Callertreff SÜD and Square Dance is flourishing!

The group was started by Vroni Wimmer and Heike King and meets regularly both offline and online (offline 2 times a year; online up to 4 times a year). The meetings are regularly attended by 10 to 30 callers. Each meeting has an agenda and lasts officially about 2 hours, unofficially sometimes 4 hours or longer.

All meetings have a training session. Here we deal with topics from the EEP. Everyone is invited to give a seminar. Our speakers come from all levels of experience and there is always something for everyone. In addition, there is information on technical topics, as well as miscellaneous.


Contact: Martin Kull

Mail: CallertreffSued<at>
(or use contact form below)

The dates are currently still being determined via Doodle poll. Invitations will be sent out via a mail distribution list and published in a Facebook group. Send mail to Martin Kull and you will be added to the mailing list. Currently there are about 60 callers in the distribution list, some of them are not in the catchment area, they participate in online events.

A lot of things also happen online in the Clubroom !!!


The catchment area of the group is north and south of an imaginary line from Karlsruhe to Munich; everyone is welcome!!!

Next Meeting

will be announced soon

Your message to Caller meeting South

The short URL of the present article is: