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Square Dance | ||||||||||||
101 | The Caller Text. The Art and Science of Calling Square Dances with articles for callers written by callers from 37 years of Square Dance Magazine. | Compiled by Bob Osgood, organized by Bill Peters. | 1985. | 638 S. | en | SD | O | K | ||||
102 | Osgood, Bob: | The Caller Teacher Manual. For the Basics ans Mainstream Basics of American Square Dancing by Bob Osgood. | Los Angeles, CA : Square Dance Magazine, 1983. | 320 S. | en | SD | O | K | ||||
103 | King, Jay: | The Fundamentals of Hash Calling. | Revised by Gene Trimer. | 157 S. | en | SD | O | K | ||||
104 | Beck, Don[ald H.]: | Out of sight. A Text on Mental Image Choreography for Square Dance Callers. | Stow, Massachusetts : Beck, 1983. | 214 S. | en | SD, Mental Image, | O | O | ||||
105 | Peters, Bill: | The Bill Peters Callers Guidebook Series. Book 1B, 1C. The Mighty Module and Sight Calling Made Easy. | 3. Aufl. Marlborough, NH : Supreme Audio, 1995. | 48 S. | en | SD | O | O | ||||
106 | Peters, Bill: | The Bill Peters Callers Guidebook Series. Book 1B. Modules Galore. Suppl. to book 1B (The Mighty Module). | 3. Aufl. Marlborough, NH : Supreme Audio, 1995. | 48 S. | en | SD | O | |||||
107 | Peters, Bill: | The Bill Peters Callers Guidebook Series. Book 1A. Presentation Techniques. | 3. Aufl. Marlborough, NH : Supreme Audio, 1995. | 48 S. | en | SD | O | O | ||||
108 | Peters, Bill: | The Bill Peters Callers Guidebook Series. Book 2. Singing Call Techniques. | 3. Aufl. Marlborough, NH : Supreme Audio, 1995. | 44 S. | en | SD | O | O | ||||
109 | Peters, Bill: | The Bill Peters Callers Guidebook Series. Book 4. The Art of Programming. | 4. Aufl. Marlborough, NH : Supreme Audio, 1993. | 41 S. | en | SD | O | O, K | ||||
110 | Hoadley, H. Orlo: | Callers Guidebook to Complete Choreography. | Huron, OH : Burdick Enterprises, 1993. | 5, 4, 8, 14, 210, 34, 14 S. | en | SD | O | O | ||||
111 | Caller / Teacher's Quick Reference Guide. | Ed. by Calvin Campbell and Don Amstrong. | Fort Collins, CO : ZIA Enterprises, o.J. | 2 Ex. | en | SD | O (2 Ex.) | |||||
112 | Orlich, Will: | Set-Up and Get-Out plus Zeros and Equivalents. A manual for any Square Dance caller wanting to create his own choreography at any level of dance that he might be requested to program - Beginning, intermediate or advanced club level. | Sandusky, Ohio : American Squaredance Magazine, o.J. | 37 S. | en | SD | O | O | ||||
113 | Burleson's Square Dancer's Encyclopedia. Terms, rules, diagrams and Movements of Square Dancing. | Salians, CA : Sanborn Enterprises. 1992 - 1995. | [bis Nr. 5060] | en | SD | O | K , CD-Rom | |||||
114 | Perkins, Bob: | Plus Workshop Notebook. A diagram book of Plus, Mainstream, Plus Quarterly selection Square Dance calls for the learning dancer. | 2. Aufl. Garden Grove, Cl : Perkins, 1983. | 63, 101-106, 151-156, 201 S. | en | Plus, SD | O | K | ||||
115 | Perkins, Bob: | Advanced Workshop Notebook. A diagram book. | 3. Aufl. Garden Grove, Cl : Perkins, 1984. | 84, 101-106, 151 S. | en | SD, Advanced | O | K | ||||
116 | Trimmer, Gene: | Singing Thru Mainstream | 5. Aufl. Marlborough, NH : Hanhurst, 2000. | 82 S. | en | SD, MS | O | K | ||||
117 | Trimmer, Gene: | Singing Thru Plus | 72 S. | en | SD, Plus | O | O, K | |||||
118 | Trimmer, Gene: | Singing Thru Advanced One | 5. Aufl. Marlborough, NH : Hanhurst, 2000. | 82 S. | en | SD, Advanced | O | O, K | ||||
119 | Burdick, Stan: | Easy Sing-Along calls. A collection of modern adaptations of choice western square dance recordings for use in Beginner classes and one-night-stand parties. | Huron, OH : American Squaredance Magazine, o.J. | 30 S. | en | SD, MS | O | O | ||||
120 | Burdick, Stan: | Progressive Workshop. A collection of modern line dances, traditional contras, progressive circles, tandems and quadrilles for callers. | Sandusky, Ohio : American Squaredance Magazine, o.J. | o. Pag. | en | SD, MS, Contra, Line Dance | O | K | ||||
121 | Easy Level. Squares / Mixers / Contras for one-night-stands, classes, fun nights, family dances, camps, new dancer hoedowns. Taken from the Easy Level Pages of American Squaredance Magazine, | as compiles by Bob Howell and Cathie an Stan Burdick. | Huron, OH : American Squaredance Magazine, o.J. | o. Pag. | en | SD, MS, Contra,Mixer | O | K | ||||
122 | Burdick, Stan: | Caller Clinic. Notes. | Sandusky, Ohio : Burdick, o.J. | o. Pag. | en | SD, Caller | O | |||||
122 | Burdick, Stan: | Caller Clinic. Notes. | 2. erw. Slg. Sandusky, Ohio : Burdick, o.J. | o. Pag. | en | SD, Caller | K als O | |||||
123 | Burleson, Bill: | The Diagrammed Guide to Better Square Dancing. | Minerva, Ohio : Burleson, 1971 | o. Pag. | en | SD, MS, Plus | O | |||||
124 | Trimmer, Gene: | Match a Melody. Singing Call Adaptations Using all Callerlab Mainstream Basics. (Caller Aid Series) | Huron, OH : American Squaredance Magazine, 1977. | 40 S. | en | SD, MS | O | |||||
125 | Jenkins, Mary Flynn: | Wheeling and Dealing with nursing home residents. A handbook for Activity Directors and Volunteers interested in bringing happiness to others. (Caller Aid Series) | Sandusky, Ohio : American Squaredance Magazine, 1976. | 16 S. | en | SD, Rollstuhl, behindert | O | |||||
126 | McMenamin, Barbara: | Allemande Left with the mentally handicapped. (Caller Aid Series) | Sandusky, Ohio : American Squaredance Magazine, 1978. | 52 S. | en | SD, Behinderte | O | |||||
127 | Duming, Emanuel: | Accomplishing Better Calling. (Caller Aid Series) | 2. Aufl. Sandusky, Ohio : American Squaredance Magazine, 1978. | 30 S. | en | SD, Caller | O | |||||
128 | Fraidenburg, Ed: | Modern Module Mode. A Hash System for Square Dance Callers. (Caller Aid Series) | Sandusky, Ohio : American Squaredance Magazine, 1976. | 18 S. | en | SD, Caller, Hash, Module | O | K | ||||
129 | Macke, Andreas: | Material for a Caller Class. | Berlin : Selbstverlag, 1982. | o. Pag. | en | SD, Caller | O | K | ||||
130 | Composite Teaching Manual for the American Square Dance. Including : 29 week Basic Program, 12 week Mainstream Program, 20 week Plus Program, 20 week A1 Programm, 20 week A2 Program. | Designed by Ted G. Frye; critiqued by Jack A. Lasry. | Knoxville, Tenn. : Square Tunes and Pioneer Record Comp. Inc., 1982. | 109, 48, 22, 44, 38 S. | en | SD, Caller | O | O | ||||
131 | Finkenaur, Allen: | Singing Call Magic! | o.O. : o.J. | 20 S. | en | SD, singing calls | O, K | |||||
132 | Syllabus The Caller Coach School | 1982 | 24 S. | en | SD, Caller | O | ||||||
133 | Brundage, Al u. Earl Johnston: | The Pocket Dictionary of Square Dance Calls. Callerlab Basic Program, Callerlab Mainstream Program | 2. Aufl. Vernon, Conn : Pocket Dictionary, 1985. | 48 S. | en | SD, Caller | O | |||||
134 | Brundage, Al u. Earl Johnston: | The Pocket Dictionary of Square Dance Calls. Callerlab Plus Program, Callerlab Advanced 1, Callerlab Advanced 2. | 2. Aufl. Vernon, Conn : Pocket Dictionary, 1985. | 50 S. | en | SD, Caller | O | |||||
135 | Aamot, Dwain Whitey: | Anyone can Sight Call. | Waseca, MN : Selbstverlag, 1980. | 5 Bl. | en | SD, Caller, Sight Calling | O | K | ||||
136 | Macke, Andreas: | Übersetzung von Bill Peters: The Mighty Module, Sight Calling Made Easy u. Modules Galore. | Peters, Bill | Berlin : Selbstverlag, 1982. | 159 S. | de, en | SD, Caller, Module, Sight calling | O | K | |||
137 | Mennes, Rudi: | Square Dancing Deutsch. | Oberbergen : Selbstverlag, o.J. | 68 S. | de | SD | O | |||||
137 | Mennes, Rudi: | Square Dancing Deutsch. | Übach-Palenberg : Selbstverlag, o.J. | 60 S. | de | SD | O | |||||
137 | Mennes, Rudi: | Square Dancing Deutsch. | Übach-Palenberg : Selbstverlag, 1988. | 91 S. | de | SD | O | |||||
137a | Mennes, Rudi: | Square Dancing Deutsch. | Penzing-Oberbergen : Selbstverlag, 2001. | 86 S. | de | SD | O | |||||
137a | Mennes, Rudi: | Square Dancing Deutsch. | Penzing-Oberbergen : Selbstverlag, 2004. | 86 S. | de | SD | O | |||||
137b | Mennes, Rudi: | Square Dancing Deutsch. Plus-Programm. | Penzing-Oberbergen : Selbstverlag, 2005. | 52 S. | de | SD, Plus | O | |||||
137c | Mennes, Rudi: | Square Dancing Deutsch. Advanced 1 und 2. | Penzing-Oberbergen : Selbstverlag, 1999. | 71 S. | de | SD, Advanced | O | O | ||||
138 | Gasser, Hans-Gerd: | The Caller/Teacher Class Lesson Plan. Basic, Mainstream. | Schwäbisch Hall : Selbstverlag, o.J. | o. Pag. | en | SD, Caller | O | |||||
139 | 1 | |||||||||||
140 | 1 | |||||||||||
141 | 1 | |||||||||||
142 | 1 | |||||||||||
143 | 1 | One Night Stand Kit | en | |||||||||
144 | Howard, Carole A.: | The Compleat Guide to Survival Social Dance (or) How to Perform the Intricacies of Modern Ballroom Dance Using the Fabulous Fakes Thereby Achieving Fantastic Social Successs as a Final and Amazing Result!!! | Minneapolis, Min. : Burgess Publ. Group, 1978 | 91 S. | en | Tanzarten | O | K | ||||
145 | 1 | |||||||||||
146 | 1 | |||||||||||
147 | 1 | O | ||||||||||
148 | Peters, Bill: | The Bill Peters Callers Guidebook Series. Modules Galore. Book 3 The Business Side of Calling. | 2. Aufl. Marlborough, NH : Supreme Audio, 1993. | 62 S. | en | SD, Caller | O | O | ||||
149 | Vl?ek, Frantiek: | Square Dance. U?ebnice s definicemi. 1. dil Basic & Mainstream. | Vsetín? : Pergamen, 1997. | 104 S. | cs | SD | O | |||||
150 | 1 | |||||||||||
151 | Orlich, Will: | Choreography Gimmicks. (Caller Aid Series) | Sandusky, Ohio : American Squaredance Magazine, o.J. | 42 S. | en | SD, Caller | K als O | K | ||||
152 | Trimmer, Gene: | Specialized Squares and Crowd Pleasers. Hexagon Squares, Tandem Squares, Kaleidoscope Squares, Exploding Squares, Progressive Squares, Siamese Squares and more... | Paragould, AR : Selbstverlag, 1987. | 72 S. | en | SD, Caller, Hexagon | K als O | |||||
153 | 1 | De Technic van Square Dancing | nl | |||||||||
154 | 1 | Advanced SD Programma | nl | |||||||||
155 | 1 | |||||||||||
156 | 1 | Zero Movements & Equivalents | ||||||||||
157 | Fischle, Heiner: | Traditional Square Dance. Lehrgangsmanuskript. | Hannover : Selbstverlag, 1994. | o. Pag. | de | SD, Contra | O (2 Ex.) | K | ||||
158 | Barnes, Hal: | Asymmetric Mechanics. A Practical Guide to Asymmetric Sight Calling. | 2. Aufl. Bowie, MD : Selbstverlag, 1994. | 70 S. | en | SD, Caller, Sight Calling, asymmetrisch | O | K | ||||
159 | Campbell, Calvin: | Dancing for Busy People. | Calvin Campbell; Ken Kernen; Bob Howell. | Castle Rock, CO : Selbstverlag, 1995. | 289 S. | en | SD, Caller | O | K | |||
160 | Trimmer, Gene: | Square Dance Calling. Fundamentals | o.O. : o.J. | 129 S. | en | SD, Caller | O | K | ||||
161 | Curriculum Guidelines for Caller Training. | Compiled by Callerlab Caller Training Committee. | Pocono Pines, Pen : Callerlab, 1986. | 90 S. | en | SD, Caller | O (4 Ex.) | |||||
enthält: Technical Supplement. | Rochester, MN : Callerlab, 1991. | 172 S. | en | SD, Caller | O, K, | |||||||
161 | Curriculum Guidelines for Caller Training. Enthält: Technical Supplement. | Compiled by Callerlab Caller Training Committee. | o.O. : 2004. | 229 S. | en | SD, Caller | O | |||||
162 | Davis, Bill: | The Sight Callers Textbook. | Sunnyvale, CA : Selbstverlag, 1979. | 122 S. | en | SD, Caller | O | K | ||||
163 | Sets in Order Year Book of Square and Round Dancing. Number Three. The calls, breaks and Round Dances compiles from the 1956 issues of Sets in Order. | Edt. by Bob Osgood with help by the staff of Sets in Order | Los Angeles, CA : Square Dance Publ., 1959. | 96 S. | en | SD, Round | O | |||||
164 | Callerlab Community Dance Programm zus.gst. von Ken Kernen u. d. Callerlab Contra & Traditional Dance Committee ins Dt. übertragen von Heiner Fischle. | Hannover : Selbstverlag, 1999. | 32 S. | de | CDP | Manuskript, Ausdruck, Diskette, O | K | |||||
164 | Community Dance Program | 2. Aufl. Rochester, MN : Callerlab, 1995. | 44 S. | en | CDP | O | ||||||
165 | Greene, Hank: | Square and Folk Dancing. A Complete Guide for Students, Teachers and Callers. | o.O. : Barnes and Noble Books, o.J. | 316 S. | en | SD, Caller | O | K | ||||
166 | Square Dance Figuren 1-69. Dt. Erklärungen und Zeichnungen nach Callerlab von Warinka Schuster. | Hamburg : Chatterbox-Vlg. Rolf Schuster, 1979. | 46 S. | de | SD | O | ||||||
167 | Bennis, Warren; Burt Nanus: | Führungskräfte. Die vier Schlüsselstrategien erfolgreichen Führens. | 5. Aufl. Frankfurt : Campus, 1992. | 229 S. | de | Führungsstil | O | |||||
168 | Kraus, Richard G.: | Square Dances of Today and How to Teach and Call Them. | Richard G. Kraus; ill. v. Carl Pfeuffer; Mus. Arrang. v. Charles Leonhard | New York : Barnes and Comp., [1950]. | 130 S. | en | SD, Caller | K | ||||
169 | Armstrong, Don: | The Lloyd Shaw Foundation recreational dance program. | Denver, Col : The Lloyd Shaw Foundation, 1985. | 88, 37 S. | en | SD, Contra | O | K | ||||
170 | The Lloyd Shaw Foundation elementary school dance program. Grades K-6. Containing instructions and music for approximately eighty-five graded dances and singing games. | 3. verb. Aufl. o.O. : The Lloyd Shaw Foundation, 1986. | 150 S. | en | SD, Contra | O | K | |||||
171 | The Lloyd Shaw Foundation program of Dance for the exceptional. Containing instructions and music for fifty-four dances for the Mentally, Physikally and Sensory Impaired Populations. | Assembled and adapted by Carole Howard and Ruth Ann Knapp | o. O. : The Lloyd Shaw Foundation, 1983. | 161 S. | en | SD, Contra, Behinderte | O | K | ||||
172 | Training Manual for recommended Use by Callers and Teachers in conducting Square Dance Classes. | Prepared by the Training Committee of the Square Dance Callers Association of Southern California. | 2. Aufl. South Gate, CA : Selbstverlag, 1958. | 97 S. | en | SD | O | |||||
172 | Training Manual for recommended Use by Callers and Teachers in conducting Square Dance Classes. | Prepared by the Training Committee of the Square Dance Callers Association of Southern California. | verb. Aufl. South Gate, CA : Selbstverlag, 1960. | 85 S. | en | SD, Caller | K als O | |||||
173 | Diagrammed Plus I - Plus II, Advances I - Advanced II, C-1 - Basic Challange, C-2 - Extended Challange Square Dance Movements. | as Compiled by Bill Burleson. | Minerva, Ohio : Selbstverlag, 1980. | o. Pag. | en | SD, Caller | O | |||||
174 | King, Jay: | Fundamentals of Hash Calling | Paragould, Ark. : G. Trimmer, 1981, | 267 S. | en | SD, Caller, Hash | K als O | K | ||||
175 | Square Dance Figuren Plus I u. Plus II. Dt. Erklärungen und Zeichnungen nach Callerlab von Warinka Schuster. | Hamburg : Chatterbox-Vlg. Rolf Schuster, 1980. | 38 S. | de | SD, Plus | O | ||||||
175 | Square Dance Figuren Plus. Dt. Erklärungen und Zeichnungen nach Callerlab von Warinka Schuster. | 4.Aufl. Hamburg : Chatterbox-Vlg. Rolf Schuster, 1995. | 31 S. | de | SD, Plus | O | ||||||
176 | The Callers Notebook. Gesammelte Kopien aus Square Dancing April 1977-November 1985. | en | SD, Caller | K als O | ||||||||
177 | Fransen, Jac. M.: | Some Experimentals created by a Dutchman named Jac. M. Fransen. | Schiedam : Syncoop Produkties, 1989. | 16 S. | en | SD, Caller | O, K | |||||
178 | 1 | Advanced 1 Level Basics | en | |||||||||
179 | Han, Dick: | Mainstream Singing Call Collection. | Monticello, IN : Selbstverlag, o.J. | o. Pag. (68 Bl.) | en | SD, Caller, MS | O | K | ||||
180 | Han, Dick: | Plus Singing Call Collection. | Monticello, IN : Selbstverlag, o.J. | o. Pag. (35 Bl.) | en | SD, Caller, Plus | O | 2 K | ||||
181 | Han, Dick: | A1 u. A2 Singing Call Collection. | Monticello, IN : Selbstverlag, o.J. | o. Pag. (63 Bl.) | en | SD, Caller, A1, A2 | O | K | ||||
182 | Davis, Bill: | The Extemporaneous Caller. | Sunnyvale, CA : Selbstverlag, 1991. | 138 S. | en | SD, Caller | O | K | ||||
183 | Rühenbeck, Joachim: | Home Package for the ECTA-Callers-Critique. | Haan : Prüfungsmaterial, 1987. | o. Pag. | en | SD, Caller | K als O | K | ||||
184 | Davis, Bill; John Sybalsky: | The Big Five (MS, +, Advanced, C-1, C-2). Dictionary and Square Dance Manual. A Sequel to The Top Ten. | Sunnyvale, CA : Selbstverlag, 1990. | 88 S. | en | SD, Caller | O | K | ||||
185 | Ruthem, Jim u. Jeannie: | Teching/Workshop Guide for Plus Movements of Modern Western Square Dancing. | Etowah, TN : Pathways Studio, 1990. | o. Pag. | en | SD, Caller, Plus | O | K | ||||
186 | Roundalab: | Manual for Square Dance Callers using Rounds in the Square Dance Program. | o.O. : Roundalab, 1995. | 58 S. | en | SD, Round | O | K | ||||
187 | Coblenzer, Horst; Franz Muhar: | Atem und Stimme. Anleitung zum guten Sprechen. | 10. Aufl. Wien : Österreichischer Bundesverlag, 1991. | 118 S. | de | Stimme | O | K | ||||
187 | Coblenzer, Horst; Franz Muhar: | Atem und Stimme. Anleitung zum guten Sprechen. | 17. Aufl. Wien : Österreichischer Bundesverlag, 1997. | 116 S. | de | Stimme | O | |||||
188 | Riesch, Anneliese: | Lebendige Stimme. Stimmbildung für Sprache und Gesang. | Mainz : Schott, 1972. | 124 S. | de | Stimme | O | |||||
189 | Callerlab Partners' Committee Handbook. | Rochester, MN : Callerlab, 1992. | 79 S. | en | Caller | O | O | |||||
190 | Han, Dick: | A1 u. A2 Teaching Manual. | Monticello, IN : Selbstverlag, o.J. | 157 S. | en | SD, Caller, A1, A2 | 2 O | O, K | ||||
191 | Campbell, Calvin: | The Mainstream Caller's Notebook. | Castle Rock, CO : Selbstverlag, 1992. | 89 S. | en | SD, Caller, MS | O | K | ||||
192 | Morvent, Wayne: | Surprise Get-Outs. | Silsbee, TX : Selbstverlag, 1992. | 31 S. | en | SD, Caller, MS, Plus | O | K | ||||
193 | Callerlab Starter Kit for Newer Callers. Beigefügt: Standard Basic & Mainstream Applications; Standard Plus Applications. | Cocoa, FL : Callerlab, [1998]. | 42 S. | en | SD, Caller | 2 O, 1 Ex. 1994; | O | |||||
194 | Graser, Ruth: | Callerlab Plus Program. Diagrams and Definitions. | 8. Aufl. Mission Viejo, CA : Graser, 1995. | 42 S. | en | SD, Caller, Plus | 2 O | K | ||||
195 | Graser, Ruth: | Callerlab Advanced Program. A-1 and A-2. Diagrams and Definitions. | 8. Aufl. Mission Viejo, CA : Graser, 1996. | 33 S. | en | SD, Caller, A1, A2 | O | K | ||||
196 | Graser, Ruth: | Callerlab Basic Challenge Program C-1. Diagrams and Definitions. | 8. Aufl. Mission Viejo, CA : Graser, 1995. | 46 S. | en | SD, Caller, C1 | O | K | ||||
197 | Graser, Ruth: | Callerlab Extended Challenge Program C-2. Diagrams and Definitions. | 9. Aufl. Mission Viejo, CA : Graser, 1995. | 42 S. | en | SD, Caller, C2 | O | K | ||||
198 | Graser, Ruth: | Advanced Challenge Program C-3A. Diagrams and Definitions. | 3. Aufl. Mission Viejo, CA : Graser, 1998. | 46 S. | en | SD, Caller, C3A | O | K | ||||
199 | 1 | ist jetzt 137c | ||||||||||
300 | Fischle, Heiner: | Wörterbuch Square Dance ... und was ich sonst noch sagen wollte. 222 Stichworte. | 1. Aufl. Hannover : Selbstverlag, 1995. | 44 S. | de | SD | O | |||||
301 | 1 | Kafka, Thomas: | Modern American Square Dance als Methode in der Jugendarbeit. | München : Typoskript 1987. | 33 S. | de | SD | O | ||||
302 | After Party Fun | 87 S. | en | SD | K als O | |||||||
303 | Shaw, Dorothy: | The Story of Square Dancing. A Family Tree. (Sets in Order Handbook Series) | Los Angeles, CA : Sets in Order, 1962. | 16 S. | en | SD, Geschichte | O | O | ||||
304 | Rossoff, Martin: | Hoedown Heritage. The evolution of modern Square Dancing. | Sandusky, Ohio : Burdick Enterprises, 1977. | 24 S. | en | SD; Geschichte | O | O | ||||
305 | 1 | Litchman, William M.; Kristin E. Litchman: | Rocky Mountain Caller. Bill Litchman's Calling Book. | Albuquerque, NM : Medley Publications 2005. | 95 S. | en | Traditional | O | ||||
306 | Upright, Dennis E.; Andy Cisna: | Sounding the Hall. Sound considerations for large halls impedance matching and Phase considerations for Audio Power Amplifiers. [Beigeheftet ECTA-Rundschreiben, Hilton-Skizzen] | Huron, OH : Burdick Enterprises, 1977. | 12 S. | en | SD, Sound | O | O | ||||
307 | 1 | Leadership Shape | en | O | ||||||||
308 | A Manual for Leadership. Training Programs. A Legacy Committee Report. | 60 S. | en | SD, Führung | K als O | K | ||||||
309 | Square Dance Styling. | Huron, OH : Burdick Enterprises, 1980. | o. Pag. | en | SD, Styling | O | K | |||||
310 | 1 | SD für Rollstuhlfahrer | de | |||||||||
311 | Howard, Carole A.: | Froggin' around with 65 fun games. | 64 S. | en | SD, Spaß | O | K | |||||
312 | 1 | Aspekte zur Geschichte und Funktion des American Square Dancing. Cass. u. Buch | de | |||||||||
313 | Trimmer, Gene: | Plan Afterparty Fun. | 2. Aufl. Paragould, AR : Selbstverlag, 1987. | 39 S. | en | SD | O | |||||
314 | Junck, Jerry; Jim Mayo: | Standard Choreography for Square Dance Callers. A Square Dance teacher's source book. | Marlborough, NH : Hanhurst's Tape & Record Service, 1997. | 63 S. | en | SD, Choreographie | O | K | ||||
315 | Fischle, Heiner: | Der klassische Square Dance (Basic 1 ... 33). | Hannover : Fischle, 1998. | 33 S. | de | SD | O | |||||
316 | Lewis, Joe: | Square Dancing for new dancer and new callers. | 3. Aufl. Sydney : Angus and Robertson, 1953. | 88 S. | en | SD, Caller | K als O | K | ||||
317 | 6 Mini-Manuals aus: Mikeside Management. | Stan Burdick | 1996,1997 | en | K | |||||||
318 | Clendenin, Daryl: | Teaching the Mainstream Program of Modern Western Square Dance. | Marlborough, NH : Hanhurst's Tape & Record Service, 1999. | 88 S. | en | SD, MS, Teaching | O | |||||
319 | 1 | Singing calls for CDP | O | |||||||||
320 | 1 | My Favorite Country Dances (35 Contras, Mixers, Big Circles, Squares) | ||||||||||
321 | Henkel, Les: | Sharing a Treasure of Dances | Stand Burdick | Tonias, NE. : Henkel, 1994. | 136 S. | en | SD, Contra, Mixer | O | K | |||
322 | Triebenecker, Michael: | Callerlab Basic und Mainstream Definitionen. Fassung vom 12.10.1993. | Magdeburg : o.V., 2000 | 56 S. | de, en | SD | O | K | ||||
323 | Callerlab Choreographic Guidelines. Compiled and edited by Choreographic Applications Committee. Jerry Reed, Chairman; Elmar Claycomb, Vice Chairman. | 1996. | 62 S. | en | SD, Choreographie | O (lose Bl.) K | K | |||||
324 | Mayo, Jim: | Step by step through Modern Square Dance History. | Bloomington, IN : Mayo, 2003. | 202 S. | en | SD, Geschichte | O | O | ||||
325 | Fischle, Heiner: | Der moderne Square Dance (Basic 36 ... 69). | Hannover : Fischle, 2004. | 20 S. | de | SD | O | |||||
326 | 1 | |||||||||||
327 | Clossin, Jimmy; Carl Hertzog: | The American cowboy Square Dance book. | London : Bell and sons, 1951. | 46 S. | en | SD | ||||||
328 | King, Jay: | Postgraduate course for Dream Dancers. | Wayland, Mass. : King, 1975. | 55 S. | en | SD | K | |||||
329 | Clendenin, Daryl: | Teaching the Mainstream Program of Modern Western Square Dance. | Marlborough, NH : Hanhurst's Tape & Record Service, 1999-2004. | 75 S. | en | SD, MS, Teaching | O | K | ||||
330 | King, Jay: | How to Teach Modern Square Dancing. | 3. Aufl. Lexington, Mass. : King 1970. | 238 S. | en | SD, Caller | O | O | ||||
331 | King, Jay: | The Square Dancer's Dictionary. (Formerly Entitled The Handbook of Modern Square Dancing). | Wayland, Mass. : King, 1976. | 254 S. | en | SD | O | |||||
332 | King, Jay: | The Fundamentals of Calling. | 2. Aufl. Lexington, Mass. : King, 1969. | 274 S. | en | SD, Caller | O | |||||
333 | Leppin, Rollo: | Calling Mental Image And How to Survive it. | Aachen : Shaker, 2010. | 300 S. | en | SD, Caller, Mental Image | O | |||||
334 | Sikorsy, Mike: | The Activator-Stream System. | Mesa, AZ : Sikorsky, 2011. | 114 S. | en | SD, Caller, Mental Image | O | K | ||||
335 | Sikorsy, Mike: | The Activator-Stream System. Boo 2. | Mesa, AZ : Sikorsky, 2011. | 106 S. | en | SD, Caller, Mental Image | O | K | ||||
336 | Kroll, Joachim: | Visuelle Hilfsmittel im Squaredancekurs. | Konradsreuth : Kroll, 2013 | 25 S. | de | SD, Caller, Class, Hilfsmittel | O | |||||
337 | Walz, Eberhard: | Wie der Square-Dance nach Rußland kam. | [Öhringen] : Walz, [2012]. | 32 S. | de | SD, Caller, Geschichte. Rußland | O | |||||
Round Dance | ||||||||||||
201 | Haury, Fred: | ABC's of Round Dancing. A glossary of dance terms. Revision 3. | Albuquerque, NM : Haury, 1989. | 119 S. | en | Round | O | K | ||||
202 | Anderson, Kaye: | Cold Feet : How to get them dancing. Round Dance Basics for beginning Dancers. | Jackson, Missouri : Dance Action, 1982. | 154 S. | en | Round | O | |||||
203 | Riendeau, Albert J.: | Round Dancing for Fun. | Silver Spring, Maryland : Bettienal Publ., 1983. | en | Round | O | K | |||||
204 | Völkl,Klaus: | Das große Two-Step Lehrbuch in deutsch. | München : VB-Verlag, 1995. | 388 S. | de | Round | O | O | ||||
205 | Engelke, Brigitte: | Round-Dance deutsch. | 3. Aufl. Hannover : Engelke, 1984. | 20 S. | de | Round | K als O | K | ||||
206 | Chatterbox Special. ECTA Round Dance Basics in deutsch. | Klaus Völkl. | Hamburg : Chatterbox-Vlg. Rolf Schuster, o.J. | de | Round | O | ||||||
207 | 1 | Roundalab Phase Rated System. Auch Addendum May 1996. | ||||||||||
208 | Roundalab: | Manual for New Round Dance Leader. | o.O. : Roundalab, 1996. | 81 S. | en | Round | O | O | ||||
209 | Mueller, Betty u. Clancy: | Dance a Round and Have Fun or Everything You have always wanted to know about Round Dancing, but were afraid to ask! | 2. Aufl. New Whiteland, Ind. : Mueller, 1981. | 24 S. | en | Round | O | O | ||||
210 | Lehnert, Frank: | Step-Close-Step. Round Dance Basics for Dancers, Teachers, Callers. | 12. Aufl. Toledo, OH : Lehnert, 1983. | 72 S. | en | Round | O | K | ||||
211 | Gesammelte Blätter für eine Cuer-Class | en | Round | K als O | K | |||||||
212 | Burdick, Cathie: | Teaching Tots to dance. (Caller Aid Series) | Sandusky, Ohio : American Squaredance Magazine, 1971. | 30 S. | en | Traditional | O | 2 K | ||||
213 | Schmidt, Michael: | Langsamer Walzer. Figurenbeschreibung für den Round Dance. Version 2.0 vom 21. Januar 1998. | Köln : Schmidt, 1998 | 6, 49 S. | de | Round | O | O | ||||
214 | 1 | |||||||||||
215 | Fransen, Jac. M.: | Handboek voor de moderne Rounddans in Nederland. Handboekserie Deel IV. | o.O. : NSRDV, 1975. | 48 S. | nl | Round | O | |||||
216 | 1 | |||||||||||
217 | Butterfly 1. Eine Auswahl von Round Dances. Twostep & Waltz, Phase II und Übungstänze. | Text, deutsche Tanzbeschreibungen & Übungstänze von Susanne Bolliger-Heuss. | Zürich : VAW-Verlag, 1998. | 80 S. | de | Round | O | |||||
218 | 1 | |||||||||||
219 | 1 | |||||||||||
220 | 1 | |||||||||||
221 | 1 | |||||||||||
222 | Leach, Emily: | FRED's Language of Round Dancing. | Clearwater, Florida : Selbstverlag o.J. | 32 S. | en | Round | O | |||||
223 | The National Carousels Round Dance Encyclopedia and Reference Manual. | Trulock, Jim u. Norma; corr. Frank u. Iris Gilbert. | Blätter ohne fortlaufende Paginierung, 1985. | en | Round | K als O | K | |||||
224 | Palmquist, Eddie u. Audrey: | Step by Step. Palmquist Style. Manual 1. | El Toro, Ca. : Palmquist, o.J. | 58 S. | en | Round | O | O (lose Bl.) | ||||
225 | 1 | |||||||||||
226 | 1 | |||||||||||
227 | Rother, Bob u. Mary Ann: | Reference Manual for use in conjunction with Samba, Paso Doble, International Tango Round Dance Basics. | Portland, OR : Rother, o.J. | 26 S. | en | Round | O | O | ||||
228 | Rother, Bob u. Mary Ann: | Reference Manual for use in conjunction with Intermediate Round Dance Basics. | Portland, OR : Rother, o.J. | 30 S. | en | Round | O | O | ||||
229 | Rother, Bob u. Mary Ann: | Reference Manual for use in conjunction with Extended Intermediate Round Dance Basics. | Portland, OR : Rother, o.J. | 20 S. | en | Round | O | 2 O | ||||
230 | Rother, Bob u. Mary Ann: | Reference Manual for use in conjunction with Advanced Round Dance Basics. | Portland, OR : Rother, o.J. | 26 S. | en | Round | O | O | ||||
231 | Roundalab Reference Manual. | Orig. compil. Richard u. Jo Ann Lawson. | o.O. : Roundalab, 1987. | o. Pag. | en | Round | O | |||||
232 | Rotscheid, Susie u. Gert-Jan: | Suggested Plans and Helps for Beginners' (Phases I & II) Classes using mostly ECTA Repertoire dances. | o.O. 1991. | 15 S. | en | Round | O | O | ||||
233 | Rotscheid, Susie u. Gert-Jan: | Helps for beginning dancers. | o.O. 1991. | 5 S. | en | Round | O | 2 O | ||||
234 | 1 | |||||||||||
235 | 1 | |||||||||||
236 | Anderson, Kaye: | Fancy Footwork: The Art of Round Dancing. Conventions, Positions ans Terminology. | 2. Aufl. Mesa, AZ : Dance Action, 1992. | 154 S. | en | Round | O | K | ||||
237 | Anderson, Kaye: | Fancy Figures: Two-Step. Phase I, II and III. | Mesa, AZ : Dance Action, 1992. | 169 S. | en | Round | O | K | ||||
238 | Anderson, Kaye: | Fancy Figures: Easy Level Waltz. Phase I, II and III. | Mesa, AZ : Dance Action, 1992. | 142 S. | en | Round | O | K | ||||
239 | 1 | |||||||||||
240 | 1 | |||||||||||
241 | 1 | |||||||||||
242 | 1 | |||||||||||
243 | 1 | |||||||||||
244 | 1 | |||||||||||
245 | 1 | |||||||||||
246 | Anderson, Kaye: | Fancy Figures: Phase III Latins. (Cha Cha, Rumba, Mambo, Jive) with Advanced Variations. | Mesa, AZ : Dance Action, 1992. | 154 S. | en | Round | O | K | ||||
247 | Anderson, Kaye: | Fancy Figures: Phase III Moderns (Foxtrot, Quickstep, Argentine Tango) with Advanced Variations. | Mesa, AZ : Dance Action, 1992. | 150 S. | en | Round | O | K | ||||
248 | 1 | |||||||||||
249 | 1 | |||||||||||
250 | 1 | |||||||||||
251 | Anderson, Kaye: | Cold Feet II: Beginning Waltz and Two-Step Basics. | Mesa, AZ : Dance Action, 1994. | 164 S. | en | Round | O | K | ||||
252 | 1 | |||||||||||
253 | Grossman, Jeff u. Barb: | Basic Round Dancing. Two-Step and Waltz. Roundalab Phase I and II. | Tualatin, OR : Grossman, 1991. | 160 S. | en | Round | O | K | ||||
254 | Blancke, Luc: | Steppin' Easy. Ten easy dances. Zehn einfache Tänze. | Übers. von Ulf Tutt. Mit einer MC. | Lovendegem : Anglo-American Dance Service, 1995. | 40 S. | en, de | Round | O enthält 1 MC | K | |||
255 | Bolliger-Heuss, Susanne: | Round Dance. Kleines Handbuch in deutscher Sprache. | Binningen : Selbstverlag, 1995. | 36 S. | de | Round | O | |||||
256 | 1 | |||||||||||
257 | 1 | |||||||||||
258 | Shaw, Lloyd: | The Round Dance Book. A Century of Waltzing. With a Foreword by Thomas Hornsby Ferril. With over a hundred old-time American Round Dances and Circle Mixers. | Caldwell, Idaho : The Caxton Printers, 1950. | 443 S. | en | Round | O | |||||
Zeitschriften | ||||||||||||
400 | Square Dancing. Official publication of the Sets in Order AmericanSquare Dance Society. | Los Angeles, CA : Sets in Order. | Bestand: 26 (1974), 28 (1976), 30 (1978), 31 (1979), 32 (1980), 33 (1981), 35 (1983), 36 (1984) (2 Jg.), 37 (1985) (2 Jg.). | en | ||||||||
401 | American Square Dance. The National Magazin with the swinging lines. | Huron, OH : Burdick Enterprices. | Bestand: 35, 8 (1980), 39,12 (1984), 41,1-6, 8-11 (1986), 42,1-6, 8-12 (1987), 43 (1988), 44,1, 3-12 (1989), 45,1-9, 11-12 (1990), 46,1-11 (1991), 47 (1992), 48 (1993), 49 (1994), 50 (1995), 51,1-8, 10-12 (1996), 52,1-6, 8, 10-12 (1997), 53,1-6, 8-12 (1998), 54 (1999), 55 (2000), 56,12 (2001), 57 (2002), 58,1-10 (2003), | en | ||||||||
402 | The Chatterbox. | Würzburg : EAASDC. | Bestand: 1972 11; 1973 10-12; 1974 1-12; 1975 1-6, 8-12; 1976 1-12; 1977 1-12; 1978 1-12; 1979 1-12; 1980 1-12; 1981 1-12; 1982 1-12; 1983 1-12; 1984 1-12; 1985 1-12; 1986 1-12; 1987 1-12; 1988 1-12; 1989 1-12; 1990 1-5; Erscheinen eingestellt | en | ||||||||
403 | ECTA-Notes 1974-1992. | en | SD, ECTA, SDC | 2 Ex. | ||||||||
404 | EAASDC Newsletter | Bestand: 1967; 1968 4-7; 1969 2,8,12; | en, de | |||||||||
405 | EAASDC Bulletin | Bestand: 1979/80 1-9; 1980/81 2-7, 10-12; 1981/82 1-12; 1982/83 1-12; 1983/84 1-12; 1984/85 1-12; 1985/86 1-4; 12 (1991); 21 (2000) 6-8; 22 (2001); 23 (2002); 24 (2003); 25 (2004); 25 (2005); 26 (2006); 27 (2007); 28 (2008); 29 (2009); | en, de | |||||||||
406 | Apart Point Magazine. | Tollhouse, CA : Schmidt. | Bestand: 1987 11, 12; 1988 6-13; 1989 18-26; 1990 27-29; | en | ||||||||
407 | The American Dance Circle. A Quarterly Publication of the Lloyd Shaw Foundation. | Golden, Colorado : The Lloyd Shaw Foundation. | Bestand: 7, 1,3-4 (1986), 8,1,4 (1987), 9 (1988), 10 (1989), 11,1, 3-4 (1990), 12,1 (1991), 13,1 (1992), 14,1 (1993), 15,1 (1995) | en | ||||||||
Clogging | ||||||||||||
500 | Popwell, Shelia: | Everything You always wanted to know about Clogging and never even knew You wanted to ask. | Huron, OH : Burdick Enterprices, 1975. | 38 S. | en | Clogging | O | K | ||||
501 | Popwell, Shelia: | Almost Everything You always wanted to know about Teaching Clogging except how You ever let yourself get talked into doing this in the First Place. | Huron, OH : Burdick Enterprices, 1980. | 83 S. | en | Clogging | O | O, K | ||||
502 | Zöller, Monika: | Clogging - Grundschritte. | München : Zöller, 2001-2002. | 18 Bl. | en | Clogging | O | 2 K | ||||
503 | 1 | |||||||||||
504 | Toor, Sue Adams: | Clogging Instructor's Handbook | Maitland, FL : Toor, 1984. | 10 S. | en | Clogging | O | |||||
505 | Bresch, Anne: | Clogging BEG. | Graham, WA : Bresch, 1984. | o. Pag. | en | Clogging | K als O | |||||
506 | Elling, Lois: | Teaching Clogging. Complete Guide for Clogging Teachers and soon-to-be Clogging TEachers. | Elling, 1986. | 162, 19 S. | en | Clogging | K als O | K | ||||
507 | The NCHC Clog Dance Book. | Written and compiled by Betsy Farlow and Miriam Dawson. | NCHC, 1989. | 51 S. | en | Clogging | K als O | |||||
508 | Collins, Pam: | Clog Dancing. | 70 S. | en | Clogging | K als O | K | |||||
509 | Hatfield, Diana; Debra Austin: | Modern Clogging 2. | Clinton, TN. : Clinton Courir News, 1981. | 186 S. | en | Clogging | K als O | K | ||||
510 | Hinds, Tom; Megaera Esmond: | How to Do Appalachian Clogging. | Arlington, VI. : Hinds, 1984. | 36 S. | en | Clogging, Appalachians | K als O | |||||
511 | Duke, Jerry: | Clog Dance in the Appalachians. | San Francisco, CA : Duke Publ., 1984. | 93 S. | en | Clogging, Appalachians | K als O | |||||
512 | Popwell, Shelia: | The Clogger's Book of Appalachian Square Dance Figures. | Huron, OH : Burdick Enterprices, 1983. | o. Pag. | en | Clogging, Appalachians | K als O | |||||
513 | Clogging in Europa 1983 2009. Hrsg. v. d. European Callers an Teachers Association e.V. anläßlich des 50. Jubiläums im Juni 2009. | Bonn : ECTA, 2009. | 38 S. | de | Clogging | O | ||||||
514 | Behrens, Bianca: | Clogging, der amerikanische Stepptanz. Beginner Handbuch. | zusammengestellt von Bianca Behrens. | 3. akt. Ausg. Niedernhausen : Behrens, 2007. | o.Pag. | de | Clogging | O | ||||
Contra and Traditional | ||||||||||||
600 | Armstrong, Don: | The Caller/Teacher Manual for Contras with 101 Ready-to-Call Contras. | Los Angeles, CA :The Sets in Order American Square Dance Society, 1973. | 96 S. | en | Contra, SD | O | K | ||||
601 | Dancing with the Armstrongs. The 1999 Collection. Complete instructions for forty-three dances. Sources for thirty-eight additional dances. | Macks Creek, MO : Armstrong, 1998. | o. Pag. mit 2 MC | en | Contra | O | K | |||||
602 | Fischle, Heiner: | Leitfaden A Guide to Contra Dancing Bd. Vol. 1 | Hannover : Fischle, 1983. | 48 S. | de, en | Contra | O | |||||
602 | Fischle, Heiner: | Leitfaden A Guide to Contra Dancing Bd. Vol. 1 | Hannover : Fischle, 1998. | 43 S. | de, en | Contra | O | |||||
603 | Fransen, Jac. M.: | American contra & old time dancing. | o.O. o.J. | o. Pag. | nl | Contra | K | |||||
604 | Gaudreau, Herbie: | Modern Contra Dancing. (Callers Aid Series) | Huron, OH : Squaredance Magazine, 1971. | 40 S. | en | Contra | O | K | ||||
605 | Page, Ralph: | An Elegant Collection of Contras and Squares. | Denver, Col : The Lloyd Shaw Foundation, 1984. | 153 S. | en | Contra | O | |||||
606 | Klotzsche, Volker: | Vom Contra zum Square Dance. | Wolfenbüttel : Möseler, 1994. | 61 S. | de, en | Contra, SD | O | |||||
607 | Parkes, Tony: | Contra Dance Calling. A basic Text. | Bedford, Mass. : Hands Four Books, 1992. | 300 S. | en | Contra | O | K | ||||
608 | Holden, Rickey: | The Contra Dance Book. Reprint of the 1956 edition. | Lovendegem : Anglo-American Dance Service, 1997. | 126 S. | en | Contra | 2 Ex. O | |||||
609 | Callens, Philippe: | From a Belgian Yankee Caller. Forty-Five New England style dances with music for each dance. | Lovendegem : Anglo-American Dance Service, 1996. | 110 S. | en | Contra | O | |||||
610 | Maddocks, Durward: | Swing Your Partners. A Guide to Modern Country Dancing. | 5. Aufl. New York : Stephen Daye Press, 1950. | 111 S. | en | SD, Contra | K als O | |||||
611 | 1 | O | ||||||||||
612 | Page, Ralph: | Heritage Dances of Early America. | Colorado Springs, Colorado : The Lloyd shaw Foundation, 1976. | 64 S. | en | Contra | O | |||||
613 | Fischle, Heiner: | Leitfaden Contra Bd. 2 | Hannover : Fischle, 1999. | 129 S. | de, en | Contra | O | |||||
614 | Contra Dance Syllabus. Fall Round Up 2000. | Compiled by John & Claudia Chauvin, Carol david-Blackman, Heiner Fischle, Al Green. | o.O. 2000. | 20 S. | en | Contra | O | |||||
615 | Griepentrog, Volkmar: | Contra / Country. Begriffe und Wörter, Aufstellungen, Formationen, Tanzfiguren | 2. Aufl. Minden : Griepentrog, 2000. | 26 S. | de | Contra | O | |||||
616 | Fischle, Heiner: | Erste Schritte zum Contra Dance | Hannover : Fischle, 2001. | 16 S. | de | Contra | O | |||||
618 | Fischle, Heiner: | Leitfaden Contra Bd. 3 | Hannover : Fischle, 2004. | 173 S. | de, en | Contra | O | |||||
619 | Fischle, Heiner: | Leitfaden A Guide to Contra Dance Bd. Vol. 4 | Hannover : Fischle, 2007. | S. 175-218 | en | Contra | O | |||||
620 | Jennings, Larry: | The Contra Connection | by Larry Jennings, Dan Pearl and Ted Sanella | Haydenville, MA. : 2006. | 3. Aufl. 64 S. | en | Contra | O | K als O | |||
621 | Brunner, Verena: | Tanzen mit Mozart. Kontratänze Menuett Deutscher Tanz. Tanzbeschreibungen und Noten. | 2. verb. Aufl. Boppard : Fidula, 2006. | 79 S. | D | Contra | O | |||||
622 | Brunner, Verena: | Contredanses. Tanzvergnügen der Mozart-Zeit. Kontratänze. Tanzbeschreibungen Historisches. | Boppard : Fidula, 2014. | 343 S. | D | Contra | O | |||||
Country Western; Line Dance | ||||||||||||
700 | Lane, Christy: | Christy Lane's Complete Book of Line Dancing. | Champaign, Il :Human Kinetics, 1995. | 150 S. | en | Line Dance | O | K | ||||
701 | Popwell, Shelia: | Solo-Dances. A Collection of Solo Dances, Fun Dances and Mixers. | Huron, OH : American Squaredance Magazine, 1978. | 110 S. | en | Line Dance | O | K | ||||
702 | Longley, Grant Fairbanks: | Solo Dance Manual (Line Dance Manual) Vol. 2 | Lowell, MA : New England Caller, 1979. | 58 S. | en | Line Dance | O | |||||
703 | Longley, Grant Fairbanks: | Line Dance Manual. Vol. 1 | 3. Aufl. Venice, Fl : The New england Caller, 1985. | 74 S. | en | Line Dance | K als O | K | ||||
704 | Gellette, Kelly: | Country Western. Notes. | Las Vegas, NV : Gellette, 1985. | 100 S. | en | Line Dance | O, K | |||||
704 | Gellette, Kelly: | Country Western. Notes. | 2. Aufl. Las Vegas, NV : Gellette, 1989. | 100 S. | en | Line Dance | O | |||||
705 | Gellette, Kelly: | Country Western. Book 2. Continued. | 2. Aufl. Las Vegas, NV : Gellette, 1986. | 101 S. | en | Line Dance | O, 2 K | |||||
705 | Gellette, Kelly: | Country Western. Book 2. Continued. | 3. Aufl. Las Vegas, NV : Gellette, 1989. | 99 S. | en | Line Dance | O | |||||
706 | Millar, John Fitzhugh: | Elizabethan Country Dances. | Williamsburg, Vir. : Thirteen Colonies Press, 1985. | 114 S. | en | Line Dance | O | K | ||||
707 | Gellette, Kelly: | Country Western. Book 3. Notes. | 2. Aufl. Las Vegas, NV : Gellette, 1986. | 95 S. | en | Line Dance | O | K | ||||
708 | Gellette, Kelly: | Country Western. Book 4. Come Dance, along, with me. Teaching Manual. | Las Vegas, NV : Gellette, 1986. | 98 S. | en | Line Dance | O, K | |||||
708 | Gellette, Kelly: | Country Western. Book 4. Come Dance, along, with me. Teacher's Manual. | 2. Aufl. Las Vegas, NV : Gellette, 1989. | 94 S. | en | Line Dance | O | |||||
709 | Longley, Grant Fairbanks: | Doc Longley's Glossary of Line/Solo Dance Terms. A Complete Listing. | Venice, Fl : Longley, 1991. | 50 S. | en | Line Dance | O (2 Ex.) | O | ||||
710 | Longley, Grant Fairbanks: | Line /Solo Dance Manual. Vol. 3 | Lowell, MA : New England Caller, 1988. | 108 S. | en | Line Dance | O | K | ||||
711 | Gellette, Kelly: | Country Western. Book 5. Line Dances Galore. | Las Vegas, NV : Gellette, 1989. | 98 S. | en | Line Dance | O | |||||
712 | Gellette, Kelly: | Country Western. Book 6. Partner Dances - Shuffles & Schottische. | Las Vegas, NV : Gellette, o.J. | 103 S. | en | Line Dance | O | |||||
713 | Gellette, Kelly: | Country Western. Book 7. More Turns. | Las Vegas, NV : Gellette, 1989. | 109 S. | en | Line Dance | O | |||||
714 | Gellette, Kelly: | Country Western. Book 8. Cha Cha for Country Western Folk. | Las Vegas, NV : Gellette, 1991. | 88 S. | en | Line Dance | O | |||||
715 | Gellette, Kelly: | Country Western. Book 9. West Coast Swing for Country Westrern Dancers. An easy way to learn. | Las Vegas, NV : Gellette, 1992. | 78 S. | en | Line Dance | O | |||||
716 | 1 | |||||||||||
717 | Gellette, Kelly: | Country Western. Book 11. Hot Line Dances. | Las Vegas, NV : Gellette, o.J. | 99 S. | en | Line Dance | O | |||||
718 | Gellette, Kelly: | Country Western. Book 12. Cool Line Dances. | Las Vegas, NV : Gellette, 1994. | 110 S. | en | Line Dance | O | |||||
719 | Cholmondeley, Jim u. Jean: | Combined Square and Country Western Lessons. | Florissant, MO : Chomondeley, o.J. | o. Pag. | en | Line Dance, SD | O | K | ||||
720 | Cholmondeley, Jim u. Jean: | Country Western. Line and Couple Dances. | Florissant, MO : Chomondeley, o.J. | o. Pag. | en | Line Dance, SD | O | |||||
721 | Country Western Line Dance Library (over 200 line dances). Vol. 1 | Pub. by K.Country. | 9. Aufl. Aldergrove, B.C. : Kris Kelf, 1995. | 221 S. | en | Line Dance | O | |||||
722 | Everybod swing! Eight tunes for New England Country Dancing, including Levi Jackson Rag. | Antwerpen : V.D.C.V., 1989. | 82 S. m. 1 MC | nl | Line Dance | O | O | |||||
723 | Nagy, Christine: | Tanzhits 1. Moderne Tänze im Block, in der Linie und im Kreis. | 2. Aufl. Kiel : Balsies, 1996. | 52 S. | de | Contra | O | 2 K | ||||
724 | Dalton, Brian u. Pat: | Step up to The Line. Line Dance Manual Vol. 1. | Weston Turville : Dalton, o.J. | 122 S. | en | Line Dance | O | K | ||||
725 | Roundalab Standard. Country Western Dancing. | 1992, Add. 1993. | 8, 7 S. | en | Contra | O (lose Bl.) | ||||||
Einzelstücke, nicht ausleihbar | ||||||||||||
X1 | 1 | |||||||||||
X2 | 1 | |||||||||||
X3 | National (& International) Square Dance Directory 2006. | Brandon, MS : NSD Products, 2006. | 100 S. | en | SD | O | ||||||
X4 | Square Dance Building Guidelines. A Committee Report Prepared for CALLERLAB. | 2. rev. Aufl. 1996 | 40 S. | en | SD | O | ||||||
X5 | ROUNDALAB / ECTA Minilab April 20-22, 2000. | 2000. | lose Bl. | en | Round | O (2 Ex.) | ||||||
X6 | The Lloyd Shaw Foundation Catalog. | Marie Armstrong. | Macks Creek, MO :Lloyd Shaw Foundation, 1994. | 31 S. | en | Contra | O | O | ||||
X7 | 1 | |||||||||||
X8 | 1 | |||||||||||
X9 | 1 | |||||||||||
X10 | Roundalab: | Standard for Round Dancing. Sammelordner. | 1997 - 2003 | o. Pag. | en | Round | O | |||||
X11 | 1 | |||||||||||
X12 | 45th National Square Dance Convention, San Antonio June 26-29, 1996. Round Dance Syllabus. | 136 S. | en | Round | O | |||||||
X13 | 46th National Square Dance Convention, Orlando, Florida June 25-28, 1997. Round Dance Syllabus. | 140 S. | en | Round | O | |||||||
X14 | 44th National Square Dance Convention, Birmingham, Alabama, June 21-24, 1995. Round Dance Syllabus. | 127 S. | en | Round | O | |||||||
X15 | West Square Dance Convention, Denver, Colorado, August 6-9, 1997. Round Dance Syllabus. | 82 S. | en | Round | O | |||||||
X16 | 1 | |||||||||||
X17/1 | Roundalab: | Standardized Classic Dance Cues. Tentive Standards. | Lower Waterford, VT : Roundalab, 1992. | 23 S. | en | Round | O | |||||
X17/2 | Roundalab: | Standardized Classic Dance Cues. Approved Standards. | 1993. | 14 S. | en | Round | O | |||||
X17/3 | Roundalab: | Standardized Classic Dance Cues. Tentive Standards. | 1993. | 10 S. | en | Round | O | |||||
X17/4 | Roundalab: | Standardized Classic Dance Cues. Tentive Standards. | 1994. | 9 S. | en | Round | O | |||||
X17/5 | Roundalab: | Standardized Classic Dance Cues. Tentive Standards. | 1995. | [4 S.] | en | Round | O | |||||
X17/6 | Roundalab: | Standardized Classic Dance Cues. Experimental Standards. | 1995. | [12 S.] | en | Round | O | |||||
X17/7 | Roundalab: | Standardized Classic Dance Cues. Experimental Standards. | 1996. | [3 S.] | en | Round | O | |||||
X17/8 | Roundalab: | Standardized Classic Dance Cues. Tentive Standards. | 1996. | 25 S. | en | Round | O | |||||
X18 | 47th National Square Dance Convention, Charlotte, North Carolina, June 24-27, 1998. Round Dance Syllabus. | 1998. | 157 S. | en | Round | O | ||||||
X19 | 47th National Square Dance Convention, Charlotte, North Carolina, June 24-27, 1998. Clogging Syllabus. | 1998. | 90 S. | en | Clogging | O | ||||||
X20 | 47th National Square Dance Convention, Charlotte, North Carolina, June 24-27, 1998. Line Dance Syllabus. | 1998. | o. Pag. | en | Line Dance | O | ||||||
X21 | 47th National Square Dance Convention, Charlotte, North Carolina, June 24-27, 1998. Contra & Heritage Dance Program. | 1998. | 56 S. | en | Contra | O | ||||||
X22 | 48th National Square Dance Convention, Indianapolis, Indiana, June 23-26, 1999. Round Dance Syllabus. | 1999. | o. Pag. | en | Round | O | ||||||
X23 | 48th National Square Dance Convention, Indianapolis, Indiana, June 23-26, 1999. Clogging | 1999. | o. Pag. | en | Clogging | O | ||||||
X24 | 48th National Square Dance Convention, Indianapolis, Indiana, June 23-26, 1999. A Patchwork of American Contra Dance. | 1999. | o. Pag. | en | Contra | O | ||||||
X25 | 49th National Square Dance Convention, Baltimore, Maryland, June 21-24, 2000. Round Dance Syllabus. | 2000. | 148 S. | en | Round | O | ||||||
X26 | 49th National Square Dance Convention, Baltimore, Maryland, June 21-24, 2000. Clogging Syllabus. | 2000. | 32 S. | en | Clogging | O | ||||||
X27 | West Square Dance Convention, Casper, Wyoming, August 9-12, 2000. Contra Syllabus. | 2000. | 26 S. | en | Contra | O | ||||||
X28 | West Square Dance Convention, Casper, Wyoming, August 9-12, 2000. Round Dance Syllabus. | 2000. | 24 S. | en | Round | O | ||||||
X29 | Becker, Marco: | Trainings-Protokoll Mainstream Class. | 3. Aufl. Pinneberg : Selbstverlag, 2001 | 18 S. | de | SD | O | |||||
X30 | 50th National Square Dance Convention, Arnheim, California, June 27-30, 2001. Round Dance Syllabus. | 2001. | 138 S. | en | Round | O | ||||||
X31 | 50th National Square Dance Convention, Arnheim, California, June 27-30, 2001. Clogging Syllabus. | 2001. | o. Pag. | en | Clogging | O (2 Ex.) | ||||||
X32 | 50th National Square Dance Convention, Arnheim, California, June 27-30, 2001. Contra Dance Syllabus. | 2001. | 71 S. | en | Contra | O | ||||||
X33 | 1 | |||||||||||
X34 | 51th National Square Dance Convention, St. Paul, Minnesota, June 26-29, 2002. Round Dance Syllabus. | 2002. | o. Pag. | en | Round | O | ||||||
X35 | 51th National Square Dance Convention, St. Paul, Minnesota, June 26-29, 2002. Contra Syllabus. | 2002. | 87 S. | en | Contra | O | ||||||
X36 | 51th National Square Dance Convention, St. Paul, Minnesota, June 26-29, 2002. Clogging. | 2002. | o. Pag. | en | Clogging | O | ||||||
X37 | 52th National Square Dance Convention, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, June 25-28, 2003. Round Dance Syllabus. | 2003. | 108 S. | en | Round | O | ||||||
X38 | 52th National Square Dance Convention, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, June 25-28, 2003. Contra Dance Syllabus. | 2003. | 24 S. | en | Contra | O | ||||||
X39 | 52th National Square Dance Convention, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, June 25-28, 2003. Clogging Syllabus. | 2003. | o. Pag. | en | Clogging | O | ||||||
X40 | Spring Fling 2003. Gatlinburg, Tennessee. | 2003. | 86 S. | en | Clogging | O | ||||||
X41 | 53th National Square Dance Convention, Denver, Colorado, June 23-26, 2004. Clogging Syllabus. | 2004. | o. Pag. | en | Clogging | O | ||||||
X42 | 53th National Square Dance Convention, Denver, Colorado, June 23-26, 2004. Contra Dance Syllabus. | 2004. | o. Pag. | en | Contra | O | ||||||
X43 | 53th National Square Dance Convention, Denver, Colorado, June 23-26, 2004. Round Dance Syllabus. | 2004. | 196 S. | en | Round | O | ||||||
X44 | 54th National Square Dance Convention, Portland, Oregon, June 23-26, 2005. Clogging Syllabus. | 2005. | o. Pag. | en | Clogging | O | ||||||
X45 | 54th National Square Dance Convention, Portland, Oregon, June 23-26, 2005. Contra Dance Syllabus. | 2005. | 44 S. | en | Contra | O | ||||||
X46 | 54th National Square Dance Convention, Portland, Oregon, June 23-26, 2005. Round Dance Syllabus. | 2005. | 132 S. | en | Round | O | ||||||
X47 | Georgia State Clogging Convention. Macon, Georgia, June 23-24, 2000. | 2000. | o. Pag. | en | Clogging | O | ||||||
X48 | 55th National Square Dance Convention, San Antonio, Texas, June 22-24, 2006. Round Dance Syllabus. | 2006. | o. Pag. | en | Round | O | ||||||
X49 | 55th National Square Dance Convention, San Antonio, Texas, June 22-24, 2006. Contra Dance Syllabus. | 2006. | 46 S. | en | Contra | O | ||||||
X50 | 55th National Square Dance Convention, San Antonio, Texas, June 22-24, 2006. Clogging Syllabus. | 2006. | 121 S. | en | Clogging | O | ||||||
X51 | 56th National Square Dance Convention, Charlotte, North Carolina, June 27-30, 2007. Round Dance Syllabus. | 2007. | 217 S. | en | Round | O | ||||||
X52 | 56th National Square Dance Convention, Charlotte, North Carolina, June 27-30, 2007. Clogging Syllabus. | 2007. | 117 S. | en | Clogging | O | ||||||
X53 | 56th National Square Dance Convention, Charlotte, North Carolina, June 27-30, 2007. Contra Dance Syllabus. | 2007. | 43 S. | en | Contra | O | ||||||
X54 | 59th National Square Dance Convention, Louisville, Kentucky, June 23-26, 2010. Contra Dance Syllabus. | 2010. | 52 S. | en | Contra | O | ||||||
X55 | 59th National Square Dance Convention, Louisville, Kentucky, June 23-26, 2010. Clogging Syllabus. | 2010. | o.Pag. | en | Clogging | O | ||||||
X56 | 59th National Square Dance Convention, Louisville, Kentucky, June 23-26, 2010. Round Dance Syllabus. | 2010. | 186 S. | en | Round | O | ||||||
X57 | 60th National Square Dance Convention, Detroit, Michigan, June 22-25, 2011. Round Dance Syllabus. | 2011. | 104 S. | en | Round | O | ||||||
X58 | 60th National Square Dance Convention, Detroit, Michigan, June 22-25, 2011. Clogging Syllabus. | 2011. | o. Pag. | en | Clogging | O | ||||||
X59 | 60th National Square Dance Convention, Detroit, Michigan, June 22-25, 2011. Contra Dance Syllabus. | 2011. | o. Pag. | en | Contra | O | ||||||
X60 | 61st National Square Dance Convention, Spokane, Washington, June 27-30, 2012. Round Dance Syllabus. | 2012. | 134 S. | en | Round | O | ||||||
X61 | 61st National Square Dance Convention, Spokane, Washington, June 27-30, 2012. Contra Dance Syllabus. | 2012. | 34 S. | en | Contra | O | ||||||
X62 | 61st National Square Dance Convention, Spokane, Washington, June 27-30, 2012. Clogging Syllabus. | 2012. | 41 S. | en | Clogging | O | ||||||
X63 | 62nd National Square Dance Convention, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, June 26-29, 2013. Round Dance Syllabus. The Five Civilized Tribes Of Oklahoma. | 2013. | 121 S. | en | Round | O | ||||||
X64 | 62nd National Square Dance Convention, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, June 26-29, 2013. Contra Dance Syllabus. The Sooner The Better. | 2013. | 69 S. | en | Contra | O | ||||||
X65 | 1 | |||||||||||
X66 | 63rd National Square Dance Convention, Little Rock, Arkansas, June 25-28, 2014. Round dance Syllabus. | 2014. | 148 S. | en | Round | O | ||||||
X67 | 63rd National Square Dance Convention, Little Rock, Arkansas, June 25-28, 2014. Clogging Syllabus. Rock N Little Rock. | 2014. | 40 S. | en | Clogging | O | ||||||
X68 | Contra Dancing at the 63rd National Square Dance Convention with the Arkansas Country Dance Society. | 2014. | 51 S. | en | Contra | O | ||||||
X69 | 64th National Square Dance Convention, Springfield, Massachusetts June 24 27, 2015. Contra DanceSyllabus. | 2015. | 59 S. | en | Contra | O | ||||||
X70 | 64th National Square Dance Convention, Springfield, Massachusetts June 24 27, 2015. Round Dance Syllabus. | 2015. | 196 S. | en | Round | O | ||||||
X71 | 1 | |||||||||||
X72 | 65th National Square Dance Convention, Des Moines, Iowa June 22 25, 2016. Round Dance Syllabus. | 2016. | 163 S. | en | Round | O | ||||||
X73 | 65th National Square Dance Convention, Des Moines, Iowa June 22 25, 2016. Clogging Syllabus. | 2016. | 31 S. | en | Clogging | O | ||||||
X74 | 65th National Square Dance Convention, Des Moines, Iowa June 22 25, 2016. Contra DanceSyllabus. | 2016. | 5, 33 S. | en | Contra | O | ||||||
X75 | The 66th National Square Dance Convention, Cincinnati A Great American Experience, Cincinnati, Ohio June 21 24, 2017. Round Dance Syllabus. | 2017. | 186 S. | en | Round | |||||||
2017 kein Clogging Syllabus | ||||||||||||
X76 | The 66th National Square Dance Convention, Cincinnati A Great American Experience, Cincinnati, Ohio, June 21 24 2017. Contra Syllabus. | 2017. | o.P. | en | Contra | O | ||||||
(Video-)Cassetten | ||||||||||||
C 0 | Patter Sampler Collection (10 Tapes) | MC | ||||||||||
C 1 | Useful Singingcalls for Lady Callers (3 Tapes) | MC | ||||||||||
C 2. | Callerlab Convention 1981 (7 Tapes) | MC | ||||||||||
C 14. | Callerlab Convention 1993 (28 Tapes) | MC | ||||||||||
C 15. | Callerlab Convention 1994 (37 Tapes) | MC | ||||||||||
C 16. | Minilab 1994 (26 Tapes) | MC | ||||||||||
C 17. | verschenkt | Callerlab Convention 1995 (31 Tapes) | MC | |||||||||
C 17. 1 | Callerlab Convention 1995. # 1 CDP Dance Session - Part 1 | MC | ||||||||||
C 17. 2 | Callerlab Convention 1995. # 2 CDP Dance Session - Part 2 | MC | ||||||||||
C 17. 3 | Callerlab Convention 1995. # 3 After Party | MC | ||||||||||
C 17. 4 | Callerlab Convention 1995. # 4 Successful Choreography - Basic & Mainstream | MC | ||||||||||
C 17. 5 | Callerlab Convention 1995. # 5 Salesmanship | MC | ||||||||||
C 17. 6 | Callerlab Convention 1995. # 6 Teaching Techniques | MC | ||||||||||
C 17. 7 | Callerlab Convention 1995. # 7 Everything You Want To Know About Management | MC | ||||||||||
C 17. 8 | Callerlab Convention 1995. # 8 Successful Choreography - Plus | MC | ||||||||||
C 17. 9 | Callerlab Convention 1995. # 9 Managing A Home Program | MC | ||||||||||
C 17.10 | Callerlab Convention 1995. # 10 Techniques For Self Improvement | MC | ||||||||||
C 17.11 | Callerlab Convention 1995. # 11 Positive Communication & Problem Solving Conversation | MC | ||||||||||
C 17.12 | Callerlab Convention 1995. # 12 Successful Choreography - Advanced & Challenge | MC | ||||||||||
C 17.13 | Callerlab Convention 1995. # 13 Teaching In School | MC | ||||||||||
C 17.14 | Callerlab Convention 1995. # 14 How To Use The CDP Program | MC | ||||||||||
C 17.15 | Callerlab Convention 1995. # 15 Sound Enhancement | MC | ||||||||||
C 17.16 | Callerlab Convention 1995. # 16 Overseas Callers Showcase | MC | ||||||||||
C 17.17 | Callerlab Convention 1995. # 17 Contra Interest Dance Session | MC | ||||||||||
C 17.18 | Callerlab Convention 1995. # 18 Advanced Techniques Of Sight Calling - Part 1 | MC | ||||||||||
C 17.19 | Callerlab Convention 1995. # 19 One Night Stands | MC | ||||||||||
C 17.20 | Callerlab Convention 1995. # 20 Contra Basic Interest Session | MC | ||||||||||
C 17.21 | Callerlab Convention 1995. # 21 Showmanship | MC | ||||||||||
C 17.22 | Callerlab Convention 1995. # 22 Singing Call Adaption | MC | ||||||||||
C 17.23 | Callerlab Convention 1995. # 23 Voice 101 - Calling With Confidence & Care | MC | ||||||||||
C 17.24 | Callerlab Convention 1995. # 24 The Leadership Role Of The Partner | MC | ||||||||||
C 17.25 | Callerlab Convention 1995. # 25 Square Dance Promotion | MC | ||||||||||
C 17.26 | Callerlab Convention 1995. # 26 Advanced Techniques Of Sight Calling - Part 2 | MC | ||||||||||
C 17.27 | Callerlab Convention 1995. # 27 How To Use The Basic Program | MC | ||||||||||
C 17.28 | Callerlab Convention 1995. # 28 Working With Music | MC | ||||||||||
C 17.29 | Callerlab Convention 1995. # 29 People Skills | MC | ||||||||||
C 17.30 | Callerlab Convention 1995. # 30 Voice 102 - Calling With Confidence & Care | MC | ||||||||||
C 17.31 | Callerlab Convention 1995. # 31 Line / Solo Dancing | MC | ||||||||||
C 18. X | verschenkt | Callerlab Convention 1996 (37 Tapes) | MC | |||||||||
C 18. 1 | Callerlab Convention 1996. # 1 CDP Dance Session | MC | ||||||||||
C 18. 2 | Callerlab Convention 1996. # 2 CDP Dance Session | MC | ||||||||||
C 18. 3 | Callerlab Convention 1996. # 3 C / W Dance | MC | ||||||||||
C 18. 4 | Callerlab Convention 1996. # 4 C / W Dance | MC | ||||||||||
C 18. 5 | Callerlab Convention 1996. # 5 Opening Session | MC | ||||||||||
C 18. 6 | Callerlab Convention 1996. # 6 Showmanship Through Choreography | MC | ||||||||||
C 18. 7 | Callerlab Convention 1996. # 7 Voice I | MC | ||||||||||
C 18. 8 | Callerlab Convention 1996. # 8 Choreo Development - How To Teach Mainstream | MC | ||||||||||
C 18. 9 | Callerlab Convention 1996. # 9 Organized, Functional, Meaningful Thoughts Of The Partner | MC | ||||||||||
C 18.10 | Callerlab Convention 1996. # 10 Teaching Techniques - Basic / Mainstream | MC | ||||||||||
C 18.11a | Callerlab Convention 1996. # 11a Voice II | MC | ||||||||||
C 18.11b | Callerlab Convention 1996. # 11b Voice II | MC | ||||||||||
C 18.12 | Callerlab Convention 1996. # 12 One Night Stands | MC | ||||||||||
C 18.13 | Callerlab Convention 1996. # 13 Circle Of Smiles - The Partner, Part II | MC | ||||||||||
C 18.15 | Callerlab Convention 1996. # 15 Showmanship Through Choreography | MC | ||||||||||
C 18.16 | Callerlab Convention 1996. # 16 Choreo Development - How To Teach Mainstream | MC | ||||||||||
C 18.17 | Callerlab Convention 1996. # 17 Contra Basic Interest Session | MC | ||||||||||
C 18.18 | Callerlab Convention 1996. # 18 Overseas Callers Dance | MC | ||||||||||
C 18.19 | Callerlab Convention 1996. # 19 Choreo Development - How To Call MS Emphasis Calls | MC | ||||||||||
C 18.20 | Callerlab Convention 1996. # 20 Showmanship Through Presentation | MC | ||||||||||
C 18.21 | Callerlab Convention 1996. # 21 Teaching Techniques - Extended Skills | MC | ||||||||||
C 18.22 | Callerlab Convention 1996. # 22 Working Relationship, Experiences Of The Past vs Those Of The Present | MC | ||||||||||
C 18.23 | Callerlab Convention 1996. # 23 People Skills & Leadership | MC | ||||||||||
C 18.24 | Callerlab Convention 1996. # 24 Managing A Home Program | MC | ||||||||||
C 18.25 | Callerlab Convention 1996. # 25 How To Attract A New Generation Of Dancers | MC | ||||||||||
C 18.26 | Callerlab Convention 1996. # 26 Women in Calling - Safety While Traveling | MC | ||||||||||
C 18.27 | Callerlab Convention 1996. # 27 An Open Forum on Alternate Dance Programs - A Debate | MC | ||||||||||
C 18.28 | Callerlab Convention 1996. # 28 Music - Techniques & Harmony | MC | ||||||||||
C 18.29 | Callerlab Convention 1996. # 29 How To Use A Note Servive | MC | ||||||||||
C 18.30 | Callerlab Convention 1996. # 30 Festival Calling | MC | ||||||||||
C 18.31 | Callerlab Convention 1996. # 31 Teaching Techniques - Plus | MC | ||||||||||
C 18.32 | Callerlab Convention 1996. # 32 Adapting Singing Call Figures | MC | ||||||||||
C 18.33 | Callerlab Convention 1996. # 33 After Party | MC | ||||||||||
C 18.34 | Callerlab Convention 1996. # 34 Contra Interest Dance Session | MC | ||||||||||
C 18.35 | Callerlab Convention 1996. # 35 Closing Session - Part 1 | MC | ||||||||||
C 18.36 | Callerlab Convention 1996. # 36 Closing Session - Part 2 | MC | ||||||||||
C 19. X | verschenkt | Callerlab Convention 1997 (30 Tapes) | MC | |||||||||
C 19. 1 | Callerlab Convention 1997. # 1 CDP Dance Session - Part 1 | MC | ||||||||||
C 19. 2 | Callerlab Convention 1997. # 2 CDP Dance Session - Part 2 | MC | ||||||||||
C 19. 3 | Callerlab Convention 1997. # 3 After Party - Part 1 | MC | ||||||||||
C 19. 4 | Callerlab Convention 1997. # 4 After Party - Part 2 | MC | ||||||||||
C 19. 5 | Callerlab Convention 1997. # 5 Solving Our Problems - What Are Our Choices? | MC | ||||||||||
C 19. 6 | Callerlab Convention 1997. # 6 Voice I - For Caller Trainers | MC | ||||||||||
C 19. 7 | Callerlab Convention 1997. # 7 Timing & Training in the CDP Program | MC | ||||||||||
C 19. 8 | Callerlab Convention 1997. # 8 Partners' I - A Family in Crisis, or At Least Under Pressure | MC | ||||||||||
C 19. 9 | Callerlab Convention 1997. # 9 Standard Choreo vs Extended Applications - Mainstream | MC | ||||||||||
C 19.10 | Callerlab Convention 1997. # 10 Understanding Technical Zeros | MC | ||||||||||
C 19.11 | Callerlab Convention 1997. # 11 Body Flow / Smoothness | MC | ||||||||||
C 19.12 | Callerlab Convention 1997. # 12 Showmanship | MC | ||||||||||
C 19.13 | Callerlab Convention 1997. # 13 Voice II - General Session On Voice | MC | ||||||||||
C 19.14 | Callerlab Convention 1997. # 14 Timing and Phrasing in Class | MC | ||||||||||
C 19.15 | Callerlab Convention 1997. # 15 Standard Application Showcase | MC | ||||||||||
C 19.16 | Callerlab Convention 1997. # 16 Contra Showcase | MC | ||||||||||
C 19.17 | Callerlab Convention 1997. # 17 Standard Choreo vs Extended Applications - Plus | MC | ||||||||||
C 19.18 | Callerlab Convention 1997. # 18 Voice III - Critique Session | MC | ||||||||||
C 19.19 | Callerlab Convention 1997. # 19 Teaching Techniques | MC | ||||||||||
C 19.20 | Callerlab Convention 1997. # 20 Standard Choreo vs Extended Applications - Mainstream | MC | ||||||||||
C 19.21 | Callerlab Convention 1997. # 21 Teaching Examples - How People Learn | MC | ||||||||||
C 19.22 | Callerlab Convention 1997. # 22 Multi-Cycle Programming | MC | ||||||||||
C 19.23 | Callerlab Convention 1997. # 23 Partner II - New Tricks for an Old Dog - New Looks at the Partner's Role | MC | ||||||||||
C 19.24 | Callerlab Convention 1997. # 24 Standard Choreo vs Extended Applications - Basic | MC | ||||||||||
C 19.25 | Callerlab Convention 1997. # 25 Voice IV - Critique Session | MC | ||||||||||
C 19.26 | Callerlab Convention 1997. # 26 Teaching Callers to use Contras | MC | ||||||||||
C 19.27 | Callerlab Convention 1997. # 27 Music - Techniques & Harmony | MC | ||||||||||
C 19.28 | Callerlab Convention 1997. # 28 Festival Calling | MC | ||||||||||
C 19.29 | Callerlab Convention 1997. # 29 Chinese Dancers | MC | ||||||||||
C 19.30 | Callerlab Convention 1997. # 30 The Way We Were | MC | ||||||||||
C 20. X | Callerlab Mini Lab 1997 (13 Tapes) | MC | ||||||||||
C 20. 1 | Callerlab Mini Lab 1997. # 1 What Is Callerlab - Resources From Callerlab - Report On Alternative Programs | MC | ||||||||||
C 20. 2 | Callerlab Mini Lab 1997. # 2 Teaching Techniques | MC | ||||||||||
C 20. 3 | Callerlab Mini Lab 1997. # 3 Use Of Music And Voice | MC | ||||||||||
C 20. 4 | Callerlab Mini Lab 1997. # 4 Extended Applications With The Mainsteam Program | MC | ||||||||||
C 20. 5 | Callerlab Mini Lab 1997. # 5 Advance Choreography | MC | ||||||||||
C 20. 6 | Callerlab Mini Lab 1997. # 6 Timing And Smoothness | MC | ||||||||||
C 20. 7 | Callerlab Mini Lab 1997. # 7 Square Dance Audio Equipment: The Answer To All The Questions You Ever Had, But Were Afraid To Ask | MC | ||||||||||
C 20. 8 | Callerlab Mini Lab 1997. # 8 Formation Management And Choreography | MC | ||||||||||
C 20. 9 | Callerlab Mini Lab 1997. # 9 Sight Calling | MC | ||||||||||
C 20.10 | Callerlab Mini Lab 1997. # 10 Panel: Alternative Dance Programs To The Basic, Mainsteam, Plus Programs | MC | ||||||||||
C 20.11 | Callerlab Mini Lab 1997. # 11 Programming For The Club Caller | MC | ||||||||||
C 20.12 | Callerlab Mini Lab 1997. # 12 Showmanship | MC | ||||||||||
C 20.13 | Callerlab Mini Lab 1997. # 13 General Meeting (Discussion Of Alternative Dance Programs) | MC | ||||||||||
C 21. X | Callerlab Convention 1998 (31 Tapes) (HO = handouts H45) | MC | ||||||||||
C 21. 1 | Callerlab Convention 1998. # 1 CDP Dance Session - Part 1 | MC | ||||||||||
C 21. 2 | Callerlab Convention 1998. # 2 CDP Dance Session - Part 2 | MC | ||||||||||
C 21. 3 | Callerlab Convention 1998. # 3 After Party (HO) | MC | ||||||||||
C 21. 4 | Callerlab Convention 1998. # 4 Presentation of T2000 Proposals | MC | ||||||||||
C 21. 5 | Callerlab Convention 1998. # 5 Difficult Communications | MC | ||||||||||
C 21. 6 | Callerlab Convention 1998. # 6 Improving Your Vocal Range - Part 1 | MC | ||||||||||
C 21. 7 | Callerlab Convention 1998. # 7 Improving Your Vocal Range - Part 2 | MC | ||||||||||
C 21. 8 | Callerlab Convention 1998. # 8 Debate on T2000 Proposal - Part 1 | MC | ||||||||||
C 21. 9 | Callerlab Convention 1998. # 9 Debate on T2000 Proposal - Part 2 | MC | ||||||||||
C 21.10 | Callerlab Convention 1998. # 10 Partners In The 90's And Beyond (HO) | MC | ||||||||||
C 21.11 | Callerlab Convention 1998. # 11 Improving Your Vocal Quality - Part 1 | MC | ||||||||||
C 21.12 | Callerlab Convention 1998. # 12 Improving Your Vocal Quality - Part 2 | MC | ||||||||||
C 21.13 | Callerlab Convention 1998. # 13 Voice Critic Session - Part 1 | MC | ||||||||||
C 21.14 | Callerlab Convention 1998. # 14 Voice Critic Session - Part 2 | MC | ||||||||||
C 21.15 | Callerlab Convention 1998. # 15 Mainstream Showcase | MC | ||||||||||
C 21.16 | Callerlab Convention 1998. # 16 Smoothness (HO) | MC | ||||||||||
C 21.17 | Callerlab Convention 1998. # 17 Contra Interest Session | MC | ||||||||||
C 21.18 | Callerlab Convention 1998. # 18 Understanding Technical Zeros (HO) | MC | ||||||||||
C 21.19 | Callerlab Convention 1998. # 19 How To Use The Basic Program (HO) | MC | ||||||||||
C 21.20 | Callerlab Convention 1998. # 20 Multi-Cycle Teaching (HO) | MC | ||||||||||
C 21.21 | Callerlab Convention 1998. # 21 Standard Choreo vs. Extended Applications - Mainstream | MC | ||||||||||
C 21.22 | Callerlab Convention 1998. # 22 How To Manage A Home Program (HO) | MC | ||||||||||
C 21.23 | Callerlab Convention 1998. # 23 Teaching - How People Learn | MC | ||||||||||
C 21.24 | Callerlab Convention 1998. # 24 Mental Image (HO) | MC | ||||||||||
C 21.25 | Callerlab Convention 1998. # 25 Music - Harmony (HO) | MC | ||||||||||
C 21.26 | Callerlab Convention 1998. # 26 CDP - Interest Session | MC | ||||||||||
C 21.27 | Callerlab Convention 1998. # 27 Teaching Ideas | MC | ||||||||||
C 21.28 | Callerlab Convention 1998. # 28 Progressive Squares, Dance & Teaching | MC | ||||||||||
C 21.29 | Callerlab Convention 1998. # 29 Contra/Traditional Showcase | MC | ||||||||||
C 21.30 | Callerlab Convention 1998. # 30 Annual Meeting - Part 1 (HO) | MC | ||||||||||
C 21.31 | Callerlab Convention 1998. # 31 Annual Meeting - Part 2 | MC | ||||||||||
C 23. X | Callerlab Convention 1999 (36 Tapes) (HO = handouts H48) | MC | ||||||||||
C 23. 1 | Callerlab Convention 1999. # 1 Presenting A One Night Stand - Part 1 | MC | ||||||||||
C 23. 2 | Callerlab Convention 1999. # 2 Presenting A One Night Stand - Part 2 | MC | ||||||||||
C 23. 3 | Callerlab Convention 1999. # 3 Making Demos Sell | MC | ||||||||||
C 23. 4 | Callerlab Convention 1999. # 4 Where Do They Come From (HO) | MC | ||||||||||
C 23. 5 | Callerlab Convention 1999. # 5 Modules (HO) | MC | ||||||||||
C 23. 6 | Callerlab Convention 1999. # 6 Voice 1 | MC | ||||||||||
C 23. 7 | Callerlab Convention 1999. # 7 Sociability (HO) | MC | ||||||||||
C 23. 8 | Callerlab Convention 1999. # 8 Teaching Dancing (HO) | MC | ||||||||||
C 23. 9 | Callerlab Convention 1999. # 9 Helping With Promotion | MC | ||||||||||
C 23. A | Callerlab Convention 1999. # A After Party | MC | ||||||||||
C 23. B | Callerlab Convention 1999. # B Opening Session | MC | ||||||||||
C 23.10 | Callerlab Convention 1999. # 10 Voice II | MC | ||||||||||
C 23.11 | Callerlab Convention 1999. # 11 Keep 'em With Patter (HO) | MC | ||||||||||
C 23.12 | Callerlab Convention 1999. # 12 Keep 'em - With Singing Calls | MC | ||||||||||
C 23.13 | Callerlab Convention 1999. # 13 Tax Returns - A Spreadsheet Approach (HO) | MC | ||||||||||
C 23.14 | Callerlab Convention 1999. # 14 CDP Interest Session | MC | ||||||||||
C 23.15 | Callerlab Convention 1999. # 15 Remember When (HO) | MC | ||||||||||
C 23.16 | Callerlab Convention 1999. # 16 Media Promotion (HO) | MC | ||||||||||
C 23.17 | Callerlab Convention 1999. # 17 Recruiting From Dance Parties | MC | ||||||||||
C 23.18 | Callerlab Convention 1999. # 18 Partners Session | MC | ||||||||||
C 23.19 | Callerlab Convention 1999. # 19 Voice III - Critique 1 of 2 | MC | ||||||||||
C 23.20 | Callerlab Convention 1999. # 20 Dancing Is Learning (HO) | MC | ||||||||||
C 23.21 | Callerlab Convention 1999. # 21 Concern For Our Clients (HO) | MC | ||||||||||
C 23.22 | Callerlab Convention 1999. # 22 The Multicycle Teaching Approach | MC | ||||||||||
C 23.23 | Callerlab Convention 1999. # 23 Voice IV - Critique 2 of 2 | MC | ||||||||||
C 23.24 | Callerlab Convention 1999. # 24 Keep 'em - Theme Tips | MC | ||||||||||
C 23.25 | Callerlab Convention 1999. # 25 Keep 'em - With Smoothness (HO) | MC | ||||||||||
C 23.26 | Callerlab Convention 1999. # 26 Music - Marketing Tool (HO) | MC | ||||||||||
C 23.27 | Callerlab Convention 1999. # 27 Using The Basic Program (HO) | MC | ||||||||||
C 23.28 | Callerlab Convention 1999. # 28 How To Sell A Workshop | MC | ||||||||||
C 23.29 | Callerlab Convention 1999. # 29 Harmony | MC | ||||||||||
C 23.30 | Callerlab Convention 1999. # 30 Contra/Traditional Interest Session | MC | ||||||||||
C 23.31 | Callerlab Convention 1999. # 31 Use Of Equipment (HO) | MC | ||||||||||
C 23.32 | Callerlab Convention 1999. # 32 Contra Traditional Dance (HO) | MC | ||||||||||
C 23.33 | Callerlab Convention 1999. # 33 Brief Showcase Dance | MC | ||||||||||
C 23.34 | Callerlab Convention 1999. # 34 Annual Meeting (HO) | MC | ||||||||||
C 24. X | Callerlab Convention 2000 (26 Tapes) | MC | ||||||||||
C 24. 1 | Callerlab Convention 2000. # 1 CDP/Contra/Traditional - Part 1 | MC | ||||||||||
C 24. 2 | Callerlab Convention 2000. # 2 CDP/Contra/Traditional - Part 2 | MC | ||||||||||
C 24. 3a | Callerlab Convention 2000. # 3a Closing Session | MC | ||||||||||
C 24. 3b | Callerlab Convention 2000. # 3b Closing Session | MC | ||||||||||
C 24. 4 | Callerlab Convention 2000. # 4 After Party | MC | ||||||||||
C 24. 5 | Callerlab Convention 2000. # 5 Marketing Square Dancing | MC | ||||||||||
C 24. 6 | Callerlab Convention 2000. # 6 PPC Open Forum | MC | ||||||||||
C 24. 7 | Callerlab Convention 2000. # 7 Contra/Traditional Session | MC | ||||||||||
C 24. 8 | Callerlab Convention 2000. # 8 Voice I | MC | ||||||||||
C 24. 9 | Callerlab Convention 2000. # 9 Partners Session | MC | ||||||||||
C 24.10 | Callerlab Convention 2000. # 10 Showmanship | MC | ||||||||||
C 24.11 | Callerlab Convention 2000. # 11 Using The Basic Program | MC | ||||||||||
C 24.12 | Callerlab Convention 2000. # 12 Voice II | MC | ||||||||||
C 24.13 | Callerlab Convention 2000. # 13 Dance to the Classics | MC | ||||||||||
C 24.14 | Callerlab Convention 2000. # 14 New Dancer Dance | MC | ||||||||||
C 24.15 | Callerlab Convention 2000. # 15 Advanced & Challenge | MC | ||||||||||
C 24.16 | Callerlab Convention 2000. # 16 How Did He Do That? | MC | ||||||||||
C 24.17 | Callerlab Convention 2000. # 17 Smoothness | MC | ||||||||||
C 24.18 | Callerlab Convention 2000. # 18 Voice III | MC | ||||||||||
C 24.19 | Callerlab Convention 2000. # 19 Teaching | MC | ||||||||||
C 24.20 | Callerlab Convention 2000. # 20 Modules | MC | ||||||||||
C 24.21 | Callerlab Convention 2000. # 21 Voice IV | MC | ||||||||||
C 24.22 | Callerlab Convention 2000. # 22 Multi-Cycle Programming | MC | ||||||||||
C 24.23 | Callerlab Convention 2000. # 23 Theme Tips | MC | ||||||||||
C 24.24 | Callerlab Convention 2000. # 24 Choreo Development | MC | ||||||||||
C 24.25 | Callerlab Convention 2000. # 25 Digital Music | MC | ||||||||||
C 25. X | Callerlab Convention 2001 (32 Tapes) | MC | ||||||||||
C 25. 1 | Callerlab Convention 2001. # 1 CDP Dance - Part 1 | MC | ||||||||||
C 25. 2 | Callerlab Convention 2001. # 2 CDP Dance - Part 2 | MC | ||||||||||
C 25. 3 | Callerlab Convention 2001. # 3 After Party Session | MC | ||||||||||
C 25. 4 | Callerlab Convention 2001. # 4 Marketing | MC | ||||||||||
C 25. 5 | Callerlab Convention 2001. # 5 Marketing | MC | ||||||||||
C 25. 6 | Callerlab Convention 2001. # 6 Showmanship | MC | ||||||||||
C 25. 7 | Callerlab Convention 2001. # 7 Demographic Surveys | MC | ||||||||||
C 25. 8 | Callerlab Convention 2001. # 8 What Do They Say? | MC | ||||||||||
C 25. 9 | Callerlab Convention 2001. # 9 Digital Music | MC | ||||||||||
C 25.10 | Callerlab Convention 2001. # 10 Different Not Difficult | MC | ||||||||||
C 25.11 | Callerlab Convention 2001. # 11 Partner's Session | MC | ||||||||||
C 25.13 | Callerlab Convention 2001. # 13 BOF - Yodeling | MC | ||||||||||
C 25.14 | Callerlab Convention 2001. # 14 Square Dancing in the 1960's | MC | ||||||||||
C 25.15 | Callerlab Convention 2001. # 15 New Dancers Dance | MC | ||||||||||
C 25.16 | Callerlab Convention 2001. # 16 Advanced & Challenge Choreo | MC | ||||||||||
C 25.17 | Callerlab Convention 2001. # 17 Multi-Cycle Teaching | MC | ||||||||||
C 25.18 | Callerlab Convention 2001. # 18 What A Dance! | MC | ||||||||||
C 25.19 | Callerlab Convention 2001. # 19 Selling Off Stage | MC | ||||||||||
C 25.20 | Callerlab Convention 2001. # 20 Modules/Sight | MC | ||||||||||
C 25.21 | Callerlab Convention 2001. # 21 Best Kept Secret (Choreo Application) | MC | ||||||||||
C 25.22 | Callerlab Convention 2001. # 22 Target Marketing | MC | ||||||||||
C 25.23 | Callerlab Convention 2001. # 23 Step-by-Step (Choreo Development) | MC | ||||||||||
C 25.24 | Callerlab Convention 2001. # 24 Contra/Traditional | MC | ||||||||||
C 25.25 | Callerlab Convention 2001. # 25 Partners | MC | ||||||||||
C 25.26 | Callerlab Convention 2001. # 26 The Successful Club (How to Keep Em') | MC | ||||||||||
C 25.27 | Callerlab Convention 2001. # 27 Convention Attendance | MC | ||||||||||
C 25.28 | Callerlab Convention 2001. # 28 Teaching | MC | ||||||||||
C 25.29 | Callerlab Convention 2001. # 29 Voice III | MC | ||||||||||
C 25.30A | Callerlab Convention 2001. # 30A International Dance | MC | ||||||||||
C 25.30B | Callerlab Convention 2001. # 30B International Dance | MC | ||||||||||
C 25.31A | Callerlab Convention 2001. # 31A Contra/Traditional Dance | MC | ||||||||||
C 25.31B | Callerlab Convention 2001. # 31B Contra/Traditional Dance | MC | ||||||||||
C 26. X | Callerlab Convention 2002 (38 Tapes) | MC | ||||||||||
C 26. 1 | Callerlab Convention 2002. # 1 CDP Dance - Part 1 | MC | ||||||||||
C 26. 2 | Callerlab Convention 2002. # 2 CDP Dance - Part 2 | MC | ||||||||||
C 26. 3 | Callerlab Convention 2002. # 3 Orientation Session | MC | ||||||||||
C 26. 4 | Callerlab Convention 2002. # 4 After Party Session | MC | ||||||||||
C 26. 5 | Callerlab Convention 2002. # 5 Opening Session | MC | ||||||||||
C 26. 6 | Callerlab Convention 2002. # 6 How They Learn | MC | ||||||||||
C 26. 7 | Callerlab Convention 2002. # 7 All Marketing Is Local | MC | ||||||||||
C 26. 8 | Callerlab Convention 2002. # 8 Using Music Well | MC | ||||||||||
C 26. 9 | Callerlab Convention 2002. # 9 Voice I - Part 1 | MC | ||||||||||
C 26.10 | Callerlab Convention 2002. # 10 Voice I - Part 2 | MC | ||||||||||
C 26.11 | Callerlab Convention 2002. # 11 Fun Night | MC | ||||||||||
C 26.12 | Callerlab Convention 2002. # 12 Modules | MC | ||||||||||
C 26.13 | Callerlab Convention 2002. # 13 Voice II | MC | ||||||||||
C 26.14 | Callerlab Convention 2002. # 14 Use Of Standard Applications Book | MC | ||||||||||
C 26.15 | Callerlab Convention 2002. # 15 First Class Night | MC | ||||||||||
C 26.16 | Callerlab Convention 2002. # 16 Multi-Cycle | MC | ||||||||||
C 26.17 | Callerlab Convention 2002. # 17 Advanced & Challenge | MC | ||||||||||
C 26.18 | Callerlab Convention 2002. # 18 BOF - Handi-Cable Groups | MC | ||||||||||
C 26.19 | Callerlab Convention 2002. # 19 BOF - Yodeling | MC | ||||||||||
C 26.20 | Callerlab Convention 2002. # 20 12th Night Dance | MC | ||||||||||
C 26.21 | Callerlab Convention 2002. # 21 Close The Deal | MC | ||||||||||
C 26.22 | Callerlab Convention 2002. # 22 Voice III | MC | ||||||||||
C 26.23 | Callerlab Convention 2002. # 23 Partners' Session History Of Dance Attire | MC | ||||||||||
C 26.24 | Callerlab Convention 2002. # 24 Different Not Difficult | MC | ||||||||||
C 26.25 | Callerlab Convention 2002. # 25 Showmanship | MC | ||||||||||
C 26.26 | Callerlab Convention 2002. # 26 Voice IV | MC | ||||||||||
C 26.27 | Callerlab Convention 2002. # 27 Partners - CPR | MC | ||||||||||
C 26.28 | Callerlab Convention 2002. # 28 12th Night Dance Material | MC | ||||||||||
C 26.29 | Callerlab Convention 2002. # 29 Teaching Tips | MC | ||||||||||
C 26.30 | Callerlab Convention 2002. # 30 Contra/Traditional | MC | ||||||||||
C 26.31 | Callerlab Convention 2002. # 31 Talk The Talk | MC | ||||||||||
C 26.32 | Callerlab Convention 2002. # 32 Sight Before Resolution | MC | ||||||||||
C 26.33 | Callerlab Convention 2002. # 33 Digital Music | MC | ||||||||||
C 26.34 | Callerlab Convention 2002. # 34 First Club Night | MC | ||||||||||
C 26.35 | Callerlab Convention 2002. # 35 Song To Singing Call | MC | ||||||||||
C 26.36 | Callerlab Convention 2002. # 36 Alternate Music Dance | MC | ||||||||||
C 26.37 | Callerlab Convention 2002. # 37 Contra/Traditional Dance - Part 1 | MC | ||||||||||
C 26.38 | Callerlab Convention 2002. # 38 Contra/Traditional Dance - Part 2 | MC | ||||||||||
C 27. X | Callerlab Convention 2003 (35 Tapes) | MC | ||||||||||
C 27. 1 | Callerlab Convention 2003. # 1 Community Dance - Part 1 | MC | ||||||||||
C 27. 2 | Callerlab Convention 2003. # 2 Community Dance - Part 2 | MC | ||||||||||
C 27. 3 | Callerlab Convention 2003. # 3 Orientation Session | MC | ||||||||||
C 27. 4 | Callerlab Convention 2003. # 4 After Party | MC | ||||||||||
C 27. 5 | Callerlab Convention 2003. # 5 One Call Dance | MC | ||||||||||
C 27. 6 | Callerlab Convention 2003. # 6 Modules | MC | ||||||||||
C 27. 7 | Callerlab Convention 2003. # 7 Digital Music | MC | ||||||||||
C 27. 8 | Callerlab Convention 2003. # 8 Teaching Tips | MC | ||||||||||
C 27. 9 | Callerlab Convention 2003. # 9 TRIAD Forum | MC | ||||||||||
C 27.10 | Callerlab Convention 2003. # 10 Dance Mechanic & Styles | MC | ||||||||||
C 27.11 | Callerlab Convention 2003. # 11 Keep Fresh - New Ideas | MC | ||||||||||
C 27.12 | Callerlab Convention 2003. # 12 Our Product - Open Forum (Should we change Prod) | MC | ||||||||||
C 27.13 | Callerlab Convention 2003. # 13 New Caller Session | MC | ||||||||||
C 27.14 | Callerlab Convention 2003. # 14 BOF - Yodeling | MC | ||||||||||
C 27.15 | Callerlab Convention 2003. # 15 BOF Hexagon Squares | MC | ||||||||||
C 27.16 | Callerlab Convention 2003. # 16 Contra/Traditional Dance | MC | ||||||||||
C 27.17 | Callerlab Convention 2003. # 17 Multi-Cycle | MC | ||||||||||
C 27.18 | Callerlab Convention 2003. # 18 Sight Before Resolution | MC | ||||||||||
C 27.19 | Callerlab Convention 2003. # 19 How to Promt Contra | MC | ||||||||||
C 27.20 | Callerlab Convention 2003. # 20 By Laws Change | MC | ||||||||||
C 27.21 | Callerlab Convention 2003. # 21 Party Nights (What you know) | MC | ||||||||||
C 27.22 | Callerlab Convention 2003. # 22 Recruiting Tips | MC | ||||||||||
C 27.23 | Callerlab Convention 2003. # 23 Youth Calling | MC | ||||||||||
C 27.24 | Callerlab Convention 2003. # 24 Partner Session | MC | ||||||||||
C 27.25 | Callerlab Convention 2003. # 25 Showmanship | MC | ||||||||||
C 27.26 | Callerlab Convention 2003. # 26 How to Get Party Nights | MC | ||||||||||
C 27.27 | Callerlab Convention 2003. # 27 Handicapable | MC | ||||||||||
C 27.28 | Callerlab Convention 2003. # 28 Creative Mainstream Session | MC | ||||||||||
C 27.29 | Callerlab Convention 2003. # 29 Judgement Call | MC | ||||||||||
C 27.30 | Callerlab Convention 2003. # 30 Alternate Music Session | MC | ||||||||||
C 27.31 | Callerlab Convention 2003. # 31 Advanced/Challenge Session | MC | ||||||||||
C 27.32 | Callerlab Convention 2003. # 32 One Call Dance | MC | ||||||||||
C 27.33 | Callerlab Convention 2003. # 33 Women In Calling Dance | MC | ||||||||||
C 27.34 | Callerlab Convention 2003. # 34 Closing Session - Part 1 | MC | ||||||||||
C 27.35 | Callerlab Convention 2003. # 35 Closing Session - Part 2 | MC | ||||||||||
C 28. X | Callerlab Convtion 2004 (36 Tapes) | MC | ||||||||||
C 28. 1 | Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 1 Community Dance - Part 1 | MC | ||||||||||
C 28. 2 | Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 2 Community Dance - Part 2 | MC | ||||||||||
C 28. 3 | Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 3 Orientation Session | MC | ||||||||||
C 28. 4 | Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 4 After Party | MC | ||||||||||
C 28. 5 | Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 5 Marketing Works | MC | ||||||||||
C 28. 6 | Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 6 How to prompt Contra | MC | ||||||||||
C 28. 7 | Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 7 Challange Choreography | MC | ||||||||||
C 28. 8 | Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 8 Voice (Women in calling) | MC | ||||||||||
C 28. 9 | Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 9 Selling Multi-Cycle | MC | ||||||||||
C 28.10 | Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 10 Dancing before the resolution | MC | ||||||||||
C 28.11 | Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 11 Calling in School | MC | ||||||||||
C 28.12 | Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 12 Voice (Caller-Coach) | MC | ||||||||||
C 28.13 | Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 13 Square Dance Party | MC | ||||||||||
C 28.14 | Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 14 Teaching Tips (15 Selected Calls) | MC | ||||||||||
C 28.15 | Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 15 Programming | MC | ||||||||||
C 28.16 | Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 16 BOF - Alternative Music | MC | ||||||||||
C 28.17 | Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 17 BOF - Hexagon Squares | MC | ||||||||||
C 28.18 | Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 18 Contra - Traditional 1 | MC | ||||||||||
C 28.19 | Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 19 Contra - Traditional 2 | MC | ||||||||||
C 28.20 | Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 20 Winning ways | MC | ||||||||||
C 28.21 | Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 21 Creative Mainstream | MC | ||||||||||
C 28.22 | Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 22 Newer Callers | MC | ||||||||||
C 28.23 | Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 23 Dancing Sells | MC | ||||||||||
C 28.24 | Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 24 Modules | MC | ||||||||||
C 28.25 | Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 25 History-Heritage-Traditional | MC | ||||||||||
C 28.26 | Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 26 Recruiting Tips | MC | ||||||||||
C 28.27 | Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 27 Showmanship | MC | ||||||||||
C 28.28 | Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 28 Advanced Choreography | MC | ||||||||||
C 28.29 | Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 29 Voice (General) | MC | ||||||||||
C 28.30 | Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 30 Digital Music | MC | ||||||||||
C 28.31 | Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 31 Calling for Youth | MC | ||||||||||
C 28.32 | Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 32 Calling for Handicapable | MC | ||||||||||
C 28.33 | Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 33 BOF - Surprise Resolutin | MC | ||||||||||
C 28.34 | Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 34 Duet Dance | MC | ||||||||||
C 28.35A | Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 35A Closing Session 1 | MC | ||||||||||
C 28.35B | Callerlab Convtion 2004. # 35B Closing Session 2 | MC | ||||||||||
C 29. X | Callerlab Convention 2005 (40 CDs) | CD | ||||||||||
C 29. 1 | Callerlab Convention 2005. # 1 Community Dance - PART 1 | CD | ||||||||||
C 29. 2 | Callerlab Convention 2005. # 2 Community Dance - PART 2 | CD | ||||||||||
C 29. 3 | Callerlab Convention 2005. # 3 Orientation Session | CD | ||||||||||
C 29. 4 | Callerlab Convention 2005. # 4 After Party | CD | ||||||||||
C 29. 5 | Callerlab Convention 2005. # 5 Alternate Teaching Order | CD | ||||||||||
C 29. 6 | Callerlab Convention 2005. # 6 Advanced Choreography | CD | ||||||||||
C 29. 7 | Callerlab Convention 2005. # 7 Modular Calling-Modular Calling | CD | ||||||||||
C 29. 8 | Callerlab Convention 2005. # 8 Calling for Handicapable | CD | ||||||||||
C 29. 9 | Callerlab Convention 2005. # 9 Singing Calls - Changing Figures | CD | ||||||||||
C 29.10 | Callerlab Convention 2005. # 10 Steal a Peek - PART 1 | CD | ||||||||||
C 29.11 | Callerlab Convention 2005. # 11 Steal a Peek - PART 2 | CD | ||||||||||
C 29.12 | Callerlab Convention 2005. # 12 Partners Session PART 1 | CD | ||||||||||
C 29.13 | Callerlab Convention 2005. # 13 Partners Session PART 2 | CD | ||||||||||
C 29.14 | Callerlab Convention 2005. # 14 Digital Music USE | CD | ||||||||||
C 29.15 | Callerlab Convention 2005. # 15 Newer Callers Forum | CD | ||||||||||
C 29.16 | Callerlab Convention 2005. # 16 Squares & Rounds - Team Work PART 1 | CD | ||||||||||
C 29.17 | Callerlab Convention 2005. # 17 Squares & Rounds - Team Work PART 2 | CD | ||||||||||
C 29.18 | Callerlab Convention 2005. # 18 Survey Information | CD | ||||||||||
C 29.19 | Callerlab Convention 2005. # 19 BOF - Gimmicks | CD | ||||||||||
C 29.20 | Callerlab Convention 2005. # 20 Progressive Squares | CD | ||||||||||
C 29.21 | Callerlab Convention 2005. # 21 Teach Fun with Showmanship | CD | ||||||||||
C 29.22 | Callerlab Convention 2005. # 22 Winners Circle | CD | ||||||||||
C 29.23 | Callerlab Convention 2005. # 23 Calling for Youth | CD | ||||||||||
C 29.24 | Callerlab Convention 2005. # 24 Partners Session | CD | ||||||||||
C 29.25 | Callerlab Convention 2005. # 25 Selling Multi-Cycle | CD | ||||||||||
C 29.26 | Callerlab Convention 2005. # 26 Calling in Schools | CD | ||||||||||
C 29.27 | Callerlab Convention 2005. # 27 Call Analysis | CD | ||||||||||
C 29.28 | Callerlab Convention 2005. # 28 You Can Prompt Contra | CD | ||||||||||
C 29.29 | Callerlab Convention 2005. # 29 Why Square Break Down PART 1 | CD | ||||||||||
C 29.30 | Callerlab Convention 2005. # 30 Why Square Break Down PART 2 | CD | ||||||||||
C 29.31 | Callerlab Convention 2005. # 31 Business Side of Calling PART 1 | CD | ||||||||||
C 29.32 | Callerlab Convention 2005. # 32 Business Side of Calling PART 2 | CD | ||||||||||
C 29.33 | Callerlab Convention 2005. # 33 Square Dance Party Tips | CD | ||||||||||
C 29.34 | Callerlab Convention 2005. # 34 Dealing with Difficult People | CD | ||||||||||
C 29.35 | Callerlab Convention 2005. # 35 Smooth Creative Plus | CD | ||||||||||
C 29.36 | Callerlab Convention 2005. # 36 History-Heritage-Tradition PART 1 | CD | ||||||||||
C 29.37 | Callerlab Convention 2005. # 37 History-Heritage-Tradition PART 2 | CD | ||||||||||
C 29.38 | Callerlab Convention 2005. # 38 BOF - Hexagon Squares | CD | ||||||||||
C 29.39 | Callerlab Convention 2005. # 39 BOF - Fast Track | CD | ||||||||||
C 29.40 | Callerlab Convention 2005. # 40 Milestone Dance | CD | ||||||||||
C 30. X | Callerlab 33rd Convention April 9 - 2 2006. Renaissance Suites Hotel, Charlotte, NC. Outside the Square. | Convention CDs Inc. 2006. | 2 MP3 CD | CD | ||||||||
C 31. X | Callerlab 34th Convention April 1 4 2007, Sheraton Hotel, Colorado Springs, CO. Tools for Success. | Convention CDs Inc. 2007. | 2 MP3 CD | CD | ||||||||
C 32. X | Callerlab 35th Convention March 17 19, 2008. Los Angeles, CA. Lights Camera- Action. | Convention CDs Inc. 2008. | 2 MP3 CD | CD | ||||||||
C 33. X | Callerlab Convention 2009. Kansas City, MO April 6 8, 2009. Show Me. | Convention CDs, Inc. 2009. | 2 MP3 CD | CD | ||||||||
C 34 | Callerlab 37 Convention Niagara Falls, NY 2010. Explore the roar. | Convention CDs Inc. 2010. | 2 MP3 CD | |||||||||
C 35 | Callerlab Convention 2011. 38. Las Vegas, NV, April 18th 20th 2011. That's Entertainment. | Convention CDs Inc. 2011. | 2 MP3 CD | CD | ||||||||
C 36 | Callerlab Convention 2012. Nashville, TN, April 2nd 4th 2012. Grand Ole Opportunity. | Convention CDs, Inc. 2012. | 2 MP3 CD | CD | ||||||||
C 37 | Callerlab Convention 2013. Raleigh, NC, March 25 27 2013. Accentuate the Positive. | Convention CDs, Inc. 2013. | 2 MP3 CD | CD | ||||||||
C 38 | 41st Callerlab Convention 2014. Sparks, NV, April 14 16, Make something happen! | Convention CDs, Inc. 2014. | 2 MP3 CD | CD | C 38 | |||||||
C 39 | 42nd Convention 2015. Springfield, MO. Talk It Up #SquareDancing. | Convention CDs, Inc. 2015. | 2 MP3 CD | CD | C 39 | |||||||
C 40 | Callerlab 43rd Convention. March 20 23 2016, Norfolk, VA. Agents of Change. | Convention CDs, Inc. 2016. | 2 MP3 CD | CD | C 40 | |||||||
C 41 | Callerlab 44th Convention 2017. Build the base now! Mesa, AZ April 10-12 2017. | Convention CDs, Inc. 2017. | 2 MP3 CD | CD | C 41 | |||||||
C100 | Lasry, Jack: | The Sight Calling Video | Hollywood, Fla. | en | Caller | VHS | O | |||||
C101 | 1 | |||||||||||
C102 | Winter Jamboree 1993 - Mannheim Old West | VHS | K | |||||||||
C150 | ECTA Round Special 1987 PAL | Round | PAL | |||||||||
C151 | Round Phases I - VI NTSC (9 Bänder) | Round | NTSC | |||||||||
C152 | Round Phases I - VI PAL (3 Bänder) | Round | PAL | K | ||||||||
C153 | ECTA Easterday Session (Round) Part 1 | Round | VHS | K | ||||||||
C154 | ECTA Easterday Session (Round) Part 2 | Round | VHS | K | ||||||||
C155 | Goss, Carol u. Bill: | Figure Clinic. Showcases. Seminar 29.7.-4.8.1994 (3 Bänder). | Round | VHS | K | |||||||
C156 | Goss, Carol u. Bill: | Figure Clinic. Showcases. Seminar 29.7.-4.8.1994 (3 Bänder). | Round | VHS | K | |||||||
C157 | Roundalab: | Addendum. | 1996. | Round | VHS | K | ||||||
C158 | Roundalab: | Video Instructional Materials. Demonstration Tapes. Phase I - VI. (5 Bänder) | Round | VHS | K (2 Sätze) | |||||||
C159 | Callerlab: | After Party Session 1994. | VHS | K (2) | K | |||||||
C160 | Callerlab: | Overseas Caller. 1994. | VHS | K (2) | K | |||||||
C161 | Callerlab: | Overseas Caller. 1993. | VHS | |||||||||
C202 | Square Dance on Video. Basic. Caller: Lorenz Kuhlee. | SD | VHS | O | ||||||||
C203 | Square Dance on Video. Mainstream. Caller: Lorenz Kuhlee. | SD | VHS | O | ||||||||
C204 | Contra Dancing with Mike Seastrom. | Contra | VHS | O, K | K (4) | |||||||
C500 | ECTA Clog Convention 1999. | Clogging | VHS | K | K | |||||||
C501 | Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 1 | Clogging | VHS | K | K | |||||||
C502 | Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 2 | Clogging | VHS | K | K | |||||||
C503 | Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 3 | Clogging | VHS | K | K | |||||||
C504 | Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 4 | Clogging | VHS | K | K | |||||||
C505 | Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 5 | Clogging | VHS | K | K | |||||||
C506 | Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 6 | Clogging | VHS | K | K | |||||||
C507 | Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 7 | Clogging | VHS | K | ||||||||
C508 | Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 8 | Clogging | VHS | K | K | |||||||
C509 | Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 9 | Clogging | VHS | K | K | |||||||
C510 | Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 10 | Clogging | VHS | K | K | |||||||
C511 | Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 11 | Clogging | VHS | K | K | |||||||
C512 | Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 12 | Clogging | VHS | K | K | |||||||
C513 | Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 13 | Clogging | VHS | K | K | |||||||
C514 | Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 14 | Clogging | VHS | K | K | |||||||
C515 | Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 15 | Clogging | VHS | K | K | |||||||
C516 | Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 16 | Clogging | VHS | K | K | |||||||
C517 | Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 17 | Clogging | VHS | K | K | |||||||
C518 | Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 18 | Clogging | VHS | K | K | |||||||
C519 | Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 19 | Clogging | VHS | K | K | |||||||
C520 | Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 20 | Clogging | VHS | K | K | |||||||
C521 | Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 21 | Clogging | VHS | K | K | |||||||
C522 | Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 22 | Clogging | VHS | K | ||||||||
C523 | Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 23 | Clogging | VHS | K | ||||||||
C524 | Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 24 | Clogging | VHS | K | K (mit C525) | |||||||
C525 | Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 25 | Clogging | VHS | K | K (mit C524) | |||||||
C526 | Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 26 | Clogging | VHS | K | K | |||||||
C527 | Dance Pack Subscription Series. Featuring Jeff Driggs. Vol. 27 | Clogging | VHS | K | ||||||||
C600 | Burton Edwards: Ice Ice; Shawn Carey: Jazz Moves for Cloggers | VHS | ||||||||||
C601 | Claudia Tape 11 | VHS | ||||||||||
C602 | Nichols, Simone: | Advances & Freestyle | VHS | K | ||||||||
C603 | Waymouth, Judy: | Learn Step Dance : Old time Reel 1. | VHS | |||||||||
C604 | Burton Edwards, Buck Dancing & Clogging Intern. Simone Pace, Basics ofBuck Dance. Basics of Canadian Step Dance. | VHS | ||||||||||
C605 | Steve Smith's Double Doubles, Skuffits & Triplets, The Basics | VHS | ||||||||||
C606 | Steve Smith's Line Dance # 1, Clogging for His Glory | VHS | K | |||||||||
Compact Disc und DVD | ||||||||||||
CD1 | Callerlab: | Woman in Calling - 35 Singing Calls. (2 CD) | SD | CD | O | K | ||||||
CD2 | Callerlab: | After Party Session 1994. (DVD) | SD | DVD | O | |||||||
CD3 | Callerlab: | Overseas Caller. 1994. (DVD) | SD | DVD | O | |||||||
CD4 | Cha Cha Cha - Rhythm & Sound | Clogging | CD | O | ||||||||
CD5 | Roundalab: | Teacher's Seminar June 23, 2004; Denver, Colorado | Round | CD | O | |||||||
CD6 | Pure Voice. Clogging Music (15 Titel) | Clogging | CD | O | ||||||||
CD7 | Pure Sound. Clogging Music (12 Titel) | Clogging | CD | O | ||||||||
CD8 | Pure Sound. Clogging Music (6 Titel) | Clogging | CD | O | ||||||||
CD9 | Roundalab: | Standards for Round Dancing. Phases 1 & 2. (2 DVD) | Round | DVD | O | |||||||
CD10 | Roundalab: | Standards for Round Dancing. Phase 3. (2 DVD) | Round | DVD | O | |||||||
CD11 | Roundalab: | Standards for Round Dancing. Phase 4. (2 DVD) | Round | DVD | O | |||||||
CD12 | Roundalab: | Standards for Round Dancing. Phase 5. (2 DVD) | Round | DVD | O | |||||||
CD13 | Roundalab: | Standards for Round Dancing. Phase 6. (2 DVD) | Round | DVD | O | |||||||
CD14 | Pure Sound [5]. Clogging Music (18 Titel) | Clogging | CD | O | ||||||||
CD15 | City Slicker Stomp. Syllabus 2008. | Clogging | CD | O | ||||||||
CD16 | City Slicker Stomp. Syllabus 2009. | Clogging | CD | O | ||||||||
CD17 | City Slicker Stomp. 10th Annual Workshop April 4 & 5, 2008 Independence,MO. | Clogging | CD | O | ||||||||
CD18 | City Slicker Stomp. 11th Annual Workshop April 27 & 28, 2009 Independence,MO. | Clogging | CD | O | ||||||||
CD19 | 13th Clog Convention 2009 (17 Titel) | Clogging | CD | O | ||||||||
CD20 | Roundalab: | Standards for Round Dancing. Addendum DVD. (2 DVD) | 2009. | Round | DVD | O | ||||||
Archivalien | ||||||||||||
A1 | Square Dance Informationen. 2. Hrsg. von den Stintfang Square Dancers Hamburg. | 1964. | o. Pag. | de | SD | O | ||||||
A2 | Square Dancing vs. Square Running. | [1982]. | 11 S. | en | SD | O | ||||||
A3 | Teaching oder for Advanced level Basics. Mit zwei Seiten aus der Definition. | o. J. | 3 S. | en | SD | O | ||||||
A4 | ECTA Note Service. 1. Ed. | o. J. | 20 S. | en | SD | O | ||||||
A5 | Square Dancing. Indoctrination Handbool (revised). | Los Angeles, CA : The Sets in Order American Square Dance Society, 1980. | o. Pag. [Kopie] | en | SD | O |
The short URL of the present article is: https://ecta.de/2cyb