South Gate, CA : Selbstverlag, 1958.97 S.enSDPrintO
172Training Manual for recommended Use by Callers and Teachers in conducting Square Dance Classes.Prepared by the Training Committee of the Square Dance Callers Association of Southern California.verb. Aufl. South Gate, CA : Selbstverlag, 1960.85 S.enSD, CallerPrintK als O
173Diagrammed Plus I - Plus II, Advances I - Advanced II, C-1 - Basic Challange, C-2 - Extended Challange Square Dance Movements.as Compiled by Bill Burleson.Minerva, Ohio : Selbstverlag, 1980.o. Pag.enSD, CallerPrintO
174King, Jay: Fundamentals of Hash CallingParagould, Ark. : G. Trimmer, 1981, 267 S.enSD, Caller, Hash PrintK als OK
175Square Dance Figuren Plus I u. Plus II. Dt. Erklärungen und Zeichnungen nach Callerlab von Warinka Schuster.Hamburg : Chatterbox-Vlg. Rolf Schuster, 1980.38 S.deSD, PlusPrintO
175Square Dance Figuren Plus. Dt. Erklärungen und Zeichnungen nach Callerlab von Warinka Schuster.4.Aufl. Hamburg : Chatterbox-Vlg. Rolf Schuster, 1995.31 S.deSD, PlusPrintO
176The Callers Notebook. Gesammelte Kopien aus Square Dancing April 1977-November 1985.enSD, CallerPrintK als O
177Fransen, Jac. M.:Some Experimentals created by a Dutchman named Jac. M. Fransen.Schiedam : Syncoop Produkties, 1989.16 S.enSD, CallerPrintO, K
1781Advanced 1 Level Basicsen
179Han, Dick:Mainstream Singing Call Collection.Monticello, IN : Selbstverlag, o.J.o. Pag. (68 Bl.)enSD, Caller, MSPrintOK
180Han, Dick:Plus Singing Call Collection.Monticello, IN : Selbstverlag, o.J.o. Pag. (35 Bl.)enSD, Caller, PlusPrintO2 K
181Han, Dick:A1 u. A2 Singing Call Collection.Monticello, IN : Selbstverlag, o.J.o. Pag. (63 Bl.)enSD, Caller, A1, A2PrintOK
182Davis, Bill:The Extemporaneous Caller.Sunnyvale, CA : Selbstverlag, 1991.138 S.enSD, CallerPrintOK
183Rühenbeck, Joachim:Home Package for the ECTA-Callers-Critique.Haan : Prüfungsmaterial, 1987.o. Pag.enSD, CallerPrintK als OK
184Davis, Bill; John Sybalsky:The Big Five (MS, +, Advanced, C-1, C-2). Dictionary and Square Dance Manual. A Sequel to The Top Ten.Sunnyvale, CA : Selbstverlag, 1990.88 S.enSD, CallerPrintOK
185Ruthem, Jim u. Jeannie:Teching/Workshop Guide for Plus Movements of Modern Western Square Dancing.Etowah, TN : Pathways Studio, 1990.o. Pag.enSD, Caller, PlusPrintOK
186Roundalab:Manual for Square Dance Callers using Rounds in the Square Dance Program.o.O. : Roundalab, 1995.58 S.enSD, RoundPrintOK
187Coblenzer, Horst; Franz Muhar:Atem und Stimme. Anleitung zum guten Sprechen.10. Aufl. Wien : Österreichischer Bundesverlag, 1991.118 S.deStimmePrintOK
187Coblenzer, Horst; Franz Muhar:Atem und Stimme. Anleitung zum guten Sprechen.17. Aufl. Wien : Österreichischer Bundesverlag, 1997.116 S.deStimmePrintO
188Riesch, Anneliese:Lebendige Stimme. Stimmbildung für Sprache und Gesang.Mainz : Schott, 1972.124 S.deStimmePrintO
189Callerlab Partners' Committee Handbook.Rochester, MN : Callerlab, 1992.79 S.enCallerPrintOO
190Han, Dick:A1 u. A2 Teaching Manual.Monticello, IN : Selbstverlag, o.J.157 S.enSD, Caller, A1, A2Print2 OO, K
191Campbell, Calvin:The Mainstream Caller's Notebook.Castle Rock, CO : Selbstverlag, 1992.89 S.enSD, Caller, MSPrintOK
192Morvent, Wayne:Surprise Get-Outs.Silsbee, TX : Selbstverlag, 1992.31 S.enSD, Caller, MS, PlusPrintOK
193Callerlab Starter Kit for Newer Callers. Beigefügt: Standard Basic & Mainstream Applications; Standard Plus Applications.Cocoa, FL : Callerlab, [1998].42 S.enSD, CallerPrint2 O, 1 Ex. 1994; O
194Graser, Ruth:Callerlab Plus Program. Diagrams and Definitions.8. Aufl. Mission Viejo, CA : Graser, 1995.42 S.enSD, Caller, PlusPrint2 OK
195Graser, Ruth:Callerlab Advanced Program. A-1 and A-2. Diagrams and Definitions.8. Aufl. Mission Viejo, CA : Graser, 1996.33 S.enSD, Caller, A1, A2PrintOK
196Graser, Ruth:Callerlab Basic Challenge Program C-1. Diagrams and Definitions.8. Aufl. Mission Viejo, CA : Graser, 1995.46 S.enSD, Caller, C1PrintOK
197Graser, Ruth:Callerlab Extended Challenge Program C-2. Diagrams and Definitions.9. Aufl. Mission Viejo, CA : Graser, 1995.42 S.enSD, Caller, C2PrintOK
198Graser, Ruth:Advanced Challenge Program C-3A. Diagrams and Definitions.3. Aufl. Mission Viejo, CA : Graser, 1998.46 S.enSD, Caller, C3APrintOK
1991ist jetzt 137c
300Fischle, Heiner:Wörterbuch Square Dance ... und was ich sonst noch sagen wollte. 222 Stichworte.1. Aufl. Hannover : Selbstverlag, 1995.44 S.deSDPrintO
3011Kafka, Thomas:Modern American Square Dance als Methode in der Jugendarbeit.München : Typoskript 1987.33 S.deSDPrintO
302After Party Fun87 S.enSDPrintK als O
303Shaw, Dorothy:The Story of Square Dancing. A Family Tree. (Sets in Order Handbook Series)Los Angeles, CA : Sets in Order, 1962. 16 S.enSD, GeschichtePrintOO
304Rossoff, Martin:Hoedown Heritage. The evolution of modern Square Dancing.Sandusky, Ohio : Burdick Enterprises, 1977.24 S.enSD; GeschichtePrintOO
3051Litchman, William M.; Kristin E. Litchman:Rocky Mountain Caller. Bill Litchman's Calling Book.Albuquerque, NM : Medley Publications 2005.95 S.enTraditionalPrintO
306Upright, Dennis E.; Andy Cisna:Sounding the Hall. Sound considerations for large halls impedance matching and Phase considerations for Audio Power Amplifiers. [Beigeheftet ECTA-Rundschreiben, Hilton-Skizzen]Huron, OH : Burdick Enterprises, 1977.12 S.enSD, SoundPrintOO
3071Leadership ShapeenO
308A Manual for Leadership. Training Programs. A Legacy Committee Report.60 S.enSD, FührungPrintK als OK
309Square Dance Styling.Huron, OH : Burdick Enterprises, 1980.o. Pag.enSD, StylingPrintOK
3101SD für Rollstuhlfahrerde
311Howard, Carole A.:Froggin' around with 65 fun games.64 S.enSD, SpaßPrintOK
3121Aspekte zur Geschichte und Funktion des „American Square Dancing“. Cass. u. Buchde
313Trimmer, Gene:Plan Afterparty Fun.2. Aufl. Paragould, AR : Selbstverlag, 1987.39 S.enSDPrintO
314Junck, Jerry; Jim Mayo:Standard Choreography for Square Dance Callers. A Square Dance teacher's source book.Marlborough, NH : Hanhurst's Tape & Record Service, 1997.63 S.enSD, ChoreographiePrintOK
315Fischle, Heiner:Der klassische Square Dance (Basic 1 ... 33).Hannover : Fischle, 1998.33 S.deSDPrintO
316Lewis, Joe:Square Dancing for new dancer and new callers.3. Aufl. Sydney : Angus and Robertson, 1953.88 S.enSD, CallerPrintK als OK
3176 Mini-Manuals aus: Mikeside Management.Stan Burdick1996,1997enPrintK
318Clendenin, Daryl:Teaching the Mainstream Program of Modern Western Square Dance.Marlborough, NH : Hanhurst's Tape & Record Service, 1999.88 S.enSD, MS, TeachingPrintO
3191Singing calls for CDPO
3201My Favorite Country Dances (35 Contras, Mixers, Big Circles, Squares)
321Henkel, Les:Sharing a Treasure of DancesStand BurdickTonias, NE. : Henkel, 1994.136 S.enSD, Contra, MixerPrintOK
322Triebenecker, Michael:Callerlab Basic und Mainstream Definitionen. Fassung vom 12.10.1993.Magdeburg : o.V., 200056 S.de, enSDPrintOK
323Callerlab Choreographic Guidelines. Compiled and edited by Choreographic Applications Committee. Jerry Reed, Chairman; Elmar Claycomb, Vice Chairman.1996.62 S.enSD, ChoreographiePrintO (lose Bl.) KK
324Mayo, Jim:Step by step through Modern Square Dance History.Bloomington, IN : Mayo, 2003.202 S.enSD, GeschichtePrintOO
325Fischle, Heiner:Der moderne Square Dance (Basic 36 ... 69).Hannover : Fischle, 2004.20 S.deSDPrintO
327Clossin, Jimmy; Carl Hertzog:The American cowboy Square Dance book.London : Bell and sons, 1951.46 S.enSDPrint
328King, Jay: Postgraduate course for „Dream Dancers“.Wayland, Mass. : King, 1975.55 S.enSDPrintK
329Clendenin, Daryl:Teaching the Mainstream Program of Modern Western Square Dance.Marlborough, NH : Hanhurst's Tape & Record Service, 1999-2004.75 S.enSD, MS, TeachingPrintOK
330King, Jay: How to Teach Modern Square Dancing.3. Aufl. Lexington, Mass. : King 1970.238 S.enSD, CallerPrintOO
331King, Jay: The Square Dancer's Dictionary. (Formerly Entitled The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing).Wayland, Mass. : King, 1976.254 S.enSDPrintO
332King, Jay: The Fundamentals of Calling.2. Aufl. Lexington, Mass. : King, 1969.274 S.enSD, CallerPrintO
333Leppin, Rollo:Calling Mental Image And How to Survive it.Aachen : Shaker, 2010.300 S.enSD, Caller, Mental ImagePrintO
334Sikorsy, Mike: The Activator-Stream System.Mesa, AZ : Sikorsky, 2011.114 S.enSD, Caller, Mental ImagePrintOK
335Sikorsy, Mike: The Activator-Stream System. Boo 2.Mesa, AZ : Sikorsky, 2011.106 S.enSD, Caller, Mental ImagePrintOK
336Kroll, Joachim:Visuelle Hilfsmittel im Squaredancekurs.Konradsreuth : Kroll, 201325 S.deSD, Caller, Class, HilfsmittelPrintO
337Walz, Eberhard:Wie der Square-Dance nach Rußland kam.[Öhringen] : Walz, [2012].32 S.deSD, Caller, Geschichte. RußlandPrintO
Round Dance
201Haury, Fred:ABC's of Round Dancing. A glossary of dance terms. Revision 3.Albuquerque, NM : Haury, 1989.119 S.enRoundPrintOK
202Anderson, Kaye:Cold Feet : How to get them dancing. Round Dance Basics for beginning Dancers.Jackson, Missouri : Dance Action, 1982.154 S.enRoundPrintO
203Riendeau, Albert J.:Round Dancing for Fun.Silver Spring, Maryland : Bettienal Publ., 1983.enRoundPrintOK
204Völkl,Klaus:Das große Two-Step Lehrbuch in deutsch.München : VB-Verlag, 1995.388 S.deRoundPrintOO
205Engelke, Brigitte:Round-Dance deutsch.3. Aufl. Hannover : Engelke, 1984.20 S.deRoundPrintK als OK
206Chatterbox Special. ECTA Round Dance Basics in deutsch.Klaus Völkl.Hamburg : Chatterbox-Vlg. Rolf Schuster, o.J.deRoundPrintO
2071Roundalab Phase Rated System. Auch Addendum May 1996.
208Roundalab:Manual for New Round Dance Leader.o.O. : Roundalab, 1996.81 S.enRoundPrintOO
209Mueller, Betty u. Clancy:Dance a Round and Have Fun or Everything You have always wanted to know about Round Dancing, but were afraid to ask!2. Aufl. New Whiteland, Ind. : Mueller, 1981.24 S.enRoundPrintOO
210Lehnert, Frank:Step-Close-Step. Round Dance Basics for Dancers, Teachers, Callers.12. Aufl. Toledo, OH : Lehnert, 1983.72 S.enRoundPrintOK
211Gesammelte Blätter für eine Cuer-ClassenRoundPrintK als OK
212Burdick, Cathie:Teaching Tots to dance. (Caller Aid Series)Sandusky, Ohio : American Squaredance Magazine, 1971.30 S.enTraditionalPrintO2 K
213Schmidt, Michael:Langsamer Walzer. Figurenbeschreibung für den Round Dance. Version 2.0 vom 21. Januar 1998.Köln : Schmidt, 19986, 49 S.deRoundPrintOO
215Fransen, Jac. M.:Handboek voor de moderne Rounddans in Nederland. Handboekserie Deel IV.o.O. : NSRDV, 1975.48 S.nlRoundPrintO
217Butterfly 1. Eine Auswahl von Round Dances. Twostep & Waltz, Phase II und Übungstänze.Text, deutsche Tanzbeschreibungen & Übungstänze von Susanne Bolliger-Heuss.Zürich : VAW-Verlag, 1998.80 S.deRoundPrintO
222Leach, Emily:FRED's Language of Round Dancing.Clearwater, Florida : Selbstverlag o.J.32 S.enRoundPrintO
223The National Carousels Round Dance Encyclopedia and Reference Manual.Trulock, Jim u. Norma; corr. Frank u. Iris Gilbert.Blätter ohne fortlaufende Paginierung, 1985.enRoundPrintK als OK
224Palmquist, Eddie u. Audrey:Step by Step. Palmquist Style. Manual 1.El Toro, Ca. : Palmquist, o.J.58 S.enRoundPrintOO (lose Bl.)
227Rother, Bob u. Mary Ann:Reference Manual for use in conjunction with Samba, Paso Doble, International Tango Round Dance Basics.Portland, OR : Rother, o.J.26 S.enRoundPrintOO
228Rother, Bob u. Mary Ann:Reference Manual for use in conjunction with Intermediate Round Dance Basics.Portland, OR : Rother, o.J.30 S.enRoundPrintOO
229Rother, Bob u. Mary Ann:Reference Manual for use in conjunction with Extended Intermediate Round Dance Basics.Portland, OR : Rother, o.J.20 S.enRoundPrintO2 O
230Rother, Bob u. Mary Ann:Reference Manual for use in conjunction with Advanced Round Dance Basics.Portland, OR : Rother, o.J.26 S.enRoundPrintOO
231Roundalab Reference Manual.Orig. compil. Richard u. Jo Ann Lawson.o.O. : Roundalab, 1987.o. Pag.enRoundPrintO
232Rotscheid, Susie u. Gert-Jan:Suggested Plans and Helps for Beginners' (Phases I & II) Classes using mostly ECTA Repertoire dances.o.O. 1991.15 S.enRoundPrintOO
233Rotscheid, Susie u. Gert-Jan:Helps for beginning dancers.o.O. 1991.5 S.enRoundPrintO2 O
236Anderson, Kaye:Fancy Footwork: The Art of Round Dancing. Conventions, Positions ans Terminology.2. Aufl. Mesa, AZ : Dance Action, 1992.154 S.enRoundPrintOK
237Anderson, Kaye:Fancy Figures: Two-Step. Phase I, II and III.Mesa, AZ : Dance Action, 1992.169 S.enRoundPrintOK
238Anderson, Kaye:Fancy Figures: Easy Level Waltz. Phase I, II and III.Mesa, AZ : Dance Action, 1992.142 S.enRoundPrintOK
246Anderson, Kaye:Fancy Figures: Phase III Latins. (Cha Cha, Rumba, Mambo, Jive) with Advanced Variations.Mesa, AZ : Dance Action, 1992.154 S.enRoundPrintOK
247Anderson, Kaye:Fancy Figures: Phase III Moderns (Foxtrot, Quickstep, Argentine Tango) with Advanced Variations.Mesa, AZ : Dance Action, 1992.150 S.enRoundPrintOK
251Anderson, Kaye:Cold Feet II: Beginning Waltz and Two-Step Basics.Mesa, AZ : Dance Action, 1994.164 S.enRoundPrintOK
253Grossman, Jeff u. Barb:Basic Round Dancing. Two-Step and Waltz. Roundalab Phase I and II.Tualatin, OR : Grossman, 1991.160 S.enRoundPrintOK
254Blancke, Luc:Steppin' Easy. Ten easy dances. Zehn einfache Tänze.Übers. von Ulf Tutt. Mit einer MC.Lovendegem : Anglo-American Dance Service, 1995.40 S.en, deRoundPrintO enthält 1 MCK
255Bolliger-Heuss, Susanne:Round Dance. Kleines Handbuch in deutscher Sprache.Binningen : Selbstverlag, 1995.36 S.deRoundPrintO
258Shaw, Lloyd:The Round Dance Book. A Century of Waltzing. With a Foreword by Thomas Hornsby Ferril. With over a hundred old-time American Round Dances and Circle Mixers.Caldwell, Idaho : The Caxton Printers, 1950.443 S.enRoundPrintO
400Square Dancing. Official publication of the Sets in Order AmericanSquare Dance Society.Los Angeles, CA : Sets in Order. Bestand: 26 (1974), 28 (1976), 30 (1978), 31 (1979), 32 (1980), 33 (1981), 35 (1983), 36 (1984) (2 Jg.), 37 (1985) (2 Jg.).en
401American Square Dance. The National Magazin with the swinging lines.Huron, OH : Burdick Enterprices.Bestand: 35, 8 (1980), 39,12 (1984), 41,1-6, 8-11 (1986), 42,1-6, 8-12 (1987), 43 (1988), 44,1, 3-12 (1989), 45,1-9, 11-12 (1990), 46,1-11 (1991), 47 (1992), 48 (1993), 49 (1994), 50 (1995), 51,1-8, 10-12 (1996), 52,1-6, 8, 10-12 (1997), 53,1-6, 8-12 (1998), 54 (1999), 55 (2000), 56,12 (2001), 57 (2002), 58,1-10 (2003),en
402The Chatterbox.Würzburg : EAASDC.Bestand: 1972 11; 1973 10-12; 1974 1-12; 1975 1-6, 8-12; 1976 1-12; 1977 1-12; 1978 1-12; 1979 1-12; 1980 1-12; 1981 1-12; 1982 1-12; 1983 1-12; 1984 1-12; 1985 1-12; 1986 1-12; 1987 1-12; 1988 1-12; 1989 1-12; 1990 1-5; Erscheinen eingestellten
403ECTA-Notes 1974-1992.enSD, ECTA, SDCPrint2 Ex.
404EAASDC NewsletterBestand: 1967; 1968 4-7; 1969 2,8,12; en, de
405EAASDC BulletinBestand: 1979/80 1-9; 1980/81 2-7, 10-12; 1981/82 1-12; 1982/83 1-12; 1983/84 1-12; 1984/85 1-12; 1985/86 1-4; 12 (1991); 21 (2000) 6-8; 22 (2001); 23 (2002); 24 (2003); 25 (2004); 25 (2005); 26 (2006); 27 (2007); 28 (2008); 29 (2009); en, de
406Apart Point Magazine.Tollhouse, CA : Schmidt.Bestand: 1987 11, 12; 1988 6-13; 1989 18-26; 1990 27-29;en
407The American Dance Circle. A Quarterly Publication of the Lloyd Shaw Foundation.Golden, Colorado : The Lloyd Shaw Foundation.Bestand: 7, 1,3-4 (1986), 8,1,4 (1987), 9 (1988), 10 (1989), 11,1, 3-4 (1990), 12,1 (1991), 13,1 (1992), 14,1 (1993), 15,1 (1995)en
500Popwell, Shelia:Everything You always wanted to know about Clogging and never even knew You wanted to ask.Huron, OH : Burdick Enterprices, 1975.38 S.enCloggingPrintOK
501Popwell, Shelia:Almost Everything You always wanted to know about Teaching Clogging except how You ever let yourself get talked into doing this in the First Place.Huron, OH : Burdick Enterprices, 1980.83 S.enCloggingPrintOO, K
502Zöller, Monika:Clogging - Grundschritte.München : Zöller, 2001-2002.18 Bl.enCloggingPrintO2 K
504Toor, Sue Adams:Clogging Instructor's HandbookMaitland, FL : Toor, 1984.10 S.enCloggingPrintO
505Bresch, Anne:Clogging BEG.Graham, WA : Bresch, 1984.o. Pag.enCloggingPrintK als O
506Elling, Lois:Teaching Clogging. Complete Guide for Clogging Teachers and soon-to-be Clogging TEachers.Elling, 1986.162, 19 S.enCloggingPrintK als OK
507The NCHC Clog Dance Book.Written and compiled by Betsy Farlow and Miriam Dawson.NCHC, 1989.51 S.enCloggingPrintK als O
508Collins, Pam:Clog Dancing.70 S.enCloggingPrintK als OK
509Hatfield, Diana; Debra Austin: Modern Clogging 2.Clinton, TN. : Clinton Courir News, 1981.186 S.enCloggingPrintK als OK
510Hinds, Tom; Megaera Esmond:How to Do Appalachian Clogging.Arlington, VI. : Hinds, 1984.36 S.enClogging, AppalachiansPrintK als O
511Duke, Jerry:Clog Dance in the Appalachians.San Francisco, CA : Duke Publ., 1984.93 S.enClogging, AppalachiansPrintK als O
512Popwell, Shelia:The Clogger's Book of Appalachian Square Dance Figures.Huron, OH : Burdick Enterprices, 1983.o. Pag.enClogging, AppalachiansPrintK als O
513Clogging in Europa 1983 – 2009. Hrsg. v. d. European Callers an Teachers Association e.V. anläßlich des 50. Jubiläums im Juni 2009.Bonn : ECTA, 2009.38 S.deCloggingPrintO
514Behrens, Bianca:Clogging, der amerikanische Stepptanz. Beginner Handbuch.zusammengestellt von Bianca Behrens.3. akt. Ausg. Niedernhausen : Behrens, 2007.o.Pag.deCloggingPrintO
Contra and Traditional
600Armstrong, Don:The Caller/Teacher Manual for Contras with 101 Ready-to-Call Contras.Los Angeles, CA :The Sets in Order American Square Dance Society, 1973. 96 S.enContra, SDPrintOK
601Dancing with the Armstrongs. The 1999 Collection. Complete instructions for forty-three dances. Sources for thirty-eight additional dances.Macks Creek, MO : Armstrong, 1998.o. Pag. mit 2 MCenContraPrintOK
602Fischle, Heiner:Leitfaden A Guide to Contra Dancing Bd. Vol. 1Hannover : Fischle, 1983.48 S.de, enContraPrintO
602Fischle, Heiner:Leitfaden A Guide to Contra Dancing Bd. Vol. 1Hannover : Fischle, 1998.43 S.de, enContraPrintO
603Fransen, Jac. M.:American contra & old time dancing.o.O. o.J.o. Pag.nlContraPrintK
604Gaudreau, Herbie:Modern Contra Dancing. (Callers Aid Series)Huron, OH : Squaredance Magazine, 1971.40 S.enContraPrintOK
605Page, Ralph:An Elegant Collection of Contras and Squares.Denver, Col : The Lloyd Shaw Foundation, 1984.153 S.enContraPrintO
606Klotzsche, Volker:Vom Contra zum Square Dance.Wolfenbüttel : Möseler, 1994.61 S.de, enContra, SDPrintO
607Parkes, Tony:Contra Dance Calling. A basic Text.Bedford, Mass. : Hands Four Books, 1992.300 S.enContraPrintOK
608Holden, Rickey:The Contra Dance Book. Reprint of the 1956 edition.Lovendegem : Anglo-American Dance Service, 1997.126 S.enContraPrint2 Ex. O
609Callens, Philippe:From a Belgian Yankee Caller. Forty-Five New England style dances with music for each dance.Lovendegem : Anglo-American Dance Service, 1996.110 S.enContraPrintO
610Maddocks, Durward:Swing Your Partners. A Guide to Modern Country Dancing.5. Aufl. New York : Stephen Daye Press, 1950.111 S.enSD, ContraPrintK als O
612Page, Ralph:Heritage Dances of Early America.Colorado Springs, Colorado : The Lloyd shaw Foundation, 1976.64 S.enContraPrintO
613Fischle, Heiner:Leitfaden Contra Bd. 2Hannover : Fischle, 1999.129 S.de, enContraPrintO
614Contra Dance Syllabus. Fall Round Up 2000.Compiled by John & Claudia Chauvin, Carol david-Blackman, Heiner Fischle, Al Green.o.O. 2000.20 S.enContraPrintO
615Griepentrog, Volkmar:Contra / Country. Begriffe und Wörter, Aufstellungen, Formationen, Tanzfiguren2. Aufl. Minden : Griepentrog, 2000.26 S.deContraPrintO
616Fischle, Heiner:Erste Schritte zum Contra DanceHannover : Fischle, 2001.16 S.deContraPrintO
618Fischle, Heiner:Leitfaden Contra Bd. 3Hannover : Fischle, 2004.173 S.de, enContraPrintO
619Fischle, Heiner:Leitfaden A Guide to Contra Dance Bd. Vol. 4Hannover : Fischle, 2007.S. 175-218enContraPrintO
620Jennings, Larry:The Contra Connectionby Larry Jennings, Dan Pearl and Ted SanellaHaydenville, MA. : 2006.3. Aufl. 64 S.enContraPrintOK als O
621Brunner, Verena:Tanzen mit Mozart. Kontratänze – Menuett – Deutscher Tanz. Tanzbeschreibungen und Noten.2. verb. Aufl. Boppard : Fidula, 2006.79 S.DContraPrintO
622Brunner, Verena:Contredanses. Tanzvergnügen der Mozart-Zeit. Kontratänze. Tanzbeschreibungen Historisches.Boppard : Fidula, 2014.343 S.DContraPrintO
Country Western; Line Dance
700Lane, Christy:Christy Lane's Complete Book of Line Dancing.Champaign, Il :Human Kinetics, 1995.150 S.enLine DancePrintOK
701Popwell, Shelia:Solo-Dances. A Collection of Solo Dances, Fun Dances and Mixers.Huron, OH : American Squaredance Magazine, 1978.110 S.enLine DancePrintOK
702Longley, Grant Fairbanks:Solo Dance Manual (Line Dance Manual) Vol. 2Lowell, MA : New England Caller, 1979.58 S.enLine DancePrintO
703Longley, Grant Fairbanks:Line Dance Manual. Vol. 13. Aufl. Venice, Fl : The New england Caller, 1985.74 S.enLine DancePrintK als OK
704Gellette, Kelly:Country Western. Notes.Las Vegas, NV : Gellette, 1985.100 S.enLine DancePrintO, K
704Gellette, Kelly:Country Western. Notes.2. Aufl. Las Vegas, NV : Gellette, 1989.100 S.enLine DancePrintO
705Gellette, Kelly:Country Western. Book 2. Continued.2. Aufl. Las Vegas, NV : Gellette, 1986.101 S.enLine DancePrintO, 2 K
705Gellette, Kelly:Country Western. Book 2. Continued.3. Aufl. Las Vegas, NV : Gellette, 1989.99 S.enLine DancePrintO
706Millar, John Fitzhugh:Elizabethan Country Dances.Williamsburg, Vir. : Thirteen Colonies Press, 1985.114 S.enLine DancePrintOK
707Gellette, Kelly:Country Western. Book 3. Notes.2. Aufl. Las Vegas, NV : Gellette, 1986.95 S.enLine DancePrintOK
708Gellette, Kelly:Country Western. Book 4. Come Dance, along, with me. Teaching Manual.Las Vegas, NV : Gellette, 1986.98 S.enLine DancePrintO, K
708Gellette, Kelly:Country Western. Book 4. Come Dance, along, with me. Teacher's Manual.2. Aufl. Las Vegas, NV : Gellette, 1989.94 S.enLine DancePrintO
709Longley, Grant Fairbanks:Doc Longley's Glossary of Line/Solo Dance Terms. A Complete Listing.Venice, Fl : Longley, 1991.50 S.enLine DancePrintO (2 Ex.)O
710Longley, Grant Fairbanks:Line /Solo Dance Manual. Vol. 3Lowell, MA : New England Caller, 1988.108 S.enLine DancePrintOK
711Gellette, Kelly:Country Western. Book 5. Line Dances Galore.Las Vegas, NV : Gellette, 1989.98 S.enLine DancePrintO
712Gellette, Kelly:Country Western. Book 6. Partner Dances - Shuffles & Schottische.Las Vegas, NV : Gellette, o.J.103 S.enLine DancePrintO
713Gellette, Kelly:Country Western. Book 7. More Turns.Las Vegas, NV : Gellette, 1989.109 S.enLine DancePrintO
714Gellette, Kelly:Country Western. Book 8. Cha Cha for Country Western Folk.Las Vegas, NV : Gellette, 1991.88 S.enLine DancePrintO
715Gellette, Kelly:Country Western. Book 9. West Coast Swing for Country Westrern Dancers. An easy way to learn.Las Vegas, NV : Gellette, 1992.78 S.enLine DancePrintO
717Gellette, Kelly:Country Western. Book 11. Hot Line Dances.Las Vegas, NV : Gellette, o.J.99 S.enLine DancePrintO
718Gellette, Kelly:Country Western. Book 12. Cool Line Dances.Las Vegas, NV : Gellette, 1994.110 S.enLine DancePrintO
719Cholmondeley, Jim u. Jean:Combined Square and Country Western Lessons.Florissant, MO : Chomondeley, o.J.o. Pag.enLine Dance, SDPrintOK
720Cholmondeley, Jim u. Jean:Country Western. Line and Couple Dances.Florissant, MO : Chomondeley, o.J.o. Pag.enLine Dance, SDPrintO
721Country Western Line Dance Library (over 200 line dances). Vol. 1Pub. by K.Country.9. Aufl. Aldergrove, B.C. : Kris Kelf, 1995.221 S.enLine DancePrintO
722Everybod swing! Eight tunes for New England Country Dancing, including Levi Jackson Rag.Antwerpen : V.D.C.V., 1989.82 S. m. 1 MCnlLine DancePrintOO
723Nagy, Christine:Tanzhits 1. Moderne Tänze im Block, in der Linie und im Kreis.2. Aufl. Kiel : Balsies, 1996.52 S.deContraPrintO2 K
724Dalton, Brian u. Pat:Step up to The Line. Line Dance Manual Vol. 1.Weston Turville : Dalton, o.J.122 S.enLine DancePrintOK
725Roundalab Standard. Country Western Dancing.1992, Add. 1993.8, 7 S.enContraPrintO (lose Bl.)
Einzelstücke, nicht ausleihbar
X3National (& International) Square Dance Directory 2006.Brandon, MS : NSD Products, 2006.100 S.enSDPrintO
X4Square Dance Building Guidelines. A Committee Report Prepared for CALLERLAB.2. rev. Aufl. 199640 S.enSDPrintO
X5ROUNDALAB / ECTA Minilab April 20-22, 2000.2000.lose Bl.enRoundPrintO (2 Ex.)
X6The Lloyd Shaw Foundation Catalog.Marie Armstrong.Macks Creek, MO :Lloyd Shaw Foundation, 1994.31 S.enContraPrintOO
X10Roundalab:Standard for Round Dancing. Sammelordner.1997 - 2003o. Pag.enRoundPrintO
X1245th National Square Dance Convention, San Antonio June 26-29, 1996. Round Dance Syllabus.136 S.enRoundPrintO
X1346th National Square Dance Convention, Orlando, Florida June 25-28, 1997. Round Dance Syllabus.140 S.enRoundPrintO
X1444th National Square Dance Convention, Birmingham, Alabama, June 21-24, 1995. Round Dance Syllabus.127 S.enRoundPrintO
X15West Square Dance Convention, Denver, Colorado, August 6-9, 1997. Round Dance Syllabus.82 S.enRoundPrintO
X17/1Roundalab:Standardized Classic Dance Cues. Tentive Standards.Lower Waterford, VT : Roundalab, 1992.23 S.enRoundPrintO
X17/2Roundalab:Standardized Classic Dance Cues. Approved Standards.1993.14 S.enRoundPrintO
X17/3Roundalab:Standardized Classic Dance Cues. Tentive Standards.1993.10 S.enRoundPrintO
X17/4Roundalab:Standardized Classic Dance Cues. Tentive Standards.1994.9 S.enRoundPrintO
X17/5Roundalab:Standardized Classic Dance Cues. Tentive Standards.1995.[4 S.]enRoundPrintO
X17/6Roundalab:Standardized Classic Dance Cues. Experimental Standards.1995.[12 S.]enRoundPrintO
X17/7Roundalab:Standardized Classic Dance Cues. Experimental Standards.1996.[3 S.]enRoundPrintO
X17/8Roundalab:Standardized Classic Dance Cues. Tentive Standards.1996.25 S.enRoundPrintO
X1847th National Square Dance Convention, Charlotte, North Carolina, June 24-27, 1998. Round Dance Syllabus.1998.157 S.enRoundPrintO
X1947th National Square Dance Convention, Charlotte, North Carolina, June 24-27, 1998. Clogging Syllabus.1998.90 S.enCloggingPrintO
X2047th National Square Dance Convention, Charlotte, North Carolina, June 24-27, 1998. Line Dance Syllabus.1998.o. Pag.enLine DancePrintO
X2147th National Square Dance Convention, Charlotte, North Carolina, June 24-27, 1998. Contra & Heritage Dance Program.1998.56 S.enContraPrintO
X2248th National Square Dance Convention, Indianapolis, Indiana, June 23-26, 1999. Round Dance Syllabus.1999.o. Pag.enRoundPrintO
X2348th National Square Dance Convention, Indianapolis, Indiana, June 23-26, 1999. Clogging1999.o. Pag.enCloggingPrintO
X2448th National Square Dance Convention, Indianapolis, Indiana, June 23-26, 1999. A Patchwork of American Contra Dance.1999.o. Pag.enContraPrintO
X2549th National Square Dance Convention, Baltimore, Maryland, June 21-24, 2000. Round Dance Syllabus.2000.148 S.enRoundPrintO
X2649th National Square Dance Convention, Baltimore, Maryland, June 21-24, 2000. Clogging Syllabus.2000.32 S.enCloggingPrintO
X27West Square Dance Convention, Casper, Wyoming, August 9-12, 2000. Contra Syllabus.2000.26 S.enContraPrintO
X28West Square Dance Convention, Casper, Wyoming, August 9-12, 2000. Round Dance Syllabus.2000.24 S.enRoundPrintO
X29Becker, Marco:Trainings-Protokoll Mainstream Class.3. Aufl. Pinneberg : Selbstverlag, 200118 S.deSDPrintO
X3050th National Square Dance Convention, Arnheim, California, June 27-30, 2001. Round Dance Syllabus.2001.138 S.enRoundPrintO
X3150th National Square Dance Convention, Arnheim, California, June 27-30, 2001. Clogging Syllabus.2001.o. Pag.enCloggingPrintO (2 Ex.)
X3250th National Square Dance Convention, Arnheim, California, June 27-30, 2001. Contra Dance Syllabus.2001.71 S.enContraPrintO
X3451th National Square Dance Convention, St. Paul, Minnesota, June 26-29, 2002. Round Dance Syllabus. 2002.o. Pag.enRoundPrintO
X3551th National Square Dance Convention, St. Paul, Minnesota, June 26-29, 2002. Contra Syllabus. 2002.87 S.enContraPrintO
X3651th National Square Dance Convention, St. Paul, Minnesota, June 26-29, 2002. Clogging. 2002.o. Pag.enCloggingPrintO
X3752th National Square Dance Convention, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, June 25-28, 2003. Round Dance Syllabus. 2003.108 S.enRoundPrintO
X3852th National Square Dance Convention, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, June 25-28, 2003. Contra Dance Syllabus. 2003.24 S.enContraPrintO
X3952th National Square Dance Convention, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, June 25-28, 2003. Clogging Syllabus. 2003.o. Pag.enCloggingPrintO
X40Spring Fling 2003. Gatlinburg, Tennessee.2003.86 S.enCloggingPrintO
X4153th National Square Dance Convention, Denver, Colorado, June 23-26, 2004. Clogging Syllabus. 2004.o. Pag.enCloggingPrintO
X4253th National Square Dance Convention, Denver, Colorado, June 23-26, 2004. Contra Dance Syllabus. 2004.o. Pag.enContraPrintO
X4353th National Square Dance Convention, Denver, Colorado, June 23-26, 2004. Round Dance Syllabus. 2004.196 S.enRoundPrintO
X4454th National Square Dance Convention, Portland, Oregon, June 23-26, 2005. Clogging Syllabus. 2005.o. Pag.enCloggingPrintO
X4554th National Square Dance Convention, Portland, Oregon, June 23-26, 2005. Contra Dance Syllabus. 2005.44 S.enContraPrintO
X4654th National Square Dance Convention, Portland, Oregon, June 23-26, 2005. Round Dance Syllabus. 2005.132 S.enRoundPrintO
X47Georgia State Clogging Convention. Macon, Georgia, June 23-24, 2000.2000.o. Pag.enCloggingPrintO
X4855th National Square Dance Convention, San Antonio, Texas, June 22-24, 2006. Round Dance Syllabus. 2006.o. Pag.enRoundPrintO
X4955th National Square Dance Convention, San Antonio, Texas, June 22-24, 2006. Contra Dance Syllabus. 2006.46 S.enContraPrintO
X5055th National Square Dance Convention, San Antonio, Texas, June 22-24, 2006. Clogging Syllabus. 2006.121 S.enCloggingPrintO
X5156th National Square Dance Convention, Charlotte, North Carolina, June 27-30, 2007. Round Dance Syllabus. 2007.217 S.enRoundPrintO
X5256th National Square Dance Convention, Charlotte, North Carolina, June 27-30, 2007. Clogging Syllabus. 2007.117 S.enCloggingPrintO
X5356th National Square Dance Convention, Charlotte, North Carolina, June 27-30, 2007. Contra Dance Syllabus. 2007.43 S.enContraPrintO
X5459th National Square Dance Convention, Louisville, Kentucky, June 23-26, 2010. Contra Dance Syllabus.2010.52 S.enContraPrintO
X5559th National Square Dance Convention, Louisville, Kentucky, June 23-26, 2010. Clogging Syllabus.2010.o.Pag.enCloggingPrintO
X5659th National Square Dance Convention, Louisville, Kentucky, June 23-26, 2010. Round Dance Syllabus.2010.186 S.enRoundPrintO
X5760th National Square Dance Convention, Detroit, Michigan, June 22-25, 2011. Round Dance Syllabus.2011.104 S.enRoundPrintO
X5860th National Square Dance Convention, Detroit, Michigan, June 22-25, 2011. Clogging Syllabus.2011.o. Pag.enCloggingPrintO
X5960th National Square Dance Convention, Detroit, Michigan, June 22-25, 2011. Contra Dance Syllabus.2011.o. Pag.enContraPrintO
X6061st National Square Dance Convention, Spokane, Washington, June 27-30, 2012. Round Dance Syllabus.2012.134 S.enRoundPrintO
X6161st National Square Dance Convention, Spokane, Washington, June 27-30, 2012. Contra Dance Syllabus.2012.34 S.enContraPrintO
X6261st National Square Dance Convention, Spokane, Washington, June 27-30, 2012. Clogging Syllabus.2012.41 S.enCloggingPrintO
X6362nd National Square Dance Convention, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, June 26-29, 2013. Round Dance Syllabus. The Five Civilized Tribes Of Oklahoma.2013.121 S.enRoundPrintO
X6462nd National Square Dance Convention, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, June 26-29, 2013. Contra Dance Syllabus. The Sooner The Better.2013.69 S.enContraPrintO
X6663rd National Square Dance Convention, Little Rock, Arkansas, June 25-28, 2014. Round dance Syllabus.2014.148 S.enRoundPrintO
X6763rd National Square Dance Convention, Little Rock, Arkansas, June 25-28, 2014. Clogging Syllabus. Rock – N – Little Rock.2014.40 S.enCloggingPrintO
X68Contra Dancing at the 63rd National Square Dance Convention with the Arkansas Country Dance Society.2014.51 S.enContraPrintO
X6964th National Square Dance Convention, Springfield, Massachusetts June 24 – 27, 2015. Contra DanceSyllabus.2015.59 S.enContraPrintO
X7064th National Square Dance Convention, Springfield, Massachusetts June 24 – 27, 2015. Round Dance Syllabus.2015.196 S.enRoundPrintO
X7265th National Square Dance Convention, Des Moines, Iowa June 22 – 25, 2016. Round Dance Syllabus.2016.163 S.enRoundPrintO
X7365th National Square Dance Convention, Des Moines, Iowa June 22 – 25, 2016. Clogging Syllabus.2016.31 S.enCloggingPrintO
X7465th National Square Dance Convention, Des Moines, Iowa June 22 – 25, 2016. Contra DanceSyllabus.2016.5, 33 S.enContraPrintO
X75The 66th National Square Dance Convention, Cincinnati – A Great American Experience, Cincinnati, Ohio June 21 – 24, 2017. Round Dance Syllabus. 2017.186 S.enRound
2017 kein Clogging Syllabus
X76The 66th National Square Dance Convention, Cincinnati – A Great American Experience, Cincinnati, Ohio, June 21 – 24 2017. Contra Syllabus. 2017.o.P.enContraPrintO
C 0Patter Sampler Collection (10 Tapes)MC
C 1Useful Singingcalls for Lady Callers (3 Tapes)MC
C 2.Callerlab Convention 1981 (7 Tapes)MC
C 14.Callerlab Convention 1993 (28 Tapes)MC
C 15.Callerlab Convention 1994 (37 Tapes)MC
C 16.Minilab 1994 (26 Tapes)MC
C 17.verschenktCallerlab Convention 1995 (31 Tapes)MC
C 17. 1Callerlab Convention 1995. # 1 CDP Dance Session - Part 1MC
C 17. 2Callerlab Convention 1995. # 2 CDP Dance Session - Part 2MC
C 17. 3Callerlab Convention 1995. # 3 After PartyMC
C 17. 4Callerlab Convention 1995. # 4 Successful Choreography - Basic & MainstreamMC
C 17. 5Callerlab Convention 1995. # 5 SalesmanshipMC
C 17. 6Callerlab Convention 1995. # 6 Teaching TechniquesMC
C 17. 7Callerlab Convention 1995. # 7 Everything You Want To Know About ManagementMC
C 17. 8Callerlab Convention 1995. # 8 Successful Choreography - PlusMC
C 17. 9Callerlab Convention 1995. # 9 Managing A Home ProgramMC
C 17.10Callerlab Convention 1995. # 10 Techniques For Self ImprovementMC
C 17.11Callerlab Convention 1995. # 11 Positive Communication & Problem Solving ConversationMC
C 17.12Callerlab Convention 1995. # 12 Successful Choreography - Advanced & ChallengeMC
C 17.13Callerlab Convention 1995. # 13 Teaching In SchoolMC
C 17.14Callerlab Convention 1995. # 14 How To Use The CDP ProgramMC
C 17.15Callerlab Convention 1995. # 15 Sound EnhancementMC
C 17.16Callerlab Convention 1995. # 16 Overseas Callers ShowcaseMC
C 17.17Callerlab Convention 1995. # 17 Contra Interest Dance SessionMC
C 17.18Callerlab Convention 1995. # 18 Advanced Techniques Of Sight Calling - Part 1MC
C 17.19Callerlab Convention 1995. # 19 One Night StandsMC
C 17.20Callerlab Convention 1995. # 20 Contra Basic Interest SessionMC
C 17.21Callerlab Convention 1995. # 21 ShowmanshipMC
C 17.22Callerlab Convention 1995. # 22 Singing Call AdaptionMC
C 17.23Callerlab Convention 1995. # 23 Voice 101 - Calling With Confidence & CareMC
C 17.24Callerlab Convention 1995. # 24 The Leadership Role Of The PartnerMC
C 17.25Callerlab Convention 1995. # 25 Square Dance PromotionMC
C 17.26Callerlab Convention 1995. # 26 Advanced Techniques Of Sight Calling - Part 2MC
C 17.27Callerlab Convention 1995. # 27 How To Use The Basic ProgramMC
C 17.28Callerlab Convention 1995. # 28 Working With MusicMC
C 17.29Callerlab Convention 1995. # 29 People SkillsMC
C 17.30Callerlab Convention 1995. # 30 Voice 102 - Calling With Confidence & CareMC
C 17.31Callerlab Convention 1995. # 31 Line / Solo DancingMC
C 18. XverschenktCallerlab Convention 1996 (37 Tapes)MC
C 18. 1Callerlab Convention 1996. # 1 CDP Dance SessionMC
C 18. 2Callerlab Convention 1996. # 2 CDP Dance SessionMC
C 18. 3Callerlab Convention 1996. # 3 C / W DanceMC
C 18. 4Callerlab Convention 1996. # 4 C / W DanceMC
C 18. 5Callerlab Convention 1996. # 5 Opening SessionMC
C 18. 6Callerlab Convention 1996. # 6 Showmanship Through ChoreographyMC
C 18. 7Callerlab Convention 1996. # 7 Voice IMC
C 18. 8Callerlab Convention 1996. # 8 Choreo Development - How To Teach MainstreamMC
C 18. 9Callerlab Convention 1996. # 9 Organized, Functional, Meaningful Thoughts Of The PartnerMC
C 18.10Callerlab Convention 1996. # 10 Teaching Techniques - Basic / MainstreamMC
C 18.11aCallerlab Convention 1996. # 11a Voice IIMC
C 18.11bCallerlab Convention 1996. # 11b Voice IIMC
C 18.12Callerlab Convention 1996. # 12 One Night StandsMC
C 18.13Callerlab Convention 1996. # 13 Circle Of Smiles - The Partner, Part IIMC
C 18.15Callerlab Convention 1996. # 15 Showmanship Through ChoreographyMC
C 18.16Callerlab Convention 1996. # 16 Choreo Development - How To Teach MainstreamMC
C 18.17Callerlab Convention 1996. # 17 Contra Basic Interest SessionMC
C 18.18Callerlab Convention 1996. # 18 Overseas Callers DanceMC
C 18.19Callerlab Convention 1996. # 19 Choreo Development - How To Call MS Emphasis CallsMC
C 18.20Callerlab Convention 1996. # 20 Showmanship Through PresentationMC
C 18.21Callerlab Convention 1996. # 21 Teaching Techniques - Extended SkillsMC
C 18.22Callerlab Convention 1996. # 22 Working Relationship, Experiences Of The Past vs Those Of The PresentMC
C 18.23Callerlab Convention 1996. # 23 People Skills & LeadershipMC
C 18.24Callerlab Convention 1996. # 24 Managing A Home ProgramMC
C 18.25Callerlab Convention 1996. # 25 How To Attract A New Generation Of DancersMC
C 18.26Callerlab Convention 1996. # 26 Women in Calling - Safety While TravelingMC
C 18.27Callerlab Convention 1996. # 27 An Open Forum on Alternate Dance Programs - A DebateMC
C 18.28Callerlab Convention 1996. # 28 Music - Techniques & HarmonyMC
C 18.29Callerlab Convention 1996. # 29 How To Use A Note ServiveMC
C 18.30Callerlab Convention 1996. # 30 Festival CallingMC
C 18.31Callerlab Convention 1996. # 31 Teaching Techniques - PlusMC
C 18.32Callerlab Convention 1996. # 32 Adapting Singing Call FiguresMC
C 18.33Callerlab Convention 1996. # 33 After PartyMC
C 18.34Callerlab Convention 1996. # 34 Contra Interest Dance SessionMC
C 18.35Callerlab Convention 1996. # 35 Closing Session - Part 1MC
C 18.36Callerlab Convention 1996. # 36 Closing Session - Part 2MC
C 19. XverschenktCallerlab Convention 1997 (30 Tapes)MC
C 19. 1Callerlab Convention 1997. # 1 CDP Dance Session - Part 1MC
C 19. 2Callerlab Convention 1997. # 2 CDP Dance Session - Part 2MC
C 19. 3Callerlab Convention 1997. # 3 After Party - Part 1MC
C 19. 4Callerlab Convention 1997. # 4 After Party - Part 2MC
C 19. 5Callerlab Convention 1997. # 5 Solving Our Problems - What Are Our Choices?MC
C 19. 6Callerlab Convention 1997. # 6 Voice I - For Caller TrainersMC
C 19. 7Callerlab Convention 1997. # 7 Timing & Training in the CDP ProgramMC
C 19. 8Callerlab Convention 1997. # 8 Partners' I - A Family in Crisis, or At Least Under PressureMC
C 19. 9Callerlab Convention 1997. # 9 Standard Choreo vs Extended Applications - MainstreamMC
C 19.10Callerlab Convention 1997. # 10 Understanding Technical ZerosMC
C 19.11Callerlab Convention 1997. # 11 Body Flow / SmoothnessMC
C 19.12Callerlab Convention 1997. # 12 ShowmanshipMC
C 19.13Callerlab Convention 1997. # 13 Voice II - General Session On VoiceMC
C 19.14Callerlab Convention 1997. # 14 Timing and Phrasing in ClassMC
C 19.15Callerlab Convention 1997. # 15 Standard Application ShowcaseMC
C 19.16Callerlab Convention 1997. # 16 Contra ShowcaseMC
C 19.17Callerlab Convention 1997. # 17 Standard Choreo vs Extended Applications - PlusMC
C 19.18Callerlab Convention 1997. # 18 Voice III - Critique SessionMC
C 19.19Callerlab Convention 1997. # 19 Teaching TechniquesMC
C 19.20Callerlab Convention 1997. # 20 Standard Choreo vs Extended Applications - MainstreamMC
C 19.21Callerlab Convention 1997. # 21 Teaching Examples - How People LearnMC
C 19.22Callerlab Convention 1997. # 22 Multi-Cycle ProgrammingMC
C 19.23Callerlab Convention 1997. # 23 Partner II - New Tricks for an Old Dog - New Looks at the Partner's RoleMC
C 19.24Callerlab Convention 1997. # 24 Standard Choreo vs Extended Applications - BasicMC
C 19.25Callerlab Convention 1997. # 25 Voice IV - Critique SessionMC
C 19.26Callerlab Convention 1997. # 26 Teaching Callers to use ContrasMC
C 19.27Callerlab Convention 1997. # 27 Music - Techniques & HarmonyMC
C 19.28Callerlab Convention 1997. # 28 Festival CallingMC
C 19.29Callerlab Convention 1997. # 29 Chinese DancersMC
C 19.30Callerlab Convention 1997. # 30 The Way We WereMC
C 20. XCallerlab Mini Lab 1997 (13 Tapes)MC
C 20. 1Callerlab Mini Lab 1997. # 1 What Is Callerlab - Resources From Callerlab - Report On Alternative ProgramsMC
C 20. 2Callerlab Mini Lab 1997. # 2 Teaching TechniquesMC
C 20. 3Callerlab Mini Lab 1997. # 3 Use Of Music And VoiceMC
C 20. 4Callerlab Mini Lab 1997. # 4 Extended Applications With The Mainsteam ProgramMC
C 20. 5Callerlab Mini Lab 1997. # 5 Advance ChoreographyMC
C 20. 6Callerlab Mini Lab 1997. # 6 Timing And SmoothnessMC
C 20. 7Callerlab Mini Lab 1997. # 7 Square Dance Audio Equipment: The Answer To All The Questions You Ever Had, But Were Afraid To AskMC
C 20. 8Callerlab Mini Lab 1997. # 8 Formation Management And ChoreographyMC
C 20. 9Callerlab Mini Lab 1997. # 9 Sight CallingMC
C 20.10Callerlab Mini Lab 1997. # 10 Panel: Alternative Dance Programs To The Basic, Mainsteam, Plus ProgramsMC
C 20.11Callerlab Mini Lab 1997. # 11 Programming For The Club CallerMC
C 20.12Callerlab Mini Lab 1997. # 12 ShowmanshipMC
C 20.13Callerlab Mini Lab 1997. # 13 General Meeting (Discussion Of Alternative Dance Programs)MC
C 21. XCallerlab Convention 1998 (31 Tapes) (HO = handouts H45)MC
C 21. 1Callerlab Convention 1998. # 1 CDP Dance Session - Part 1MC
C 21. 2Callerlab Convention 1998. # 2 CDP Dance Session - Part 2MC
C 21. 3Callerlab Convention 1998. # 3 After Party (HO)MC
C 21. 4Callerlab Convention 1998. # 4 Presentation of T2000 ProposalsMC
C 21. 5Callerlab Convention 1998. # 5 Difficult CommunicationsMC
C 21. 6Callerlab Convention 1998. # 6 Improving Your Vocal Range - Part 1MC
C 21. 7Callerlab Convention 1998. # 7 Improving Your Vocal Range - Part 2MC
C 21. 8Callerlab Convention 1998. # 8 Debate on T2000 Proposal - Part 1MC
C 21. 9Callerlab Convention 1998. # 9 Debate on T2000 Proposal - Part 2MC
C 21.10Callerlab Convention 1998. # 10 Partners In The 90's And Beyond (HO)MC
C 21.11Callerlab Convention 1998. # 11 Improving Your Vocal Quality - Part 1MC
C 21.12Callerlab Convention 1998. # 12 Improving Your Vocal Quality - Part 2MC
C 21.13Callerlab Convention 1998. # 13 Voice Critic Session - Part 1MC
C 21.14Callerlab Convention 1998. # 14 Voice Critic Session - Part 2MC
C 21.15Callerlab Convention 1998. # 15 Mainstream ShowcaseMC
C 21.16Callerlab Convention 1998. # 16 Smoothness (HO)MC
C 21.17Callerlab Convention 1998. # 17 Contra Interest SessionMC
C 21.18Callerlab Convention 1998. # 18 Understanding Technical Zeros (HO)MC
C 21.19Callerlab Convention 1998. # 19 How To Use The Basic Program (HO)MC
C 21.20Callerlab Convention 1998. # 20 Multi-Cycle Teaching (HO)MC
C 21.21Callerlab Convention 1998. # 21 Standard Choreo vs. Extended Applications - MainstreamMC
C 21.22Callerlab Convention 1998. # 22 How To Manage A Home Program (HO)MC
C 21.23Callerlab Convention 1998. # 23 Teaching - How People LearnMC
C 21.24Callerlab Convention 1998. # 24 Mental Image (HO)MC
C 21.25Callerlab Convention 1998. # 25 Music - Harmony (HO)MC
C 21.26Callerlab Convention 1998. # 26 CDP - Interest SessionMC
C 21.27Callerlab Convention 1998. # 27 Teaching IdeasMC
C 21.28Callerlab Convention 1998. # 28 Progressive Squares, Dance & TeachingMC
C 21.29Callerlab Convention 1998. # 29 Contra/Traditional ShowcaseMC
C 21.30Callerlab Convention 1998. # 30 Annual Meeting - Part 1 (HO)MC
C 21.31Callerlab Convention 1998. # 31 Annual Meeting - Part 2MC
C 23. XCallerlab Convention 1999 (36 Tapes) (HO = handouts H48)MC
C 23. 1Callerlab Convention 1999. # 1 Presenting A One Night Stand - Part 1MC
C 23. 2Callerlab Convention 1999. # 2 Presenting A One Night Stand - Part 2MC
C 23. 3Callerlab Convention 1999. # 3 Making Demos SellMC
C 23. 4Callerlab Convention 1999. # 4 Where Do They Come From (HO)MC
C 23. 5Callerlab Convention 1999. # 5 Modules (HO)MC
C 23. 6Callerlab Convention 1999. # 6 Voice 1MC
C 23. 7Callerlab Convention 1999. # 7 Sociability (HO)MC
C 23. 8Callerlab Convention 1999. # 8 Teaching Dancing (HO)MC
C 23. 9Callerlab Convention 1999. # 9 Helping With PromotionMC
C 23. ACallerlab Convention 1999. # A After PartyMC
C 23. BCallerlab Convention 1999. # B Opening SessionMC
C 23.10Callerlab Convention 1999. # 10 Voice IIMC
C 23.11Callerlab Convention 1999. # 11 Keep 'em With Patter (HO)MC
C 23.12Callerlab Convention 1999. # 12 Keep 'em - With Singing CallsMC
C 23.13Callerlab Convention 1999. # 13 Tax Returns - A Spreadsheet Approach (HO)MC
C 23.14Callerlab Convention 1999. # 14 CDP Interest SessionMC
C 23.15Callerlab Convention 1999. # 15 Remember When (HO)MC
C 23.16Callerlab Convention 1999. # 16 Media Promotion (HO)MC
C 23.17Callerlab Convention 1999. # 17 Recruiting From Dance PartiesMC
C 23.18Callerlab Convention 1999. # 18 Partners SessionMC
C 23.19Callerlab Convention 1999. # 19 Voice III - Critique 1 of 2MC
C 23.20Callerlab Convention 1999. # 20 Dancing Is Learning (HO)MC
C 23.21Callerlab Convention 1999. # 21 Concern For Our Clients (HO)MC
C 23.22Callerlab Convention 1999. # 22 The Multicycle Teaching ApproachMC
C 23.23Callerlab Convention 1999. # 23 Voice IV - Critique 2 of 2MC
C 23.24Callerlab Convention 1999. # 24 Keep 'em - Theme TipsMC
C 23.25Callerlab Convention 1999. # 25 Keep 'em - With Smoothness (HO)MC
C 23.26Callerlab Convention 1999. # 26 Music - Marketing Tool (HO)MC
C 23.27Callerlab Convention 1999. # 27 Using The Basic Program (HO)MC
C 23.28Callerlab Convention 1999. # 28 How To Sell A WorkshopMC
C 23.29Callerlab Convention 1999. # 29 HarmonyMC
C 23.30Callerlab Convention 1999. # 30 Contra/Traditional Interest SessionMC
C 23.31Callerlab Convention 1999. # 31 Use Of Equipment (HO)MC
C 23.32Callerlab Convention 1999. # 32 Contra Traditional Dance (HO)MC
C 23.33Callerlab Convention 1999. # 33 Brief Showcase DanceMC
C 23.34Callerlab Convention 1999. # 34 Annual Meeting (HO)MC
C 24. XCallerlab Convention 2000 (26 Tapes)MC
C 24. 1Callerlab Convention 2000. # 1 CDP/Contra/Traditional - Part 1MC
C 24. 2Callerlab Convention 2000. # 2 CDP/Contra/Traditional - Part 2MC
C 24. 3aCallerlab Convention 2000. # 3a Closing SessionMC
C 24. 3bCallerlab Convention 2000. # 3b Closing SessionMC
C 24. 4Callerlab Convention 2000. # 4 After PartyMC
C 24. 5Callerlab Convention 2000. # 5 Marketing Square DancingMC
C 24. 6Callerlab Convention 2000. # 6 PPC Open ForumMC
C 24. 7Callerlab Convention 2000. # 7 Contra/Traditional SessionMC
C 24. 8Callerlab Convention 2000. # 8 Voice IMC
C 24. 9Callerlab Convention 2000. # 9 Partners SessionMC
C 24.10Callerlab Convention 2000. # 10 ShowmanshipMC
C 24.11Callerlab Convention 2000. # 11 Using The Basic ProgramMC
C 24.12Callerlab Convention 2000. # 12 Voice IIMC
C 24.13Callerlab Convention 2000. # 13 Dance to the ClassicsMC
C 24.14Callerlab Convention 2000. # 14 New Dancer DanceMC
C 24.15Callerlab Convention 2000. # 15 Advanced & ChallengeMC
C 24.16Callerlab Convention 2000. # 16 How Did He Do That?MC
C 24.17Callerlab Convention 2000. # 17 SmoothnessMC
C 24.18Callerlab Convention 2000. # 18 Voice IIIMC
C 24.19Callerlab Convention 2000. # 19 TeachingMC
C 24.20Callerlab Convention 2000. # 20 ModulesMC
C 24.21Callerlab Convention 2000. # 21 Voice IVMC
C 24.22Callerlab Convention 2000. # 22 Multi-Cycle ProgrammingMC
C 24.23Callerlab Convention 2000. # 23 Theme TipsMC
C 24.24Callerlab Convention 2000. # 24 Choreo DevelopmentMC
C 24.25Callerlab Convention 2000. # 25 Digital MusicMC
C 25. XCallerlab Convention 2001 (32 Tapes)MC
C 25. 1Callerlab Convention 2001. # 1 CDP Dance - Part 1MC
C 25. 2Callerlab Convention 2001. # 2 CDP Dance - Part 2MC
C 25. 3Callerlab Convention 2001. # 3 After Party SessionMC
C 25. 4Callerlab Convention 2001. # 4 MarketingMC
C 25. 5Callerlab Convention 2001. # 5 MarketingMC
C 25. 6Callerlab Convention 2001. # 6 ShowmanshipMC
C 25. 7Callerlab Convention 2001. # 7 Demographic SurveysMC
C 25. 8Callerlab Convention 2001. # 8 What Do They Say?MC
C 25. 9Callerlab Convention 2001. # 9 Digital MusicMC
C 25.10Callerlab Convention 2001. # 10 Different Not DifficultMC
C 25.11Callerlab Convention 2001. # 11 Partner's SessionMC
C 25.13Callerlab Convention 2001. # 13 BOF - YodelingMC
C 25.14Callerlab Convention 2001. # 14 Square Dancing in the 1960'sMC
C 25.15Callerlab Convention 2001. # 15 New Dancers DanceMC
C 25.16Callerlab Convention 2001. # 16 Advanced & Challenge ChoreoMC
C 25.17Callerlab Convention 2001. # 17 Multi-Cycle TeachingMC
C 25.18Callerlab Convention 2001. # 18 What A Dance!MC
C 25.19Callerlab Convention 2001. # 19 Selling Off StageMC
C 25.20Callerlab Convention 2001. # 20 Modules/SightMC
C 25.21Callerlab Convention 2001. # 21 Best Kept Secret (Choreo Application)MC
C 25.22Callerlab Convention 2001. # 22 Target MarketingMC
C 25.23Callerlab Convention 2001. # 23 Step-by-Step (Choreo Development)MC
C 25.24Callerlab Convention 2001. # 24 Contra/TraditionalMC
C 25.25Callerlab Convention 2001. # 25 PartnersMC
C 25.26Callerlab Convention 2001. # 26 The Successful Club (How to Keep Em')MC
C 25.27Callerlab Convention 2001. # 27 Convention AttendanceMC
C 25.28Callerlab Convention 2001. # 28 TeachingMC
C 25.29Callerlab Convention 2001. # 29 Voice IIIMC
C 25.30ACallerlab Convention 2001. # 30A International DanceMC
C 25.30BCallerlab Convention 2001. # 30B International DanceMC
C 25.31ACallerlab Convention 2001. # 31A Contra/Traditional DanceMC
C 25.31BCallerlab Convention 2001. # 31B Contra/Traditional DanceMC
C 26. XCallerlab Convention 2002 (38 Tapes)MC
C 26. 1Callerlab Convention 2002. # 1 CDP Dance - Part 1MC
C 26. 2Callerlab Convention 2002. # 2 CDP Dance - Part 2MC
C 26. 3Callerlab Convention 2002. # 3 Orientation SessionMC
C 26. 4Callerlab Convention 2002. # 4 After Party SessionMC
C 26. 5Callerlab Convention 2002. # 5 Opening SessionMC
C 26. 6Callerlab Convention 2002. # 6 How They LearnMC
C 26. 7Callerlab Convention 2002. # 7 All Marketing Is LocalMC
C 26. 8Callerlab Convention 2002. # 8 Using Music WellMC
C 26. 9Callerlab Convention 2002. # 9 Voice I - Part 1MC
C 26.10Callerlab Convention 2002. # 10 Voice I - Part 2MC
C 26.11Callerlab Convention 2002. # 11 Fun NightMC
C 26.12Callerlab Convention 2002. # 12 ModulesMC
C 26.13Callerlab Convention 2002. # 13 Voice IIMC
C 26.14Callerlab Convention 2002. # 14 Use Of Standard Applications BookMC
C 26.15Callerlab Convention 2002. # 15 First Class NightMC
C 26.16Callerlab Convention 2002. # 16 Multi-CycleMC
C 26.17Callerlab Convention 2002. # 17 Advanced & ChallengeMC
C 26.18Callerlab Convention 2002. # 18 BOF - Handi-Cable GroupsMC
C 26.19Callerlab Convention 2002. # 19 BOF - YodelingMC
C 26.20Callerlab Convention 2002. # 20 12th Night DanceMC
C 26.21Callerlab Convention 2002. # 21 Close The DealMC
C 26.22Callerlab Convention 2002. # 22 Voice IIIMC
C 26.23Callerlab Convention 2002. # 23 Partners' Session History Of Dance AttireMC
C 26.24Callerlab Convention 2002. # 24 Different Not DifficultMC
C 26.25Callerlab Convention 2002. # 25 ShowmanshipMC
C 26.26Callerlab Convention 2002. # 26 Voice IVMC
C 26.27Callerlab Convention 2002. # 27 Partners - CPRMC
C 26.28Callerlab Convention 2002. # 28 12th Night Dance MaterialMC
C 26.29Callerlab Convention 2002. # 29 Teaching TipsMC
C 26.30Callerlab Convention 2002. # 30 Contra/TraditionalMC
C 26.31Callerlab Convention 2002. # 31 Talk The TalkMC
C 26.32Callerlab Convention 2002. # 32 Sight Before ResolutionMC
C 26.33Callerlab Convention 2002. # 33 Digital MusicMC
C 26.34Callerlab Convention 2002. # 34 First Club NightMC
C 26.35Callerlab Convention 2002. # 35 Song To Singing CallMC
C 26.36Callerlab Convention 2002. # 36 Alternate Music DanceMC
C 26.37Callerlab Convention 2002. # 37 Contra/Traditional Dance - Part 1MC
C 26.38Callerlab Convention 2002. # 38 Contra/Traditional Dance - Part 2MC
C 27. XCallerlab Convention 2003 (35 Tapes)MC
C 27. 1Callerlab Convention 2003. # 1 Community Dance - Part 1MC
C 27. 2Callerlab Convention 2003. # 2 Community Dance - Part 2MC
C 27. 3Callerlab Convention 2003. # 3 Orientation SessionMC
C 27. 4Callerlab Convention 2003. # 4 After PartyMC
C 27. 5Callerlab Convention 2003. # 5 One Call DanceMC
C 27. 6Callerlab Convention 2003. # 6 ModulesMC
C 27. 7Callerlab Convention 2003. # 7 Digital MusicMC
C 27. 8Callerlab Convention 2003. # 8 Teaching TipsMC
C 27. 9Callerlab Convention 2003. # 9 TRIAD ForumMC
C 27.10Callerlab Convention 2003. # 10 Dance Mechanic & StylesMC
C 27.11Callerlab Convention 2003. # 11 Keep Fresh - New IdeasMC
C 27.12Callerlab Convention 2003. # 12 Our Product - Open Forum (Should we change Prod)MC
C 27.13Callerlab Convention 2003. # 13 New Caller SessionMC
C 27.14Callerlab Convention 2003. # 14 BOF - YodelingMC
C 27.15Callerlab Convention 2003. # 15 BOF Hexagon SquaresMC
C 27.16Callerlab Convention 2003. # 16 Contra/Traditional DanceMC
C 27.17Callerlab Convention 2003. # 17 Multi-CycleMC
C 27.18Callerlab Convention 2003. # 18 Sight Before ResolutionMC
C 27.19Callerlab Convention 2003. # 19 How to Promt ContraMC
C 27.20Callerlab Convention 2003. # 20 By Laws ChangeMC
C 27.21Callerlab Convention 2003. # 21 Party Nights (What you know)MC
C 27.22Callerlab Convention 2003. # 22 Recruiting TipsMC
C 27.23Callerlab Convention 2003. # 23 Youth CallingMC
C 27.24Callerlab Convention 2003. # 24 Partner SessionMC
C 27.25Callerlab Convention 2003. # 25 ShowmanshipMC
C 27.26Callerlab Convention 2003. # 26 How to Get Party NightsMC
C 27.27Callerlab Convention 2003. # 27 HandicapableMC
C 27.28Callerlab Convention 2003. # 28 Creative Mainstream SessionMC
C 27.29Callerlab Convention 2003. # 29 Judgement CallMC
C 27.30Callerlab Convention 2003. # 30 Alternate Music SessionMC
C 27.31Callerlab Convention 2003. # 31 Advanced/Challenge SessionMC
C 27.32Callerlab Convention 2003. # 32 One Call DanceMC
C 27.33Callerlab Convention 2003. # 33 Women In Calling DanceMC
C 27.34Callerlab Convention 2003. # 34 Closing Session - Part 1MC
C 27.35Callerlab Convention 2003. # 35 Closing Session - Part 2MC
C 28. XCallerlab Convtion 2004 (36 Tapes)MC
C 28. 1Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 1 Community Dance - Part 1MC
C 28. 2Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 2 Community Dance - Part 2MC
C 28. 3Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 3 Orientation SessionMC
C 28. 4Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 4 After PartyMC
C 28. 5Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 5 Marketing WorksMC
C 28. 6Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 6 How to prompt ContraMC
C 28. 7Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 7 Challange ChoreographyMC
C 28. 8Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 8 Voice (Women in calling)MC
C 28. 9Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 9 Selling Multi-CycleMC
C 28.10Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 10 Dancing before the resolutionMC
C 28.11Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 11 Calling in SchoolMC
C 28.12Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 12 Voice (Caller-Coach)MC
C 28.13Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 13 Square Dance PartyMC
C 28.14Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 14 Teaching Tips (15 Selected Calls)MC
C 28.15Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 15 ProgrammingMC
C 28.16Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 16 BOF - Alternative MusicMC
C 28.17Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 17 BOF - Hexagon SquaresMC
C 28.18Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 18 Contra - Traditional 1MC
C 28.19Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 19 Contra - Traditional 2MC
C 28.20Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 20 Winning waysMC
C 28.21Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 21 Creative MainstreamMC
C 28.22Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 22 Newer CallersMC
C 28.23Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 23 Dancing SellsMC
C 28.24Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 24 ModulesMC
C 28.25Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 25 History-Heritage-TraditionalMC
C 28.26Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 26 Recruiting TipsMC
C 28.27Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 27 ShowmanshipMC
C 28.28Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 28 Advanced ChoreographyMC
C 28.29Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 29 Voice (General)MC
C 28.30Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 30 Digital MusicMC
C 28.31Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 31 Calling for YouthMC
C 28.32Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 32 Calling for HandicapableMC
C 28.33Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 33 BOF - Surprise ResolutinMC
C 28.34Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 34 Duet DanceMC
C 28.35ACallerlab Convtion 2004. # 35A Closing Session 1MC
C 28.35BCallerlab Convtion 2004. # 35B Closing Session 2MC
C 29. XCallerlab Convention 2005 (40 CDs)CD
C 29. 1Callerlab Convention 2005. # 1 Community Dance - PART 1CD
C 29. 2Callerlab Convention 2005. # 2 Community Dance - PART 2CD
C 29. 3Callerlab Convention 2005. # 3 Orientation SessionCD
C 29. 4Callerlab Convention 2005. # 4 After PartyCD
C 29. 5Callerlab Convention 2005. # 5 Alternate Teaching OrderCD
C 29. 6Callerlab Convention 2005. # 6 Advanced ChoreographyCD
C 29. 7Callerlab Convention 2005. # 7 Modular Calling-Modular CallingCD
C 29. 8Callerlab Convention 2005. # 8 Calling for HandicapableCD
C 29. 9Callerlab Convention 2005. # 9 Singing Calls - Changing FiguresCD
C 29.10Callerlab Convention 2005. # 10 Steal a Peek - PART 1CD
C 29.11Callerlab Convention 2005. # 11 Steal a Peek - PART 2CD
C 29.12Callerlab Convention 2005. # 12 Partners Session PART 1CD
C 29.13Callerlab Convention 2005. # 13 Partners Session PART 2CD
C 29.14Callerlab Convention 2005. # 14 Digital Music USECD
C 29.15Callerlab Convention 2005. # 15 Newer Callers ForumCD
C 29.16Callerlab Convention 2005. # 16 Squares & Rounds - Team Work PART 1CD
C 29.17Callerlab Convention 2005. # 17 Squares & Rounds - Team Work PART 2CD
C 29.18Callerlab Convention 2005. # 18 Survey InformationCD
C 29.19Callerlab Convention 2005. # 19 BOF - GimmicksCD
C 29.20Callerlab Convention 2005. # 20 Progressive SquaresCD
C 29.21Callerlab Convention 2005. # 21 Teach Fun with ShowmanshipCD
C 29.22Callerlab Convention 2005. # 22 Winners CircleCD
C 29.23Callerlab Convention 2005. # 23 Calling for YouthCD
C 29.24Callerlab Convention 2005. # 24 Partners SessionCD
C 29.25Callerlab Convention 2005. # 25 Selling Multi-CycleCD
C 29.26Callerlab Convention 2005. # 26 Calling in SchoolsCD
C 29.27Callerlab Convention 2005. # 27 Call AnalysisCD
C 29.28Callerlab Convention 2005. # 28 You Can Prompt ContraCD
C 29.29Callerlab Convention 2005. # 29 Why Square Break Down PART 1CD
C 29.30Callerlab Convention 2005. # 30 Why Square Break Down PART 2CD
C 29.31Callerlab Convention 2005. # 31 Business Side of Calling PART 1CD
C 29.32Callerlab Convention 2005. # 32 Business Side of Calling PART 2CD
C 29.33Callerlab Convention 2005. # 33 Square Dance Party TipsCD
C 29.34Callerlab Convention 2005. # 34 Dealing with Difficult PeopleCD
C 29.35Callerlab Convention 2005. # 35 Smooth Creative PlusCD
C 29.36Callerlab Convention 2005. # 36 History-Heritage-Tradition PART 1CD
C 29.37Callerlab Convention 2005. # 37 History-Heritage-Tradition PART 2CD
C 29.38Callerlab Convention 2005. # 38 BOF - Hexagon SquaresCD
C 29.39Callerlab Convention 2005. # 39 BOF - Fast TrackCD
C 29.40Callerlab Convention 2005. # 40 Milestone DanceCD
C 30. XCallerlab 33rd Convention April 9 - 2 2006. Renaissance Suites Hotel, Charlotte, NC. Outside the Square.Convention CDs Inc. 2006.2 MP3 CDCD
C 31. XCallerlab 34th Convention April 1 – 4 2007, Sheraton Hotel, Colorado Springs, CO. Tools for Success.Convention CDs Inc. 2007.2 MP3 CDCD
C 32. XCallerlab 35th Convention March 17 – 19, 2008. Los Angeles, CA. Lights – Camera- Action.Convention CDs Inc. 2008.2 MP3 CDCD
C 33. XCallerlab Convention 2009. Kansas City, MO April 6 – 8, 2009. Show Me.Convention CDs, Inc. 2009.2 MP3 CDCD
C 34Callerlab 37 Convention Niagara Falls, NY 2010. Explore the roar.Convention CDs Inc. 2010.2 MP3 CD
C 35Callerlab Convention 2011. 38. Las Vegas, NV, April 18th – 20th 2011. That's Entertainment.Convention CDs Inc. 2011.2 MP3 CDCD
C 36Callerlab Convention 2012. Nashville, TN, April 2nd – 4th 2012. Grand Ole Opportunity.Convention CDs, Inc. 2012.2 MP3 CDCD
C 37Callerlab Convention 2013. Raleigh, NC, March 25 – 27 2013. Accentuate the Positive.Convention CDs, Inc. 2013.2 MP3 CDCD
C 3841st Callerlab Convention 2014. Sparks, NV, April 14 – 16, Make something happen!Convention CDs, Inc. 2014.2 MP3 CDCDC 38
C 3942nd Convention 2015. Springfield, MO. Talk It Up #SquareDancing.Convention CDs, Inc. 2015.2 MP3 CDCDC 39
C 40Callerlab 43rd Convention. March 20 – 23 2016, Norfolk, VA. Agents of Change.Convention CDs, Inc. 2016.2 MP3 CDCDC 40
C 41Callerlab 44th Convention 2017. Build the base – now! Mesa, AZ April 10-12 2017.Convention CDs, Inc. 2017.2 MP3 CDCDC 41
C100Lasry, Jack:The Sight Calling VideoHollywood, Fla.enCallerVHSO
C102Winter Jamboree 1993 - Mannheim Old WestVHSK
C150ECTA Round Special 1987 PALRoundPAL
C151Round Phases I - VI NTSC (9 Bänder)RoundNTSC
C152Round Phases I - VI PAL (3 Bänder)RoundPALK
C153ECTA Easterday Session (Round) Part 1RoundVHSK
C154ECTA Easterday Session (Round) Part 2RoundVHSK
C155Goss, Carol u. Bill:Figure Clinic. Showcases. Seminar 29.7.-4.8.1994 (3 Bänder).RoundVHSK
C156Goss, Carol u. Bill:Figure Clinic. Showcases. Seminar 29.7.-4.8.1994 (3 Bänder).RoundVHSK
C158Roundalab:Video Instructional Materials. Demonstration Tapes. Phase I - VI. (5 Bänder)RoundVHSK (2 Sätze)
C159Callerlab:After Party Session 1994.VHSK (2)K
C160Callerlab:Overseas Caller. 1994.VHSK (2)K
C161Callerlab:Overseas Caller. 1993.VHS
C202Square Dance on Video. Basic. Caller: Lorenz Kuhlee.SDVHSO
C203Square Dance on Video. Mainstream. Caller: Lorenz Kuhlee.SDVHSO
C204Contra Dancing with Mike Seastrom.ContraVHSO, KK (4)
C500ECTA Clog Convention 1999.CloggingVHSKK
C501Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 1CloggingVHSKK
C502Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 2CloggingVHSKK
C503Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 3CloggingVHSKK
C504Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 4CloggingVHSKK
C505Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 5CloggingVHSKK
C506Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 6CloggingVHSKK
C507Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 7CloggingVHSK
C508Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 8CloggingVHSKK
C509Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 9CloggingVHSKK
C510Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 10CloggingVHSKK
C511Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 11CloggingVHSKK
C512Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 12CloggingVHSKK
C513Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 13CloggingVHSKK
C514Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 14CloggingVHSKK
C515Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 15CloggingVHSKK
C516Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 16CloggingVHSKK
C517Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 17CloggingVHSKK
C518Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 18CloggingVHSKK
C519Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 19CloggingVHSKK
C520Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 20CloggingVHSKK
C521Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 21CloggingVHSKK
C522Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 22CloggingVHSK
C523Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 23CloggingVHSK
C524Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 24CloggingVHSKK (mit C525)
C525Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 25CloggingVHSKK (mit C524)
C526Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 26CloggingVHSKK
C527Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 27CloggingVHSK
C600Burton Edwards: „Ice Ice“; Shawn Carey: „Jazz Moves for Cloggers“VHS
C601Claudia „Tape 11“VHS
C602Nichols, Simone:Advances & FreestyleVHSK
C603Waymouth, Judy:Learn Step Dance : Old time Reel 1.VHS
C604Burton Edwards, Buck Dancing & Clogging Intern. Simone Pace, Basics ofBuck Dance. Basics of Canadian Step Dance.VHS
C605Steve Smith's Double Doubles, Skuffits & Triplets, The BasicsVHS
C606Steve Smith's Line Dance # 1, Clogging for His GloryVHSK
Compact Disc und DVD
CD1Callerlab:Woman in Calling - 35 Singing Calls. (2 CD)SDCDOK
CD2Callerlab:After Party Session 1994. (DVD)SDDVDO
CD3Callerlab:Overseas Caller. 1994. (DVD)SDDVDO
CD4Cha Cha Cha - Rhythm & SoundCloggingCDO
CD5Roundalab:Teacher's Seminar June 23, 2004; Denver, ColoradoRoundCDO
CD6Pure Voice. Clogging Music (15 Titel)CloggingCDO
CD7Pure Sound. Clogging Music (12 Titel)CloggingCDO
CD8Pure Sound. Clogging Music (6 Titel)CloggingCDO
CD9Roundalab:Standards for Round Dancing. Phases 1 & 2. (2 DVD)RoundDVDO
CD10Roundalab:Standards for Round Dancing. Phase 3. (2 DVD)RoundDVDO
CD11Roundalab:Standards for Round Dancing. Phase 4. (2 DVD)RoundDVDO
CD12Roundalab:Standards for Round Dancing. Phase 5. (2 DVD)RoundDVDO
CD13Roundalab:Standards for Round Dancing. Phase 6. (2 DVD)RoundDVDO
CD14Pure Sound [5]. Clogging Music (18 Titel)CloggingCDO
CD15City Slicker Stomp. Syllabus 2008.CloggingCDO
CD16City Slicker Stomp. Syllabus 2009.CloggingCDO
CD17City Slicker Stomp. 10th Annual Workshop April 4 & 5, 2008 Independence,MO.CloggingCDO
CD18City Slicker Stomp. 11th Annual Workshop April 27 & 28, 2009 Independence,MO.CloggingCDO
CD1913th Clog Convention 2009 (17 Titel)CloggingCDO
CD20Roundalab:Standards for Round Dancing. Addendum DVD. (2 DVD)2009.RoundDVDO
A1Square Dance Informationen. 2. Hrsg. von den Stintfang Square Dancers Hamburg.1964.o. Pag.deSDPrintO
A2Square Dancing vs. Square Running.[1982].11 S.enSDPrintO
A3Teaching oder for Advanced level Basics. Mit zwei Seiten aus der Definition.o. J.3 S.enSDPrintO
A4ECTA Note Service. 1. Ed.o. J.20 S.enSDPrintO
A5Square Dancing. Indoctrination Handbool (revised).Los Angeles, CA : The Sets in Order American Square Dance Society, 1980. o. Pag. [Kopie]enSDPrintO
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